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1.2 Targum Articles
Addinal, P., “Exodus
3:19B and the Interpretation of Biblical Narrative,” VT 49:3
(1999): 291-94. Targum, p. 294.
Aitken, J.K., “SXOINOS
in the Septuagint,” VT 50:4 (2000): 433-44. Also Syriac and Aramaic.
Alexander, P.S., “From
Poetry to Historiography: The Image of the Hasmoneans in Targum Canticles
and the Question of the Targum’s Provenance and Date,” JPS
19 (1999): 103-28.
Alexander, P.S., “From
Poetry to Historiography: The Image of the Hasmoneans in Targum Canticles
and the Question of the Targum’s Provenance and Date,” JSP
19 (April, 1999): 103-128.
Alexander, P.S., “The
King Messiah in Rabbinic Judaism.” In King and Messiah in Israel
and the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar,
edited by J. Day (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 456-73.
Anderson, W.H.U., “The
Semantic Implications of lbh and jbr tbyr in the Hebrew Bible and for
Qohelet,” JNSL 25:2 (1999): 59-73. Also Aramaic.
M., “Notes sur le vocabulaire musical dans le shar. biblique marocain,” JA 286:1
(1998): 55-83. Targum p. 56, Aramaic.
Barc, B., “Du temple á la synagogue:
essai d’interprétation des premiers targumismes de la Septante,”
in Katà toùs o’ = Selon les septante: trente etudes
sur la Bible grecque des Septante en hommage á Marguerite Harl,
Dorival, G., and O. Munnich, eds. (Paris: Editions
du Cerf., 1995), pp. 11-26.
Barré, M.L., “Textual
and Rhetorical-critical Observations on the Last Servant Song (Isaiah 52:13-53:12),”
CBQ 62:1 (2000): 1-27. Targum fn p. 22, Aramaic pp.
17, 22.
Beale, G.K., “Peace
and Mercy Upon the Israel of God,” Biblica 80:2 (1999): 204-23.
Targum footnote on p. 210, Syriac footnote on p. 209.
Beaton, R., “Messiah and Justice:
A Key to Matthew’s Use of Isaiah 42:1-4?” JSNT 75 (1999):
5-23. See footnote on p. 7.
Beck, J.A., “Geography
and the Narrative Shape of Numbers,” BS 157 (2000): 271-80. See
fn p. 275.
Becker, H.-J., “The Yerushalmi fragments
in Munich, Darmstadt and Trier and their relationship to the Vatican manuscript
Ebr. 133,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 2 (1995): 329-35.
C., “David and Mephibosheth according to Josephus,” AUSS
36:2 (1998): 165-182. Tg Jonathan.
Begg, C., “David’s
First Sparing of Saul According to Josephus,” Laurentianum 39 (1998): 455-71.
Begg, C., “David’s
Reaction to the Death of Saul,” Jian Dao 11 (1999): 1-13.
Begg, C., “David’s
Transfer of the Ark according to Josephus,” Bulletin for Biblical
Research 7 (1997): 11-36.
Begg, C., “Joash
and Elisha in Josephus, Ant. 9. 177-185,” Abr-Nahrain 32 (1994):
C., “Jotham and Amon: Two Minor Kings of Judah According to Josephus,”
Bulletin for Biblical Research 6 (1996): 1-13. Tg Jonathan.
Begg, C., “King Saul’s
First Sin According to Josephus,” Antonianum 74 (1999): 685-96.
C., “Solomon’s Apostasy (1 Kgs 11:1-13) According to Josephus,”
JSJ 28:3 (1997): 294-313. Tg Jonathan.
C., “Solomon’s Two ‘Satans’ According to Josephus,”
BN 85 (1996): 44-5. Tg Jonathan.
C., “Solomon’s Two Dreams According to Josephus,” Antonianum
71:4 (1996): 687-704. Tg Jonathan.
C., “The Ark in Philistia According to Josephus,” ETL 72:4
(1996): 385-97. Tg Jonathan.
Begg, C., “The Cisjordanian
Altar(s) and their Associated Rites According to Josephus,” BZ 41:2
(1997): 192-211.
Begg, C., “The Death
of King Saul according to Josephus,” Annali di storia dell’
esegesi 16 (1999): 485-505.
C., “The Return of the Ark according to Josephus,” Bulletin
for Biblical Research 8 (1998): 15-37. Tg Jonathan.
Begg, C., “The Revolt
of Sheba according to Josephus,” Jian Dao 9 (1998): 1-26.
C., “The Transjordanian Altar (Josh 22:10-34) According to Josephus
(Ant. 5.100-114) and Pseudo-Philo (Lab 22:1-8),” AUSS 35:1 (1997):
5-19. Tg Jonathan.
Begg, C.T., “David’s
Capture of Jebus and Its Sequels according to Josephus,” ETL 74:1 (1998): 93-108.
Begg, C.T., “David’s Initial
Philistine Victories according to Josephus,” Skrif en Kirk 20
(1999): 1-14.
Begg, C.T., “The Exploits of David’s
Heroes according to Josephus,” LASBF 47 (1997): 139-69. Targums
Jonathan and Chronicles.
Begg, C.T., “The Loss of the Ark According
to Josephus,” LASBF 46 (1996): 167-86. Jonathan on the Prophets.
Christopher, “David’s Second Sparing of Saul According to Josephus,”
TynB 48:1 (1997): 93-117.
Christopher, “Elisha’s Great Deeds According to Josephus (AJ
9, 47-94),” Henoch 18 (1996): 69-110. Targum Jonathan.
Christopher, “Saul’s War with Amalek according to Josephus,”
Laurentianum 37 (1996): 387-415. Targum Jonathan.
Bell, R.H., “Targum Yerushalmi (excursus),”
in No One Seeks for God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans
1:18-3:20, R.H. Bell, ed., WUNT 106 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998).
Ben Zvi, E., “Micah
1:2-16: Observations and Possible Implications,” JSOT 77 (1998):
103-20. See fn p. 114. Also Peshitta.
Bernstein, M.J., “The
‘Given’ Levites: Targumic Method and Method in the Study of the
Targumim. An Illustrative Exercise in Targumic Analysis (With an Appendix
on Some English Versions),” in Targum Studies, vol. 2, pp. 93-116.
Beuken, W.A.M., “Women
and the Spirit, the Ox and the Ass: the First Binders of the Booklet Isaiah
28-32,” ETL 74:1 (1998): 5-27. Targum p. 21.
G., “Occhio semplice e occhio cattivo di Lc 11,34 alla luce del Targum,”
Liber Anuus 46 (1996): 45-51.
Blenkinsopp, J., “The
Judean Priesthood during the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Periods: A Hypothetical
Reconstruction,” CBQ 60:1 (1998): 25-43. Targum and Syriac p.
E., “Osée 1:2: un Tour d’Horizon de l’interpretation,”
RevSR 73:2 (1999): 207-27. Targum, pp. 219-21.
Brady, C.M.M., “The
Date, Provenance and Sitz im Leben of Targum Lamentations,” JAB
1 (1999): 5-30.
Brady, C.M.M., “The
Date, Provenance, and Sitz im Leben of Targum Lamentations,”
JAB 1 (April, 1999): 5-30.
D.I., “Nomological Exegesis in Qumran Divorce Texts,” RQ
18:4 (1998): 561-80. See esp. pp. 562, 69.
Sebastian P., “A Palestinian Targumic Feature in Syriac,” JJS
46:1-2 (1995): 271-282.
L.L., “Hannah’s Prayer: Rabbinic Ambivalence,” Shofar
17:2 (1999): 36-48. See footnote on p. 43.
B.F., “Bethany Across the Jordan or simply Across the Jordan,”
ABR 46 (1998): 36-54. See p. 43.
A. R., “Tradiciones sobre el juicio en el targum palestinense,”
in Biblia, Exégesis y Cultura: Festschrift for J. M. Casciaro,
G. Aranda, et al., eds. (Pamplona: Eunsa, 1994), pp. 435-445.
Casey, M., “The use
of the term br (a)n(a) in the Aramaic
translations of the Hebrew Bible,” JSNT 54 (1994): 87-118.
Stephen J., “Jesus As Eschatalogical Torah,” TJ 18:1 (1997):
15-41. Targum to Numbers, p. 33.
Cassuto, P., “La
Bible: langages d’Israël, langages des nations,” Foi et
Vie 95:2 (1996): 107-11.
C., “Lohn und Strofe, kommende Welt und die Sehnsucht nach der messianischen
Zeit im Targum zum Hohenlied,” Beth Miqra 142 (1995): 283-296
(in Hebrew).
C.Y., “Reward and Punishment in the Targumim to the Torah and in the
Rabbinic Midrashim,” Sinai 121 (1998): 178-99 (in Hebrew).
Chapman, D.W., and A.J.
Köstenberger, “Jewish Intertestamental and Early Rabbinic Literature,”
JETS 43:4 (2000): 577-618. Also Aramaic.
Chilton, B., “Prophecy in the Millenium,”
in Mediators of the Divine: Horizons of Prophecy, Dreams and Theurgy in
Mediterranean Antiquity, R.M. Berchman, ed., South Florida Studies in
the History of Judaism 163 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998), pp. 245-270. Article
first appeared in Judaic Approaches to the Gospels, B. Chilton (Atlanta:
Scholars Press, 1994).
Chilton, B., “Salvific
Exile in the Isaiah Targum,” in Exile: Old Testament, Jewish &
Christian Perspectives, J.M. Scott, ed., JSJSup 56 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 239-47.
B., “Two in One: Renderings of the Book of Isaiah in Targum Jonathan,”
in Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah: Studies of an Interpretive
Tradition, C.C. Broyles and C.A. Evens, eds., vol. 2 (Leiden: Brill,
1997), pp. 563-582.
Chilton, B., “Two
in One: Renderings of the Book of Isaiah in Targum Jonathan,” in Writing
and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah: Studies
of an Interpretive Tradition, C.C. Broyles and C.A. Evans, eds., VTSup
70, 1 and 2; Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature 1, 1
and 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1997),
pp. 547-62.
W., “Literatura Targumiczna a Septuaginta,” Collectanea Theologica
63:3 (1993): 49-68.
Ernest G., “The Bible and translation: the Targums,” in Origins
and method: towards a new understanding of Judaism and Christianity, B.H.
McLean, ed. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993), pp. 380-393.
Collins, J.J., “A
Herald of Good Tidings: Isaiah 61:1-3 and Its Actualization in the Dead Sea
Scrolls,” in The Quest for Meaning: Studies in Biblical Intertextuality
in Honor of James A. Sanders, C.A. Evans and S. Talmon, eds., Biblical
Interpretation Series 28 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 225-40.
Collins, J.J., “Teacher
and Servant,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 37-50.
Cotton, H.M. and E. Qimron,
“X .ev/Se ar 13 of 134 or 135 C.E.: A Wife’s Renunciation
of Claims,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 109-18.
Crown, A.D., “The
Samaritans, their Literature and the Codicology of their Manuscripts,”
BAIAS 15 (1997): 87-104.
Davies, G., “A Samaritan
Inscription with an Expanded Text of the Shema,” PEQ 131 (1999):
De Moor, J.C., “The
Targumic Background of Mark 12:1-12: the Parable of the Wicked Tenants,”
JSJ 29:1 (1998): 63-80.
Raymond, “The Meaning of p.z in Classical Hebrew,” ZAH 10:1 (1997): 16-26.
J.D.M., “Luke 2:7 Again,” NTS 45:2 (1999): 263.
Diamond, E., “An
Israelite Self-Offering in the Priestly Code: A New Perspective on the Nazirite,”
JQR 88:1-2 (1998): 1-18. For targum, see fn p. 9.
Diéz Merino, L.,
“Epítetos divinos en la literatura targúmica y rabínica,” Anuari 19
(1996): 35-64.
Diez Merino, L., “Targum de Qohelet,
Ms Urbinati 1, Roma Biblioteca Vaticana,” Annuari 20 (1997):
Merino, Luis, “Ideologías del Targum,” in Il Giudaismo
palestinese dal 1 secolo a.c. al 1 secolo d.c. [Congresso 8, San Miniato 1990]
(Bologna: Fattodarte, 1993), pp. 59-105.
Merino, Luis, “La triple rescensión del Targum a los Profetas,”
in Bibel in jüdischer und christlicher Tradition: Festschrift für
Johann Maier, H. Merklein, ed. (Frankfurt: Hain, 1993), pp. 275-298.
Diez-Merino, L., “El
Targum Onkelos en traditión sefardí,” EstBib 57 (1999): 205-25.
D., “4Q386 ii-iii: a Prophecy on Hellenistic Kingdoms?” RQ
18:4 (1998): 512-29. Aramaic.
Dirksen, P., “Targum
and Peshitta: Some Basic Questions,” in Targum Studies, vol. 2,
pp. 1-13.
˚dna, J., “Der Gottesknecht als triumphierender
und interzessorischer Messias. Die Rezeption von Jes 53 im Targum Jonathan
untersucht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Messiasbildes,”
in B. Janowski and P. Stuhlmacher, eds., Der liedende Gottesknecht. Jesaja
53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte,
(Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996), pp. 129-58.
G., “Autour des Titres des Psaumes,” RevSR 73:2 (1999):
G., “Un astre se lèvera de Jacob: t’interpretation ancienne
de Nombres 24:17,” Annali di Storia dell’ esegesi 13:1
(1996): 295-352.
D.C., “Matthew 18:15-17: Conflict, Confrontation, and Conflict Resolution
in a ‘Fictive Kin’ Association,” BTB 29:1 (1999):
Eilemann, K., “I Joh und der jüdisch-christliche
Trennungs prozess,” TZ 55:4 (1999): 285-302. See p. 289.
Elgvin, T., “Forbanner
er den som henger pa treet [Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs on a Tree],” Tidsskrift
for Teologi og Kirk 69 (1998): 253-62.
Elwolde, J., “Distinguishing
the Linguistic and the Exegetical: The Biblical Book of Numbers in the Damascus
Document,” DSD 7:1 (2000): 1-25. Targum p. 10, Peshitta p. 11
fn 41.
Craig A., “A Note on Targum 2 Samuel 5.8 and Jesus’ Ministry to
the ‘Maimed, Halt and Blind,’” JSP 15 (1997): 79-82.
Fine, S., “Iconoclasm:
Who Defaced This Jewish Art?” BR (October 2000): 32-43, 55. Pseudo-Jonathan
p. 37.
Fisk, B.N., “Offering
Isaac Again and Again: Pseudo-Philo’s use of the Aqedah as Intertext,”
CBQ 62:3 (2000): 481-507. Neofiti pp. 483-4.
Fisk, B.N., “Scripture
Shaping Scripture: the Interpretive Role of Biblical Citations in Pseudo-Philo’s
Episode of the Golden Calf,” JSP 17 (April, 1998): 3-23. For
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, see fn p. 16.
Ezra, “The Transgressions of the Ten Commandments in Piyyut, Midrash
and Targum,” Tarbiz 66:1 (1997): 61-92 (in Hebrew).
Fleishman, J., “Why
Did Ahasuerus Consent to Annihilate the Jews?” JNSL 25:2 (1999):
Flesher, P.V.M., “Is
Targum Onkelos a Palestinian Targum?
The Evidence of Genesis 28-50,” JSP 19 (1999): 35-79.
Flesher, P.V.M., “Is
Targum Onkelos a Palestinian Targum? The Evidence of Genesis 28-50,”
19 (April, 1999): 35-79.
Flesher, P.V.M., “Looking for Links in all
the Wrong Places: Targum and Peshitta Relationships,” in Targum Studies,
vol. 2,
pp. xi-xx.
C.R., “More Queenly Proverb Performance: the Queen of Sheba in Targum
Esther Sheni,” in Wisdom, You Are My Sister: Studies in Honor of
Roland E. Murphy on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, M.L. Barré,
ed., CBQ Monograph Series 29 (Washington, DC: Catholic Bible Association,
1997), pp. 216-33.
S.D., “Enosh and His Generation Revisited,” in Biblical Figures
Outside the Bible, M.E. Stone and T.A. Bergen, eds. (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity
Press International, 1998), pp. 59-86. For Fragmentary Targums and Samaritan
Targum, see pp. 66, 74.
S.D., “Scripture, Targum and Talmud as Instruction: A Complex Textual
Story from the Sifra,” in Hesed Ve-Emet: Studies in Honor
of Ernest S. Frerichs, J. Magness and S. Gitin, eds. (Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1998), pp. 109-21.
Gelston, A., “The
Twelve Prophets: Peshitta and Targum,” in Targum Studies, vol. 2,
pp. 119-139.
Goldenberg, D., “Scythian-Barbarian:
The Permutations of Classical Topos in Jewish and Christian Texts of
Late Antiquity,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 87-102. See fn pp. 88, 89.
Goldenberg, D.M., “Geographia Rabbinica:
The Toponym Barbaria,” JJS 50:1 (1999): 53-73.
J., “Isaiah 43:22-28,” ZAW 110:2 (1998): 173-91.
D.M., “Methodological Considerations in Pentateuchal Targumic Research,”
JSP 18 (1998): 3-25.
Gordon, R.P., “‘Converse
Translation’ in the Targums and Beyond,” JSP 19 (April,
1999): 3-21.
Gosling, F.A., “An
Unsafe Investigation of Job 19:25,” JNSW 24:2 (1999): 157-66.
Gosling, F.A., “Were the Ephraimites
to Blame?” VT 49:4 (1999): 503-13.
Grabbe, L.L., “Recension:
Neusner, Jacob, Introduction to Rabbinic Literature,” JSOT 79
(1998): 199-200.
Gradwohl, R., “ und hi..îl als Rechtsbegriffe im Sklavenrecht,”
ZAW 111:2 (1999): 187-95.
Targum, p. 193.
Grappe, C., “De l’intérêt
de 4 Maccabees 17:18-22 (et 16:20-1) pour la christologie du NT,” NTS
46:3 (2000): 342-57. See p. 346.
Grappe, C., “Jean
1:14-18 dans son contexte et à la lumiere de la littérature
intertestamentaire,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 171-86. Targum p. 161, Syriac p. 160.
Grappe, C., “L’immolation
terrestre comme gage de la communion céleste (Apocalypse 6:9, 7:14-15,
2:6),” RHPR 79:1 (1999): 71-82.
Targum, pp. 78-9.
P., “Trois Poèmes acrostiches sur Exode 12:2,” RB 106:1
(1999): 41-65.
Gropp, D.M., “The
3 f.s. inflection of the perfect in Onqelos-Jonathan Aramaic and related problems,”
JSS 39 (1994): 153-9.
Grossfeld, B., “Biblical
Hebrew hdy in Ancient and Modern
Translations,” JAB 1 (1999): 31-52.
Grossfeld, B., “Biblical
Hebrew ydh in Ancient and Modern Translations,” JAB 1 (April, 1999): 31-52.
Grossfeld, B., “The
Derivative Meaning of the Particle tyb in Compound Constructions in the Targum,”
JSP 19 (1999): 23-24.
Grossfeld, B., “The
Derivative Meaning of the Particle tyb in Compound Constructions in the Targum,”
JSP 19 (April, 1999): 23-34.
D.M., “What Does the Bible Say? A Question of Text,” in Reading
Bibles, Writing Bodies: Identity and the Book, T.K. Beal and D.M. Gunn, eds. (London: Routledge, 1996),
pp. 242-61.
Hamiel, H.Y., “Reward and Punishment
in the Pentateuchal Targums and in the Halakhic Midrashim,” Sinai
121 (1998):187-99 (in Hebrew). Pentateuchal Targumim.
Hannah, D.D., “Isaiah’s
Vision in the Ascension of Isaiah and the Early Church,” JTS
50:1 (1999): 80-101. P. 89.
Hannah, D.D., “The
Ascension of Isaiah and Docetic Christology,” VC 53:2 (1999):
165-96. Targum, p. 174.
Hayward, R., “Abraham
as Proselytizer at Beer-Sheba in the Targums of the Pentateuch,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 24-37.
Hayward, R., “Abraham
as Proselytizer at Beer-Sheba in the Targums of the Pentateuch,” JJS
49:1 (1998): 24-37.
Hayward, R., “The
Priestly Blessing in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan,” JSP 19 (1999):
Hayward, R., “The
Priestly Blessing in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan,” JSP 19 (April,
1999): 81-101.
Hendel, R.S., “‘Begetting’
and ‘Being Born’ in the Pentateuch: Notes on Historical Linguistics
and Source Criticism,” VT 50:1 (2000): 38-46. See p. 40.
Henshke, D., “On
the Relationship between Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and the Halakhic Midrashim,”
Tarbiz 68:2 (1999): 187-210 [Hebrew].
Holloway, S.W., “Antiochian
Temporal Interpolations in 2Kgs 6:24-7:20,” Biblica 78:4 (1997):
Holo, J., “A Genizah Letter from Rhodes
Evidently Concerning the Byzantine Reconquest of Crete,” JNES 59:1
(2000): 1-12. Targum p. 11, Aramaic p. 1.
Horbury, W., “The
Cult of Christ and the Cult of the Saints,” NTS 44:3 (1998):
444-69. Also contains Aramaic references.
Houtman, A., “Doom
and Promise in the Targum of Isaiah,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 17-23.
Houtman, A., “Doom
and Promise in the Targum of Isaiah,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 17-23.
Houtman, A., “Targum Isaiah According
to Felix Pratensis,” JAB 1:2 (1999): 191-202.
Hui, A., “The Spirit
of Prophecy and Pauline Pneumatology,” TynB 50:1 (1999): 93-115.
Hurowitz, V.A., “[awh lbh ˚ys[h
twqh] (Jer 10:3) in Light of Akkadian Par.u and zaq¯qu Referring to Cult Statues,” JQR 89:3-4 (1999): 277-90. Targum p. 278, Peshitta,
p. 279.
Hurowitz, V.A., “Two
Terms for Wealth in Proverbs VIII in Light of Akkadian,” VT 50:2
(2000): 252-7. See p. 255.
V.A., “tykvm ˆba—A New Interpretation,” JBL
118:2 (1999): 201-208.
Hurowitz, V.A., “Who
Lost an Earring? Genesis 35:4 Reconsidered,” CBQ 62:1 (2000):
28-32. Pseudo-Jonathan.
Hurvitz, A., “Once
Again: The Linguistic Profile of the Priestly Material in the Pentateuch and
its Historical Age,” ZAW 112:2 (2000): 180-91. Also Aramaic.
Ilan, N., “Wayidom
Aharon,” Leshonenu 62 (1999): 15-21 (in Hebrew). On Targum
Onqelos to Lev. 10:3.
Joosten, J., “Calkhdwvn (Apocalypse 21:19),” RHPR
79:1 (1999): 135-43. Also Syriac.
Ådna, “Der Gottesknecht als triumphierender und interzessorischer
Messias. Die Rezeption von Jes 53 im Targum Jonathan untersucht mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung des Messiasbildes,” in Gottesknecht, pp.
Joyce, P.M., “King
and Messiah in Ezekiel.” In King and Messiah in Israel and the Ancient
Near East: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, edited by
J. Day (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 323-37. Targum, pp. 327-8.
Kaestili, J.-D., “Abraham,
visionaire apocalyptique. Lectures midrashiques de Genèse 15.”
In Abraham: Nouvelle jeunesse d’un ancêtre, edited by T.C.
Römer (Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1997), pp. 35-52. Neofiti.
Kalimi, I., “History
of Interpretation: the Book of Chronicles in Jewish Tradition from Daniel
to Spinoza,” RB 105:1 (1998): 5-41.
R., “Is There a Single Source for the Additions to the Targum of the
Prophets,” AJSRev 22:1 (1997): ak-a (in Hebrew).
Kasher, R., “Metaphor
and Allegory in the Aramaic Translations of the Bible,” JAB 1
(1999): 53-78.
Kasher, R., “Metaphor
and Allegory in the Aramaic Translations of the Bible,” JAB 1
(April, 1999): 53-78.
Kasher, R., “On the
Portrayal of Messiahs in Light of an Unknown Targum to Lamentations 4:21-22,”
Jewish Studies Quarterly 7:1 (2000): 22-41.
Kasher, R., “The
Mythological Figure of Moses in Light of Some Unpublished Midrashic Fragments,”
JQR 88:1-2 (1998): 19-42.
Klein, M., “The Aramaic
Targumim: Translation and Interpretation,” in Interpretation of the
Bible, J. Krasovec, ed. (Ljubljana and Sheffield: SAZU and Sheffield Academic
Press, 1998), pp. 317-31.
M.L., “The Masorah to Onqelos: A Neglected Targumic Work,” in
Dutch Studies on Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, (Leiden: Near
Eastern Languages and Literatures, 1996), pp. 81-100.
Kooij, A. van der, “The City of Alexandria
and the Ancient Version of the Hebrew Bible,” JNWSL 25:1 (1999):
137-491. Targum Jonathan to the Prophets.
Kooij, A. van der, “The Origin and
Purpose of Bible Translations in Ancient Judaism: Some Comments,” Archiv Reformations Geschichte 1
(1999): 204-14. Also Aramaic.
Kooyman, A.C., “Een
rabbijnse parabel over de koning en de bewaker,” Interpretatie
5: 7 (1997): 21-22. Fragmentary
Manfred and Ursula Seidl, “Ein Schildbeschlag mit Bukranion und alphabetischer
Inschrift,” ZA 87:1 (1997): 101-111.
Siegfried, “Die Mächtigkeitsformel in Deuteronomium,”
ZAW 109:2 (1997): 188-207. See pp. 196, 197.
Kruger, P., “I Will
Hedge Her Way with Thornbushes,” BZ 43:1 (1999): 92-9.
B.O.G., “Is Cain among the Forsaken Firstborns?: Some Remarks on the
Rendering of Genesis 4:8b in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan,” in Built on
Solid Rock: Studies in Honor of Professor Ebbe Egede Knudsen on the Occasion
of His 65th Birthday April 11, 1997, E. Wardini, ed. (Oslo: Novus, 1997),
pp. 169-73.
B.O.G., “Targum Onkelos til Genesis 4.7b,” Scandinavian Jewish
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is located on the Internet at: [cited 07/00].
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Ford, J., “The Christological Function of the Hymns in the Apocalypse
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and method: towards a new understanding of Judaism and Christianity,
B.H. McLean, ed. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993), pp. 302-332.
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Menken, M.I.J., “The
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ETL 75:1 (1999): 32-52. Targum,
pp. 35, 40.
Miller, J.E., “Sexual
Offences in Genesis,” JSOT 90 (2000): 41-53. Pseudo-Jonathan
pp. 44, 45, 50.
M.S., “Ruth the Moabite and the Blessing of Foreigners,” CBQ
60:2 (1998): 203-15.
M.M., “Lo Spirito Santo-Ruach Qudshat/Nebu~ah nel Targum di Isaia,” in Theologica
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7 (1998), pp. 21-48.
Morgenstern, M., “The
Meaning of µydlwm tyb,” JJS 51:1 (2000): 141-4. Also Syriac.
Mortensen, B., “Pseudo-Jonathan and
Economics for Priests,” JSP 20 (1999): 39-71.
Moyise, S., “The Language of the Old
Testament in the Apocalypse,” JSNT 76 (1999): 97-113. Targum
on p. 106-7, also Aramaic.
Mutius, H.-G. von, “Das
Verständnis der Verbform ytavn in Numeri 16,15 im Licht des Targums Neofiti
1,” BN 87 (1997): 34-8.
Paul, “Verlust und Wiederherstellung der Gerechtigkeit in den palästinischen
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Neef, H.-D., “Vom Gottesgericht zum
universalen Heil. Komposition
und Redaktion des Zephanjabuches,” ZAW 111:4 (1999): 530-46. See footnote on p. 534.
P.R., “Amos and Amaziah in Context: Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches
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J., “The Sources for Matthew 2:1-12,” CBQ 60:2 (1998):
283-300. For Pseudo-Jonathan, see footnote on p. 287.
R., “The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part 1,” AUSS
36:2 (1998): 259-276. See references on pp. 268, 274.
Overland, P., “Did
the Sage Draw from the Shema? A
Study of Proverbs 3:1-12,” CBQ 62:3 (2000): 424-40. Onkelos p. 432.
R.J., Jr., “The Relationship Between the Targum and Peshitta Texts of
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Pagels, E., “Exegesis
of Genesis 1 in the Gospels of Thomas and John,” SBL 118:3 (1999):
477-96. Targum, p. 487.
Pearson, B.W.R., “Dry
Bones in the Judean Desert: the Messiah of Ephraim, Ezekiel 37, and the Post
Revolutionary Followers of Bar Kochba,” JSJ 29:2 (1998): 192-201.
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JANES 25 (1997): 19-42. See p. 39.
Polliack, M., “Medieval
Karaite Methods of Translating Biblical Narrative in Arabic,” VT
48:3 (1998): 375-98.
Poorthuis, M.J.H.M., “Rebekah
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29 (1998): 438-62. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan.
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BM 157 (1999): 174-82 (in Hebrew).
R., “The Greek Bible and the Samaritans,” REJ 157:3-4 (1998):
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J., “La Ley según el Targum de Ezequiel,” Annuari
18 (1995): 31-38.
Ritchie, I.D., “The
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See p. 67.
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8-9),” in The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium
in Slovenia, J. Kraovek, ed., JSOTSupp 289 (Sheffield: Sheffield
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M., “The Language of Creation or the Primordial Language: A Case of
Cultural Polemics in Antiquity,” JJS 49:2 (1998): 306-33. For Pseudo-Jonathan, see p. 311, also
TN, Aramaic and Syriac.
Rudman, D., “A Note
on Zephaniah,” Biblica 80:1 (1999): 109-12. Targum, Aramaic.
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(1998): 72-4.
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ZTK 96:1 (1999): 49-76. Targum,
p. 56.
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(1999): 273-96.
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Strawn, B.A., “Psalms
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Joseph, “The Crucifixion of the Paschal Lamb,” JQR 86:3-4
(1996): 395-406. See p. 405.
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1:2 (1999): 297-314.
Tal, A., “The Hebrew Pentateuch in
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(Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998). Samaritan.
Tantlevskij, I.R., “Elements
of Mysticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Thanksgiving Hymns, War Scroll, Text
of Two Columns) and Their Parallels and Possible Sources,” QC 7:3-4
(1997): 193-213. References to Targum appear in fn p. 201.
C., “Des versions bibliques anciennes à leur artisans: Targum
Septante et Nouveau Testament,” Estudios Biblicos 56:3 (1998):
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Catholic Epistle,” NTS 43:3 (1997): 451-465. Targum, p. 463.
Toloni, G., “A proposito
di parw¯r/parb¯r,” Annali
56:4 (1996): 441-57. Targum.
G., “La locuzione mb¯’ bêt-JHWH (2 Re 23, 11ab) nelle
versioni antiche,” RiBi 45 (1997): 387-407.
R., “The Reception of Jeremiah in Rabbinic Literature and in the Targum,”
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Tov, E., “hdwhy rbdmm
twyarqmh twlygmh [The Biblical Scrolls from the Judean Desert],” Qadmoniot
30:2 (1997): 73-81 [Hebrew]. Targums,
p. 74.
Tov, E., “The Characterization of
the Additional Layer of the Masoretic Text of Jeremiah,” in Eretz-Israel: Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine
et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 129-31. Also Peshitta.
Valles, H.I., “L’atracció
de Déu: Jn 6:44a,” RCT 24:1 (1999): 29-72. Targum pp. 42, 56-7.
der Kooij, A., “The Teacher Messiah and Worldwide Peace. Some Comments
on Symmachus’ Version of Isaiah 25:7-8,” JNSL 24:1 (1998):
75-82. Targum p. 80.
Vargon, S., “Isaiah
7:18-25: Prophecy of Rebuke or Consolation?” JANES 26 (1998):
107-10. See fn on p. 107.
Veltri, G., “Der
griechische Targum Aquilas: Ein Beitrag zum rabbinischen Übersetzung-verständnis,”
in Die Septuaginta zwischen Judentum und Christentum, M. Hengel and A.M. Schwermer, eds., WUNT 72 (Tübingen:
Mohr [Siebeck], 1994), pp. 92-115.
Vervenne, M., “Metaphors
for Destruction in Exodus 15,” JNSW 24:2 (1999): 179-94. Aramaic,
Waard, J. de, “4QProv and Textual
Criticism,” Textus 19 (1998): 87-96. Targum to Proverbs.
Washburn, D., “The King is Weeping:
A Textual/Grammatical Note on 2 Sam 19:2,” TC 1 (1996). Targum.
This journal is located on the Internet at:
[cited 07/00].
Wechsler, M.G., “Two
Para-biblical Novellae from Qumran Cave 4: A Reevaluation of 4Q550,”
DSD 7:2 (2000): 130-72. Also Aramaic, Syriac. Targum in fns 9 and 15,
pp. 131,132.
Weinberger, E., “Remote
Access to the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Facsimiles and Subject-Based
Data,” Jewish Studies 38 (1998): 85-90.
Weiss, H., “The Sabbath
in the Writings of Josephus,” JSJ 29 (1998): 363-90. Aramaic,
Josephus’ War.
Weitzman, M.P. “Is
the Peshitta of Chronicles a Targum?” in Targum Studies, vol. 2,
pp. 159-193.
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Weren, W.J.C., “The
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Biblica 79:1 (1998): 1-26.
Cona, “Jubilees 30: Building a Paradigm for the Ban on Intermarriage,”
HTR 90:1 (1997): 1-22. See pp. 18-22.
Wijesinghe, S.L.G., “Tracing
the Shorter Version behind the Short Text (LXX). A New Approach to the Redaction of Jeremiah
34:8-22,” Le Muséon 110 (1997): 293-329.
H.G.M., “Marginalia in Micah,” VT 47:3 (1997): 360-370.
Argues against P. Davies’ In Search of Ancient Israel. See Reviews,
G.C.I., “Faith and Works in Isaiah 30:15,” VT 47:2 (1997):
Wood, M., “Pesher
Habakkuk and the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel,” JSP 19 (April,
1999): 129-146.