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3.0 Reviews


AbouZayd, Shafiq, I.udayuth: a study of the life of singleness in the Syrian Orient from Ignatius of Antioch to Chalcedon 451 A.D., Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Series A-93-1 (Oxford: ARAM Society for Syro Mesopotamian Studies, 1993). E.C. Suttner, Archiv für Orientforschung 40 (1993): 171. A. de Halleux, Muséon 106 (1993): 389

.add¯d, B., ed., Mu‘am al-u.¯l al-lu.awiyya.  Le(h)ksiqon d-or¯ le¯nayy¯s (Baghdad: B. .add¯d, 1995).  Kropp, M., OC 83 (1999): 255. Syriac.

Ahituv, S., and B.A. Levine, eds., Eretz-Israel: Archeological, Historical, and Geographical Studies, vol 24. Avraham Malamat Volume  (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993). K.J. Cathcart, JSS 43:2 (1998): 366-8. Aramaic.

A.ituv, S. and B.A. Levine, eds., Eretz-Israel: Avraham Malamat Volume, Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 24 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993)  [Hebrew]. K.J. Cathcart, JSS 43:2 (1998): 3-8. Aramaic.

Aland, B. and A. Juckel, eds., Das Neue Testament in syrischer Uberlieferung, II.  Die Paulinischen Briefe.  Teil 2:2.  Korintherbrief, Galaterbrief, Epheserbrief, Philipperbrief und Kolosserbrief (Berlin/New York: de Grutyer, 1995).  Petersen, W.L., RBL (1996). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Aland, B., K. Aland, et al., Novum Testamentum Graecum.  Editio Critica Maior IV Die Katholischen Briefe Part 1: Text.  Installment  I: James.  Part 2: Supplementary Material Installment J (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1997).  J.K Eliott, NT 40:2 (1998): 195-203. Syriac.

Albert, Micheline, et al., Christianismes orientaux: introduction a l’etude des langues et des littératures (Paris: Cerf, 1993). R. Lavenant, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 59 (1993): 571-572.

Alsaruddin, A., and A.H.M. Zahniser, eds. Humanism, Culture and Language in the Near East. Studies in Honor of G. Krotoff (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997). S. Procházka, WZKM 88 (1998): 434. Aramaic.

Amadasi, G., M.G. Eugenia, and E. Schneider, Petra  (München: Hirmer, 1998). R. Wenning, ZDPV 115:1 (1999): 99-101. Nabatean.

Amphoux, C.-B., et al., Études sémitiques  et samaritaines offertes à Jean Margain, Histoire du Texte Biblique 4 (Lausanne: Éditions du zèbre, 1998). J. Joosten, RHPR 79:2 (1999): 238-9. Syriac, Aramaic.

Argall, R.A., Enoch and Sirach: A Comparative Literary and Conceptual Analysis of the Themes of Revelation, Creation and Judgement, SBL Early Judaism and its Literature 8 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995).  Najman, H., HS 40 (1999): 347-9. Aramaic.

Argall, R.A., I Enoch and Sirach: A Comparative Literary and Conceptual Analysis of the Themes of Revelation, Creation and Judgment, SBL Early Judaism and Its Literature 8 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). P.C. Beentjes, JSJ 28:3 (1997): 321-323.

Arnold, W. and P. Behnstedt, Arabisch-Aramäisch Sprachbeziehungen im Qalam¯ (Syrien) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993). S. Fassberg, OLZ 92:4/5 (1997): 707-711.

Arnold, W., Das Neuwestaramaische 3, Semitica Viva 4 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991).  Correll, C., ZDMG 144 (1994):174. Krotkoff, G., JAOS 115 (1995): 176. Aramaic.

Avigad, N., Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals,  Revised and completed by B. Sass  (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, Hebrew University, 1997). L.G. Herr, BASOR 312 (1998): 45-78. Aramaic.

Avigad, N., Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals.  Revised and completed by B. Sass (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society: Hebrew University, 1997).  Pardee, D., JNES 59:4 (2000): 303-5. Fox, N.S., AJS Review 24:2 (1999): 362-5. Aramaic.

 Avigad, N., Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals.  Revised and completed by B. Sass (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society: Hebrew University, 1997).  Gusso, M.G.A., Orientalia 68: 3 (1999): 300-3. Aramaic.

Baarda, T., Essays on the Diatessaron, Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology 11 (Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1994).  Petersen, W.L., TC 1 (1996). This journal is located on the Internet at:  [Cited 07/00].

Baarda, T., Essays on the Diatessaron, Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 11 (Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1994). J.N. Birdsall, JTS 48:2 (1997): 657-659.

Bar-Asher, M., ed., Gideon Goldenburg Festschrift, Masserot: Studies in Language Traditions and Jewish Languages 9-11 (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1997). M. Morgenstern, JJS 49:2 (1998): 371-3.

Bar-Asher, M., et al., eds., Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages Presented to Shelomo Morag (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1998). C. Aslanov, REJ 157:1-2 (1998): 225-34. Also Aramaic.

Bar-Asher, M., Gideon Goldenburg Festschrift, Masserot: Studies in Language Traditions and Jewish Languages 9-11 (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1997).  Rothschild, J.-P., REJ 158: 3-4 (1999): 483-6. Targum.

Bar-Asher, M., Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages.  Presented to Schlomo Morag (Jerusalem: Hebrew University and Bialik Institute, 1996).  Khan, G., HS 40 (1999):259-62. Aramaic.

Barhebraeus, Gregory, Ethicon (Memra I), Hermann Teule, ed. and trans., CScOr 534 (Louvain: Peeters, 1993). T. Bou Monsour, Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 434-437.

Barré, M.L., ed., Wisdom.  You Are My Sister. Studies in Honor of Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm., on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, CBQ Monograph Series 29 (Washington D. C.: CBA of America, 1997).  Dell, K.J., JTS 50:2 (1999): 643-5. Targum Esther Sheni.

Bauer, D., Das Buch Daniel, Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar, Altes Testament 22 (Stuttgart: Katholisches Biblewerk, 1996). J.J. Collins, CBQ 60:2 (1998): 319-20. Aramaic.

Beattie, D.R.G. and M.J. McNamara, eds., The Aramaic Bible: Targums in their Historical Context, JSOTSup 166 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994). A. Salvesen, JJS 48:2 (1997): 380-381. D.M. Stec, JSS 42:2 (1997): 402-408.

Beattie, D.R.G., and M.J. McNamara, eds, The Aramaic Bible: Targums in their Historical Context, JSOT Supplements 166 (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1994).  D. Stec, JSS 42:4 (1997): 402-408. Aramaic.

Beckman, G., and H.A. Hoffner, eds., Hittite Diplomatic Texts, SBL Writings from the Ancient World Series 7 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). A. Rainey, BAR 24:6 (1999): 54, 58. Aramaic.

Beentjes, P.C., ed., The Book of Ben Sira in Modern Research (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1997).  Lowe, A.D., NT 42:3 (2000): 301-4. Aramaic, Syriac.

Bell, R.H., No One Seeks for God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 1:18-3:20 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998). Stowers, S.K., JBL 119:2 (2000): 370-3. Stowers, S.K., RBL (2000). Johnson, L.T., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00]. Targum.

Ben Israel, M., De la fragilité humaine et de l’inclination de l’homme au péché (Paris: Le Cerf, 1996).  Osier, J.-P., REJ 158:3-4 (1999): 519-20. Targum.

Bengtsson, P.˚., Two Arabic Versions of the Book of Ruth: Text Edition and Language Studies, Studia Orientalia Lundensia 6 (Lund: Lund University Press, 1995).  H. Shehadeh, JSS 43:1 (1998): 197-202. M. Polliack, VT 48:3 (1998): 433-435. Syriac.

Bengtsson, Per Å., Two Arabic Versions of the Book of Ruth, Studia Orientalia Lundensia 6 (Lund: Lund University Press, 1995). H. Schützinger, ZDMG 147 (1997): 218-219. Peshitta.

Bennett, P.R., Comparative Semitic Linguistics (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1998).  Kaye, A.S., BASOR 315 (1999): 92-5. Aramaic.

Bennett, P.R., Comparative Semitic Linguistics: A Manual (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1998).  Watson, W.G.E., CBQ 62:2 (2000): 313-4. Aramaic, Syriac, Mandaic.

Bergren, T.A., Sixth Ezra: The Text and Its Origin  (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998). B.M. Metzger, JBL 118:3 (1999): 576-7. Aramaic, Syriac.

Bernett, M., and O. Keel, Mond Steir un Kult am Stadttor: Die Stele von Bethsaida (et-Tell), OBO 161 (Fribourg: Editions universitaires, 1998). W.J. Fulco, CBQ 61:2 (1999): 324-6. Aramaic.

Beyer, K., Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien (datiert 44 v.Chr. bis 238 n. Chr.) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998).  Sima, A., OLZ 95:2 (2000): 162-7. Aramaic, Syriac.

Bissoli, Giovanni, O.F.M., Il tempio nella letteratura giudaica e neotestamentaria: Studio sulla corrispondenza fra tempio celeste e tempio terrestre, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Analecta 37 (Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1994). S.B. Marrow, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 147-149. Syriac.

Black, M., An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1998).  Harrington, D.J., RBL (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Boccaccini, G., Beyond the Essene Hypothesis (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998). P.R. Davies, ET 110:2 (1998): 58. 1 Enoch, Aramaic.

Boismard, M.-E., Critique textuelle ou critique litéraire? (Paris: Gabalda, 1998).  Mora, V., RB 107:1 (2000): 117-9. Syriac.

Boismard, M.-É., Critique textuelle ou critique littéraire? Jean 7, 1-51, Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 40 (Paris: Gabalda, 1998).  Parker, D.C., JTS 51:1 (2000): 257-261. Read-Heimerdinger, J., NT 42:3 (2000): 293-6. Aramaic.

Boismard, M.-É., L’Évangile de l’enfance (Luc 1-2) selon le proto-Luc, Etudes Bibliques N.S. 35 (Paris: Gabalda, 1997).  Chartrand-Burke, T., JBL 119:2 (2000): 362-4. Aramaic, Diatessaron.

Boismard, M.-É., L’Évangile de l’enfance (Luc 1-2) selon le proto-Luc, Etudes Bibliques N.S. 35 (Paris: Gabalda, 1997). J. Taylor, RB 104:4 (1997): 602-607.

Boismard, M.-E., Le Diatessaron de Tatiàn à Justin, Ètudes Biblique Nouvelle Série 15 (Paris: Gabalda, 1992).  M. de Burgos, Communio Sevilla 26 (1993): 93. J.-M. Rousée, RB 101 (1994): 153. Syriac.

Bombeck, S., Das althebräische Verbalsystem aus aramäischer Sicht. Masoreticher Text, Targume und Peshitta (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 1997).  Verheij, A., Biblia et Oriente 55 (1998): 485-6. Targum.

Bombeck, S., Das althebräische Verbalsystem aus aramäischer Sicht. Masoreticher Text, Targume und Peshitta (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1997).  J. Joosten, RHPR 78:2 (1998): 82-83. Targum.

Bond, H.K., Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation, SNTSMS 100 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).  Harris, R.J., JBL 119:4 (2000): 762-4. Aramaic, Josephus’ Wars.

Borbone, P.G., et al., eds., The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version: Concordance, Vol. 1, Pentateuch (Leiden: Brill, 1997). A.A. Di Lella, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 539-40. Syriac.

Borborne, P.G., et al., eds., The Old Testament According to the Peshitta Version, Part V, Concordance, vol. 1, The Pentateuch (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Juckel, A., “The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Bos, G., Ibn al-Jazz¯r on Forgetfulness and its Treatment: Critical Edition of the Arabic Text and the Hebrew Transtlations with Commentary with Translation into English, The Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series 1 (London: The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1995). O. Kahl, JSS 42:2 (1997): 433-434.

Botterwreck, G.J., et al., eds, Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998). Hiebert, R.J.V., JBL 119:2 (2000): 381-3. Jones, G.L., ET 111: 3 (1999): 96. Aramaic.

Brettler, M. and M. Fishbane, eds., Min.ah le-Nahum: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of His 70th Birthday, JSOT Supp. Series 154 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993). D. Pardee, JNES 56:3 (1997): 225. Aramaic.

Briquel-Chatonnet, E., Mosaïque de Langues—Mosaïque culturelle.  Le bilinguisme dans le Proche-Orient ancien.  Actes de la Table-Ronde du 18 novembre 1995  (Paris: Jean Maisonneuve, 1996). J. Oelsner, OLZ 94:1 (1999): 76-8. Aramaic.

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Manuscrits syriaques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1997).  Kaufhold, H., OC 83 (1999): 249-54. Syriac.

Brock, S., From Ephrem to Romanos.  Interactions between Syria and Greece in Late Antiquity, Variorum Collected Studies Series CS664 (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 1999).  Poggi, V., OCP 65:2 (1999): 516-8. Syriac.

Brock, S.P., Catalogue of Syriac Fragments (New Finds) in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine (Athens: Mount Sinai, 1995).  H. Kaufhold, OC 81 (1997): 245-249. Syriac.

Brock, Sebastian, Bride of Light, Hymns on Mary from the Syriac Churches, M¯r¯n ’Eth¯ 6 (Kerala, India: Kottayam, 1994). M. Schmidt, OC 80 (1996): 262-265.

Brock, Sebastian, Studies in Syriac, Christianity, History, Literature and Theology, Collected Studies 357 (London: Variorum, 1992). T. Bou Mansour, Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 421-425.

Bromberg, C.A., and P.O. Skjaervø, eds., Studies in Honor of Vladimir Livshits, Bulletin of the Asia Institute 10 (Bloomfield Hills, MI: Asia Institute Press, 1996).  Francfort, H.-P., AJA 103: 4 (1999): 701-2. Syriac.

Bronner, Leila Leah, From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructions of Biblical Women (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1994). M.I. Gruber, AJSRev 21:2 (1996): 376-379.

Brooke, G. et al., Qumran Cave 4. Parabiblical Texts, Part 3, Discoveries in the Judean Desert 22 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996). A. Lange, ZAW 109:3 (1997): 446-448. M. Morgenstern, JJS 48:2 (1997): 361-363.

Brooke, G., et al, Qumran Cave 4.  XVII. Parabiblical Texts Part 3, DJD 22 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997).  T.H. Lim, JTS 49:1 (1998): 207-210. Aramaic.

Brooke, G., et al., Qumran Cave 4, 27: Parabiblical Texts, Part 3, DJD 22 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996). G.W.E. Nickelsburg, DSD 6:2 (1999): 194-9. Aramaic.

Broshi, M., et al., Qumran Cave 4 XIV: Parabiblical Texts Part 2, Discoveries in the Judean Desert 19 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1995).  Hampel, C., JSS 45:1 (2000): 179-81. Aramaic.

Broyles, C.C., and C.A. Evans, eds., Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah:  Studies of an Interpretive Tradition, SVT 70 (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Grisant, M.A., JETS 43:2 (2000): 324-6. Targum and Peshitta.

Bryan, D., Cosmos, Chaos and the Kosher Mentality, JSPSu 12 (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1995). R. Kugler, CBQ 59:2 (1997): 338-339.

Bunte, Wolfgang, Rabbinische Traditionen bei Nikolaus von Lyra. Ein Beitrag zur Schriftauslegung des Spät mittelalters, Judentum und Umwelt 58 (Frankfurt am Mainz: Peter Lang, 1994). S. Schreiner, Judaica 53:1-2 (1997): 129-130.

Burchard, C., Gesammelte Studien zu Joseph and Asenath, Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 13 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). G. Bohak, JSJ 28:3 (1997): 324-325.

Burkett, D., The Son of Man Debate: A History and Evaluation, SNTMS 107 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).  Allison, D.C., JBL 119:4 (2000): 766-8. Aramaic.

Caroll, J.T. and J.B. Green, The Death of Jesus in Early Christianity (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1995).  Crossan, J.D., RBL (1996). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Carr, D.M., Reading the Fractures of Genesis: Historical and Literary Approaches (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1996).  J.L. Ska, Biblica 79:1 (1998): 120-124. Aramaic, Diatessaron.

Carroll, John T., Joel B. Green, et al., The Death of Jesus in Early Christianity (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1995). J.D. Crossan, JBL 116:2 (1997): 361-363.

Casey, M., Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).  Brewer, D.I., “The Use of Rabbinic Sources in Gospel Studies,” TynB 50:2 (1999): 281-98. Aramaic. Chilton, B., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Casey, M., Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel, SNTSMS 102 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). C.S. Rodd, ET 110:9 (1999): 273-5. Aramaic.

Casey, M., Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel, Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 102 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).  Collins, N.L., NT 42:3 (2000): 286-91. Fitzmyer, J.A., CBQ 62:1 (2000): 139-40. Aramaic.

Cathcart, K.J., and M. Maher, eds., Targumic and Cognate Studies: Essays in Honor of Michael McNamara, JSOT Sup 230 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996). J.A. Lund, JSS 43:2 (1998): 383-4. Targum.

Cathcart, K.J., and M. Maher, eds., Targumic and Cognate studies: Essays in Honor of Martin McNamara, JSOTSupp 230 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996). J.A. Lund, JSS 43:2 (1998): 383-4. C.M.M. Brady, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 598-9.

Cathcart, Kevin J., ed., The Edward Hincks Bicentenary Lectures (Dublin: Department of near Eastern Languages, University College, 1994). P.W. Coxon, JSS 42:1 (1997): 130-132.

Centre d'Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, Rois et reines de la Bible au miroir des Pères, Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 6 (Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, 1999).  Prieur, J.-M., RHPR 80:2 (2000): 319-20. Syriac.

Chaillot, C., The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and All the East.  A Brief Introduction to its Life and Spirituality  (Geneva: Inter-Orthodox Dialogue, 1998). V. Poggi, OCP 65:1 (1999): 246-7. Syriac.

Chalassery, J., The Holy Spirit and Christian Initiation in the East Syrian Tradition (Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam, 1995).  J. Machy, CO 8:3 (1997): 167-168. Syriac, Texts, Glossary.

Charlesworth, J., et al., eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Texts with English Translations. Volume 1: Rule of the Community and Related Documents, Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1994). E. Puech, RQ 18:3 (1998): 441-5.

Charlesworth, J.H., and W.P. Weaver, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith (Harrisburg: Trinity Press, 1998).  Martin, R., CUM 27:1 (2000): 51. Aramaic, Son of God Text.

Charlesworth, J.H., Critical Reflections on the Odes of Solomon: vol 1. Literary Setting, Textual Studies, Gnostocism, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gospel of John,  (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998). S. Segert, AO 67:1 (1999): 413-5. Syriac.

Charlesworth, J.H., ed., Qumran Questions, Biblical Seminar 36 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995). G. Brooke, PEQ 129 (1997): 163-164. Genesis Apocryphon, Aramaic Levi.

Charlesworth, J.H., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Texts with English Translations: Rule of the Community and Related Documents (Tübingen: JCB Mohr, 1994). M. Philonenko, RHPR 77:2 (1997): 232-233. G. Brooke, JTS 48:2 (1997): 576-579.

Charlesworth, J.H., H. Lichtenberger, and G.S. Oegema, eds., Qumran Messianism (Tübingen: Mohr & Siebeck, 1998).  Fenske, W., TLZ 125:6 (2000): 614-5. Aramaic, 4Q246.

Charlesworth, J.H., The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Texts with English Translations.  vol 4A, Pseudepigraphie and Non-Masoretic Psalms and Prayers (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1997).  Philonenko, M., RHPR 79: 4 (1999): 514. Aramaic.

Charlesworth, James H., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Texts with English Translations. Vol. 1, Rule of the Community and Related Documents, Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1994). G.A. Rendsburg, AJSRev 21:2 (1996): 386-389. D. Falk, DSD 4:1 (1997): 116-120.

Chazon, E.G., and M.E. Stone, Pseudepigraphic Perspectives:  The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in LIght of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature 12-14 January, 1997, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judea 31 (Leiden: Brill, 1999).  Frey, J., TLZ 124:12 (1999): 1221-3. Aramaic.

Chialà, S.,  Libro delle parabole di Enoch, Studi biblici 117 (Brescia: Paideia, 1997). R. Penna, Biblica 80:2 (1999): 297-301. Aramaic, p. 298.

Chyutin, M., The New Jerusalem Scroll from Qumran. A Comprehensive Reconstruction, JSPSupp 25 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997). E. Tigchelaar, RQ 18:3 (1998): 453-7. Aramaic.

Cirillo, L., and A. van Tongerloo, eds., Atti del terzo congresso internazionale di studi (Manicheismo e Oriente Cristiano antico), Arca vacata di Rene-Amantea, 31 agost— 5 settembre 1993, Manichaean Studies 3 (Brepols: Turnhout, 1997).  Jullien, C. and F., Apocrypha 10 (1999): 309-14. Syriac. 

Clark, E.G., Targum Pseudo-Johnathan, Deuteronomy, Tranlated with Notes (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1998).  Klein, M.L., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Clines, D.J.A., ed., The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, vols. 1, 2, 3 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993, 1995, 1996). G. Khan, VT 47:3 (1997): 390-393.

Coakley, J.F., and K. Parry, eds., The Church of the East: Life and Thought, a special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 78:3 (Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 1996).  Madey, J., The Harp 3 (10): 78-9. Syriac. 

Coakley, J.F., and K. Parry, eds., The Church of the East: Life and Thought, a special volume of the Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 78:3 (1996). J. Madey, CO 19:2 (1998): 99-100. Syriac.

Cohen, Menachem, ed., Miqra’ot gedolot ha-keter: sefer yehoshua’—sefer shofetim (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1992). E. Lawee, JJS 48:1 (1997): 148-149. Joshua, Judges.

Cole, S.W., Nippur in Late Assyrian Times c. 755-612 B.C., State Archives of Assyria Studies 4 (Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 1996).  Zadok, R., Orientalia 69:1 (2000): 115-21. Aramaic, Chaldean.

Collins, A.Y., Cosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism, Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 50 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  E.J.C. Tigchelaar, JSJ 29:3 (1998): 350-351. M. Frenchkowski, TLZ 123:4 (1998): 372-373. Aramaic: 1 Enoch, 4Q209, 4Q210.

Collins, J.J., Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (London: Routledge, 1997).  Fuller, M.E., DSD 7:1 (2000): 115-21. Aramaic, Daniel, 1 Enoch.

Collins, J.J., Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (London: Routledge, 1997). H.A. McKay, ET 109:5 (1998): 51. Daniel, I Enoch.

Collins, J.J., Daniel (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993).  E. Yamauchi, JETS 41:1 (1998): 124-125. Aramaic.

Collins, J.J., Daniel, Hermeneia: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Bible (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993). M.A. Knibb, JSS 44:1 (1999): 126-8. Aramaic.

Collins, John J., Daniel, Hermeneia (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1993). P.R. Davies, Biblica 77:4 (1996): 561-564.

Collins, John J., The Sceptre and the Star: the Messiah of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Ancient Literature (New York: Doubleday, 1995). G.S. Oegema, JSJ 28:1 (1997): 100-103.

Cotton, H.M., and A. Yardeni, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever and Other Sites with an Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts, Seiyal Collection II, DJD 27 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997). P. Callaway, QC 8:1-2 (1998): 113-9. S.E. Porter, JSNT 72 (1998): 125-6.

Cox, C.E., Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotian in Armenia, SBLSCS 42 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996).  E.G. Matthews, Jr., CBQ 60:1 (1998): 112-113. Syriac. Review stresses Syriac more than book.

Curtis, A.H.W., and T. Römer, eds., The Book of Jeremiah and its Reception, BetL 128 (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1997). G. Fischer, BZ 42:2 (1998): 307-9. Syriac.

Dalrymple, W., From the Holy Mountain: A Journey among the Christians of the Middle East (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1997).  Harvey, S.A., Hugoye 2:2 (1999).  Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Daniels, Peter D. and William Bright, eds., The World’s Writing Systems (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). S. Segert, Archiv Orientalni 64:3 (1996): 405-410. See pp. 485-576.

Davidson, M.J., Angels at Qumran: a Comparative Study of I Enoch 1-36, 72-108 and Sectarian Writings from Qumran, JSPSup 11 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992). G. Brooke, JSP 16 (1997): 123-124.

Davies, P., In Search of Ancient Israel (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992). H.G.M. Williamson, “Marginalia in Micah,” VT 47:3 (1997): 360-370.

Day, J., R.P. Gordon, and H.G.M. Williamson, eds., Wisdom in Ancient Israel. Essays in honour of J.A. Emerton (Cambridge: University Press, 1995).  Weeks, S., JTS 51:1 (2000): 183-186. Aramaic, Daniel.

Day, J., R.P. Gordon, and H.G.M. Williamson, eds., Wisdom in Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of J. A. Emerton (Cambridge:  University Press, 1995).  K.J. Dell, VT 48:2 (1998): 266-270. Aramaic.

De Moor, J.C., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets: Vol. 2, Judges (W.F. Smelik, ed.) ,Vols. 3-5, Samuel (E. von Staalduine-Sulman, ed.), Vols. 6-8, Kings (B. Grossfeld, ed.)  (Leiden: Brill, 1996/7). S. Schreiner, TLZ 123:10 (1998): 974-5.

De Moor, Johannes C., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets, vol. 1: Joshua (Leiden: Brill, 1995). A.S. van der Woude, JSJ 28:1 (1997): 118-119.

De Moor, Johannes C., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets. I, Joshua (Leiden: Brill, 1995). B. Chilton, JBL 117:1 (1998): 175-176.

Debie, M., et al.,  A. de Lourniel trans. and introduction; M. Debie et al., annotations, Theodore de Mopsueste, Homélies a catéchétiques., Les Pères dans la foi 62-3 (Paris: Migne, 1996). J. Leemans, ETL 75:1 (1999): 225-6. Syriac.

Desreumaux, A., Codex Sinaiticus Zosimi rescriptus, Histoire du Texte Biblique 3 (Lausanne: Éditions du Zébre, 1997).  Brock, S., JTS 50:2 (1999): 763-7. Syriac.

Desreumaux, A., Repertoire des bibliothèques et des catalogues de manuscrits syriaques, CNRS (Paris: Cerf, 1991). S. Brock, JTS 44 (1993): 331-335. L. Painchard, Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1993): 536-538.  V. Ruggieri, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 59 (1993): 548.

Dietrich, W., Die frühe Königszeit  in Israel: 10. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Biblische Enzyklopädie 3 (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1997). C. Levin, OLZ 94:2 (1999): 204-8. Aramic, Tel Dan.

Dietrich, W., Die frühe Königszeit in Israel: 10. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Biblische Enzyklopädie 3 (Kohlhammer, 1997).  Timm, S., TLZ 125:3 (2000): 265-7. Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Dion, P., Les Aramaéens  à  l’âge du Fer: histoire, politique et structures sociales, Etude Bibliques Nouvelle Série 34 (Paris: Gabalda, 1997).  Sperling, D., IEJ 49: 3-4 (1999): 277-80. Lemaire, A., JAOS 119: 3 (1999): 518-20. Aramaic.

Dion, P., Les Aramaéens à  l’âge du Fer: histoire, politique et structures sociales, Etude Bibliques Nouvelle Série 34 (Paris: Gabalda, 1997).  MacDonald, B., CBQ 62:2 (2000): 321-2. Von Dassow, E., NEA 62:4 (1999): 247-51. Aramaic.

Dion, P.-E., Les Aramaéens  à l’âge du Fer: histoire, politique et structures sociales, Etude Bibliques nouvelle série 34 (Paris: Gabalda, 1999). D. Pardee, BASOR 313 (1999): 91-2. Aramaic.

Dirksen, P., La Peshitta dell’Antico Testamento, P.G. Borbonne, tr., StBPaid 103 (Brescia: Paideia, 1993).  M. Perani, Rivista Biblica 42 (1994): 475-477. Syriac.

Dirksen, P., La Peshitta dell’Antico Testamento, StBPaid 103 (Brescia: Paideia, 1993). dell’Acqua, A.P., Parole di Vita 40: 4 (1995): 59. Rizzi, G., RB 43 (1995): 537. Vergani, E., Cristianesimo nella Storia 16 (1995): 627-9. Syriac.

Dogniez, C., Bibliography of the Septuagint, 1970-1993, VTSup 60 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). E. Kreutz, CuM 24:6 (1997): 541.

Doncel-Voûte, Pauline, Les Pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban., Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Université Catholique de Louvain 69 (Louvain la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, 1988). H. Kaufhold, OC 80 (1996): 279-282.

Dotan, A., and A. Tal, eds., Studies in Hebrew Language in Memory of Eliezer Rubenstein, Teuda 9 (Tel Aviv: University Press, 1995).  Rothschild, J.-P., REJ 158: 3-4 (1999): 486. Aramaic.

Dotan, A., and A. Tal, eds., Studies in Hebrew Language in Memory of Eliezer Rubenstein, Teuda 9 (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 1995). M. Morgenstern, JJS 49:2 (1998): 373-4.

Doton, Aron and Abraham Tal, eds., Studies in Hebrew Language: In Memory of Eliezer Rubenstien, Te’uda: The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies Research Series 9 (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 1995). S.E. Fassberg, JSS 42:2 (1997): 426-428.

Drijvers, H.J.W., History and Religion in Late Antique Syria, Variorum Collected Studies Series 464 (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 1994).  Healey, J.F., JSS 44:2 (1999): 318-9. Syriac.

Drossaart, L.J., The Ancient Tradition in Christian and Islamic Hellenism,  (Leiden: Gerhard Endress/Remke Krug, 1997). I. Toral-Niehoff, OLZ 94:2 (1999): 218-22. Syriac.

Dÿkstra, K., Life and Loyalty: A Study in the Socio-Religious Culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in the Graeco-Roman Period Based on Epigraphical Evidence, Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 128 (Leiden:  Brill, 1995).  Healey, J.F., JSS 44:2 (1999): 315-6. Nabatean, Palmyran, Aramaic.

Eggers, E., Sprachwandel und Sprachmischung in Yiddischen (Frankfurt sur Main: Peter Lang, 1998).  Szulmajster-Celnikier, A., REJ 159:1-2 (2000): 247-54. Aramaic.

Ego, B., Targum Sheni zu Esther. Übersetzung, Kommentar und theologische Deutung, Texte und Studién zum Antiken Judentum 54 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996). B. Grossfeld, Religious Studies Review 24 (1998): 115-116.

Ego, Beate, Targum Sheni zu Esther, Übersetzung, Kommentar und theologische Deutung, Texte und Studién zum Antiken Judentum 54 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996). R. Kobmann, JSJ 28: 1 (1997): 103-105.

Ehrman, B.D., and M.W. Holmes, eds., The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research, Studies and Documents 46 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995).  J. Delobel, JTS 49:1 (1998): 298-299. Syriac.

Ehrman, Bart D. and Michael W. Holmes, eds., The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the ‘Status Quaestionis’. A Volume in Honor of Bruce M. Metzger, SD 46 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995). L.W. Hurtado, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 190-191.

Elayi, J., and A. Lemaire, Graffiti et contremarques ouest-sémitiques sur les monnaies grecques et proche-orientales, Collana di Studi e Ricerche di Numismatia 13 (Milano: Glanx, 1998).  Guzzo, M.G.A., SEL 16 (1999): 121-3. Aramaic.

Elgvin, T., et al., Discoveries in the Judean Desert XX: Qumran Cave 4 XV, Sapiential Texts (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997).  M. Morgenstern, JJS 49:1 (1998): 138-139. Aramaic.

Emerton, J.A., ed., Congress Volume, Paris 1992, VTSupp 61 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). M.P. Grahman, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 192-193.

Enns, P., Exodus Retold: Ancient Exegesis of the Departure from Egypt in Wisdom 10:15-21 and 19:1-9, Harvard Semitic Museum Monographs 57 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997).  Schroer, S., BZ 44:1 (2000): 119-20. Targum.

Ensor, P.W., “Jesus and His Works.” The Johannine Sayings in Historical Perspectives, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996). M.J.J. Menken, NT 40:4 (1998): 392-5. Aramaic.

Eph’al, I. and J. Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B. C. from Idumaea (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1996).  M. Sokoloff, IEJ 47:3-4 (1997): 283-286. Aramaic.

Eph’al, I., and J. Naveh., eds., Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BC from Idumaea (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1996).  Pardee, D., JNES 59:2 (2000): 128-30. Lozachmeur, H., Transeu 18 (1999): 146-9. Aramaic.

Erbes, J.E., The Peshitta and the Versions: A Study of the Peshitta in Joshua 1-5 in Relation to Their Equivalents in the Ancient Versions (Uppsala: Uppsala University, 1999).  Cox, C., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Evans, C.A., and J.A. Sanders, eds., The Function of Scripture in Early Jewish and Christian Tradition (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998).  Bergmeier, R., TLZ 125:6 (2000): 618-20. Targum Neofiti.

Evans, C.A., and P.W. Flint, eds., Eschatology, Messianism and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997). P. Garnet, DSD 6:2 (1999): 202-5. Aramaic,  Daniel.

Evans, C.A., and P.W. Flint, eds., Eschatology, Messianism and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature 1 (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1997). D.J. Harrington, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 601-2. Aramaic.

Fabry, H.-J., A. Lange and H. Lichtenberger, eds., Qumranstudien.  Vorträge  und Beiträge der Teilnehmer des Qumranseminars auf dem internationalen Treffen der Society of Biblical Literature, Munster 25-26. Juli 1993, Schriften des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum 4 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996). C. Martone, JSJ 29:1 (1998): 103-105. Aramaic.

Falla, T.C., A Key to the Peshitta Gospels, vol. 1, Alaph-Dalath (Leiden: Brill, 1991).  Juckel, A., Hugoye 4:1 (2001) Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Falla, T.C., A Key to the Peshitta Gospels, vol. 2, He-Yodh (Leiden: Brill, 2000).  Juckel, A., Hugoye 4:1 (2001) Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Fassberg, S.E.,  A Grammar of the Palestinian Targum Fragments from the Cairo Genizah, Harvard Semitic Studies 38 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990).  Geller, M.J., BoL (1994):160. Targum.

Fassberg, S.E., A Grammar of the Palestinian Targum Fragments from the Cairo Genizah, Harvard Semitic Studies 38 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991).  J. Margain, SYRIA 70 (1993): 607-608.

Fassberg, Steven E., A Grammar of the Palestinian Targum Fragments from the Cairo Geniza, Harvard Semitic Studies 38 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990). I. Kottseiper, ZAW 104 (1993): 294.

Feldman, L.H., Josephus’ Interpretation of the Bible (Berkeley: University of California, 1999).  Endres, J.C., TS 61:2 (2000): 351-3. Aramaic.

Fine, Steven, ed., Sacred Realm: the Emergence of the Synagogue in the Ancient World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). A.T. Kraebel, BAR 23:5 (1997): 72-74.

Fitschen, K., and R. Staats, Grundbegriffe christlicher Ästhetik (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997).  Gahbauer, F.R., OC 83 (1999): 242. Syriac.

Fitzmyer, J., The Semitic Background of the New Testament, Biblical Resource Series (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997). D.L. Turner, JETS 42:3 (1999): 505-6. Aramaic.

Fitzmyer, J.A., and S.A. Kaufman, An Aramaic bibliography, 1. Old, official and biblical Aramaic (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992).  Vervenne, M., Louvain Studies 20 (1995): 81. Aramaic.

Fitzmyer, J.A., The Acts of the Apostles. A new translation with introduction and commentary, Anchor Bible 31 (New York: Doubleday, 1998).  Barrett, C.K., JTS 51:1 (2000): 261-264. Aramaic.

Fitzmyer, J.A., The Semitic Background of the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997).  F. Neirynck, ETL 73:4 (1997): 446-447. Aramaic.

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and S.A. Kaufman, An Aramaic Bibliography (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1992). I. Kottseiper, ZAW 104 (1993): 294.

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., The Aramaic Inscriptions of Sefire: revised edition, Biblia et Orientalia 19/A (Roma: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1995). A. Lemaire, Orientalia 66:2 (1997): 204-205.

Flesher, P.V.M., ed., Targum Studies, vol. 2, Targum and Peshitta, SFSHJ 165 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998). J.C. de Moor, JAB 1 (1999): 163-8. Targum, Peshitta.

Flesher, P.V.M., Targum Studies, Volume 2, Targum and Peshitta (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998).  Chilton, B., RBL (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at:  [Cited 7/10/00].  Jenner, K.D., Hugoye 2:1 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Fletcher-Louis, C.H.T., Luke - Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology., Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2194 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1997).  Carson, D.A., JETS 42: 4 (1999): 745-6. Aramaic, Daniel 7.

Fletcher-Louis, C.H.T., Luke—Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/94 (Tübingen: Mohr & Siebeck, 1997). J.C. O’Neill, JTS 50:1 (1999): 225-30. Aramaic.

Flint, P.W., and J.C. VanderKam, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years: a Comprehensive Assessment (Leiden: Brill, 1998). D. Williams, Shofar 17:4 (1999): 94-101. Aramaic.

Flusser, D., Jesus (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1997).  Evans, C.A., DSD 7:1 (2000): 110-5. Targum.

Folmer, M.L., The Aramaic Language in the Achaemenid Period: A Study in Linguistic Variation, OLA 68 (Leuven: Peeters, 1995). E. Lipi´ski, JAOS 118:4 (1998): 586-7. Aramaic.

Fox, Michael V., et al., eds., Texts, Temples and Traditions. A Tribute to Menachem Haran (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996). R.E. Murphy, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 193-194.

Fox, S.E., The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Jihu, Semitica Viva 16 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997).  Weninger, S., OLZ 94: 4-5 (1999): 516-20. Aramaic.

Freedman, David Noel, et al., Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic Orthography, Biblical and Judaic Studies 2 (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbraun’s, 1992). D. Pardee, JNES 56:2 (1997): 142-144.

Frishman, J., and L. van Rompay, eds., The Book of Genesis in Jewish and Oriental Christian Interpretation, Tradition Exegetica Graeca 5 (Louvain: Peeters, 1997). Fr. Petit, JTS 50:1 (1999): 353-6. J. Joosten, RHPR 79:2 (1999): 230-2. Syriac.

Frishman, J., and L.van Rompay, eds., The Book of Genesis in Jewish and Oriental Christian Interpretation, Tradition Exegetica Graeca 5 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997).  J. Lust, ETL 74:1 (1998): 165-167. Syriac.

Geer, T.C., Jr., Family 1739 in Acts (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994).  Petersen, W.L., RBL (1996). Old Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Gelzer, H., H. Hilgenfeld, et al., Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina Latine Graece Coptice Syriace Arabice Armeniace, BSGRT  (Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1995 [reprint from 1898]).  J. Ulrich, ZAC 2:1 (1998): 148-150. Syriac.

Gerhards, A. and H. Brakmann, Les Liturgies Syriaque. Actes du Colloque I (Antelias, Lebanon: Center d’Etudes et de Recherches Pastorales, 1993). J. Madley, Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 124-127.

Gesenius, W., Hebraisches und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament, H. Donner, ed., 18th ed. (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995).  J.A. Emerton, VT 48:2 (1998): 270-273. Aramaic.

Gieschen, C.A., Angelomorphic Christology. Antecedents and Early Evidence, Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums 42 (Leiden: Brill, 1998).  Hannah, D.D., JTS 51:1 (2000): 230-236. Aramaic, Syriac.

Gignoux, P., Incantations magiques syriaques (Leuven: Peeters, 1987).  M.O. Wise, JNES 53 (1994): 43-47. Syriac.

Gitin, S., A. Mazar, and E. Stern, eds., Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries B.C.E.  In Honor of Trudy Dothan (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1998).  Kline, E.H., AJA 104:3 (2000): 609-10. Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Glessmer, U., Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch, Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum 48 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1995).  B. Chilton, JAOS 118:2 (1998): 279-280. Targum.

Glessmer, Uwe, Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch, Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 48 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1995). R. Hayward, JJS 48:1 (1997): 160-162.

Gordon, R.P., Studies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets:  From Nahum to Malachi (Leiden: Brill, 1994).  A. Schenker, JQR 88:1-2 (1998): 102-103. Targum.

Gordon, R.P., Studies in the Targum to the Twelve Prophets: from Nahum to Malachi (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994). J. Maier, TR 95:1 (1999): 27. Targum.

Gordon, R.P., with P.B. Dirksen, Chronicles,  The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version 4:2 (Leiden: Brill, The Peshitta Institute, 1998).  Juckel, A., Hugoye 2:2 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Greenspoon, L. and O. Munnich, eds., VIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Paris 1992, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series 41 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995).  A. Salvesen, JJS 49:1 (1998): 139-141. Aramaic.

Greundler, B., Development of the Arabic Scripts from the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century according to Dated Texts, Harvard Semitic Studies 43 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993). G. Khan, JNES 58:2 (1999): 158-9. Nabatean.

Grossfeld, B., A Bibliography of Targum Literature, vol. 3 (New York: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1990). A. Salvison, JJS 49:1 (1998): 141.

Grossfeld, B., A Bibliography of Targum Literature, vol. 3 (New York: Sepher-Hermon, 1990).  A. Salvesen, JJS 49:1 (1998): 141. Targum.

Grossfeld, B., ed, A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets.  Vol 6, Kings I; Vol 7, Kings II; Vol 8, Kings III (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Bernstein, M.J., CBQ 61: 3 (1999): 556-8. Targum.

Grossfeld, B., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets: Vols. 6-8, Kings (Leiden: Brill, 1997). S. Schreiner, TLZ 123:10 (1998): 974-5.

Grossfeld, B., The Targum Sheni to the Book of Esther: a Critical Edition Based on MS. Sassoon 282 with Critical Apparatus  (New York: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1994). D.R.G. Beattie, JSS 43:2 (1998): 385-7. Targum.

Grossfeld, B., The Targum Sheni to the Book of Esther: A Critical Edition Based on MS Sassoon 282 with Critical Apparatus (NY: Sepher Hermon Press, 1994). D.R.G. Beattie, JSS 43:2 (1998): 385-7.

Gruendler, B., The Development of the Arabic Script from the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century According to Dated Texts (Atlanta, 1993). S.N. Noseda, AION 55:3 (1995): 380.

Gryson, R., Vetus Latina-Die Reste der Altlateinischen Bibel. Vol 12, Esaias Pars I, fasc. 1-10; Pars II, fasc. 1-8 (Freiberg: Herder, 1987-1996).  P.B. Harvey, JBL 117:3 (1998): 549-551. Targum and Peshitta.

Haas, P.J., Responsa: The Literary History of a Rabbinic Genre, SBL Semeia Studies (Atlanta: Scholars, 1996).  Soloveitchik, H., “Responsa: Literary History and Basic Literacy,” AJS Review 24:2 (1999): 343-57. Aramaic.

Hadas-Lebel, M., Histoire de la langue hebraïque, des origines à l’èpoque de la Mishna, Collection de la Revue des Études Juives 217 (Leuven: Peeters, 1995). F.E. Greenspahn, CBQ 59:4 (1997): 734.  J.F. Ewold, JSS 42:2 (1997): 369-377. Aramaic. 

Hadas-Lebel, M., Histoire de la langue hébraïque: Des origines à l’époque de la Mishna, Collection de la Revue des Etudes juives 21, 4th ed. (Louvain: Peeters, 1995). J.F. Elwolde, JSS 42:2 (1997): 369-377. E.C. Hostelter, JBL 117:1 (1998): 131-132.

Hallo, W.W., and K.L. Younger, eds., The Context of Scripture: vol. 1, Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  H.G.M. Williamson, JJS 49:1 (1998): 129-131. Aramaic.

Healey, J.F., The Nabataean tomb inscriptions of Mad’in Salih (Hijaz) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).  Geller, M.J., BookList (1995): 27. Nabatean. 

Heinrichs, W. and G. Schoeler, eds., Festschrift Ewald Wagner zum 65. Geburtsdag, vol. 1:Semitische Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Südsemitistik, Beiruter Texte und Studien 54.1 (Beirut: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1994).  A.S. Kaye, JAOS 118:1 (1998): 76-77. Aramaic.

Herzer, J., Die Parilopomena Jeremiae: Studien zu Tradition und Redaktion einer Haggada des frühen Judentums, Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentums 43 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1994). K.B. Copeland, JQR 88:3-4 (1998): 291-94. Apocalypse of Baruch, Syriac.

Hetzron, R., The Semitic Languages, Routledge Language Family Descriptions, (London: Routledge, 1997). Lipi´ski, E., JSS 45:1 (2000): 137-40. Aramaic, Syriac.

Hiebert, R.J.V., The ‘syrohexaplaric’ psalter, SBLSCS 27 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989).  D.C. Parker, Scottish Journal of Theology 46 (1993): 136. Syriac.

Hikers, D.R., and E. Cussine, eds., Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997). S. Segert, AO 66:2 (1998): 170-2. Syriac, Nabatean.

Hill, A.E., Malachi: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (NY: Doubleday, 1998).  Tollington, J., JTS 50:2 (1999): 641-3. Aramaic, Syriac.

Hillers, D.R., and E. Cussini, Palmyrene Aramaic Texts, Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1996). F. Briquel-Chatonnet, JSS 119:1 (1999): 143-4. Aramaic.

Hillers, Delbert R. and Eleanor Cussini, Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997). J. Novak, BASOR 305 (1997): 90-91.

Hirshman, M., A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity, translated by Batya Stein (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996). Aramaic, Syiac.  Visotzky, B.L., RBL (1996). Aramaic, Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Hoerth, A.J., G.L. Mattingly, and E.M. Yamauchi,  Peoples of the Old Testament World (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1996).  S. Tinn, TLZ 123:6 (1998): 587-589. Aramaic.

Hoffman, L.A., Covenant of Blood: Circumcision and Gender in Rabbinic Judaism, Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism  (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996).  B.P. Mortensen, Hebrew Studies 39 (1998): 259-262. Aramaic references in Chapter 7.

Hoffmeier, J.K., Israel in Egypt. The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).  Mastin, B.A., JTS 51:1 (2000): 195-199. Targum, Aramaic.

Hoftijzer, J. and K. Jongeling, Dictionary of the Northwest Semitic Inscriptions. Part 1: ’—L , Part 2: M—T,  Handbuch der Orientalistic, Part 1: Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten 21 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995).  G.A. Rendsburg, JAOS 118:1 (1998): 96-97. Aramaic.

Hoftijzer, J. and K. Jongeling, eds., Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions, Handbuch der Orientalisk 21 (Leiden: Brill, 1997). Stanislav Segert, Ar Or 65:3 (1997): 312-314. C.H.J. van der Merwe, JNSL 23:1 (1997): 234-235.

Hollerweger, H., Turabdin: Lebendiges Kulturerbe/ Living Cultural Heritage/ Canli Kültür Mirasi (Linz, Austria: Freunde des Turabdin, 1999), (in English, German and Turkish).  Aydin, E., Hugoye 4:1 (2001) Syriac Christianity. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Holman, C.L., Till Jesus Comes: Origins of Christian Apocalyptic Expectation (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996). R.J. Miller, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 565-6. Apocalypse of Abraham. Aramaic.

Horbury, W., Hebrew Study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1999).  Willi, T., Judaica 55:4 (1999): 272-3. Aramaic.

Horbury, W., Jewish Messianism and the Cult of Christ (London: SCM Press, 1998).  Lieu, J., JTS 50:2 (1999): 671-4. Taylor, J., RB 107:1 (2000): 113-6. Targum. Pomykala, K.E., JBL 119:2 (2000): 351-3. Aramaic. 1 Enoch, Daniel.

Houtman, C., Das Bundesbuch, Ein Kommentar, Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui 24 (Leiden: Brill, 1997). E. Otto, Biblica 79:3 (1998): 414-17. Targum.

Hunger, Herrmann, ed., Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1992). T. Kwasman, OLZ 92:1 (1997): 39. Aramaic.

Isre’el, S., and R. Drory, eds., Language and Culture of the Near East, Israel Oriental Studies 15 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Matras, Y., JSS 44:2 (1999): 291-6. Aramaic.

Izre’el, S., and S. Raz, eds., Studies in Modern Semitic Languages, Israel Oriental Studies 16 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Hopkins, S., JSS 45:1 (2000): 199-200. Aramaic.

Janowski, B., and P. Stuhlmacher, eds., Der liedende Gottesknecht. Jesaja 53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte  (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996). J. Schaper, JTS 49:2 (1998): 709-13. See pp. 129-56 for Targum Jonathan article by J. Adna.

Jastrow, O., Der Neuaramäische Dialekt  von MLA., Semitica Viva 14 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1994).  Gideon Goldenberg, “Der Neuaramäische  Dialekt  von MLA.SÔ,” JSS 43:1 (1998): 63-70. Aramaic.

Jastrow, O., Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Hertevin (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1988).  M. Tosco, JAFAL 1991 (3): 77-81. Aramaic.

Jastrow, Otto, Lehrbuch der .uroyo-Sprache, Semitica Viva, Series Didactica Band 2 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992). K. Tsereteli, OC 80 (1996): 268-270. Aramaic.

Jefford, C.N., The Didache in Context.  Essays on Its Text, History and Transmission (Leiden: Brill, 1995).  W. Rordorf, TR 94:4 (199 8): 388-390. Review discusses article on Aramaic in volume by A. Tuilier, pp. 110-130.

Jones, F. Stanley, An Ancient Jewish Christian Source on the History of Christianity. Pseudo-Clementine Reflections 1:27-71, Texts and Translations 37, Christian Apocryphal Series 2 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). M. van Esbroeck, OC 80 (1996): 260.

Jones, F.S., An Ancient Jewish Christian Source on the History of Christianity: Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions 1:27-71, Texts and Translations 37, Christian Apocrypha Series 2 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). R.E. van Voorst, JBL 118:3 (1999): 573-4. Syriac.

Jones, F.S., An Ancient Jewish Christian Source on the History of Christianity. Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions 1:27-71, SBL Texts and Translations 37 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). A. le Boullec, RHR 214:3 (1997): 370-371. R. Bauckham, JSS 42:2 (1997): 420-421.

Jones, S.F., An Ancient Jewish Christian Source on the History of Christianity: Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions 1.27-71 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995). Syriac.  Voorst, R.E.V., RBL (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Joosse, N.P., The Sermon on the Mount in the Arabic Diatessaron  (Amsterdam: Centrale Huisdrukkerje VU, 1997). F. Sepmeijer, NT 41:2 (1999): 297-300. Syriac.

Joosten, J., The Syriac Language of the Peshitta & Old Syriac Versions of Matthew: Syntactic Structure, Inner-Syriac Development & Translation Technique (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Falla, T.C., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Joosten, J., The Syriac Language of the Peshitta and Old Syriac Versions of Matthew: Syntactic Structure, Inner-Syriac Developments and Translation Technique, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). Taylor, D.G.K., NT 42:2 (2000): 201-4. Syriac.

Joosten, J., The Syriac Language of the Peshitta and Old Syriac Versions of Matthew: Syntactic Structure, Inner-Syriac Developments and Translation Technique, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 22 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996).  A. Gelston, JSS 43:1 (1998): 187-188. C . Morrison, Orientalia 67:1 (1998): 147-149. Syriac.

Juckel, A., ed. and trans., Der Ktaba d-Durassa (Ktaba d-Ma’wata) des Elija von Anbar. Memra I-III, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 226/227 (Leuven: E. Peeters, 1996).  Syriac. Kaufhold, H., Hugoye 2:1 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Kaiser, O., et al, Texte aus der Umwalt des Alten Testaments, Band 3, Lieferung 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1990-97).  Lux, R., TLZ 124:10 (1999): 1009-13. Aramaic.

Kapera, S.J., ed., Mogilany 1995: Papers of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  In memory of Aleksy Klawek, Qumranica  Mogilanensia 15 (Krakow: Enigma Press, 1998).  Meiser, M., TLZ 124:12 (1999): 1223-5. Aramaic, Mandean.

Kaufhold, H., Byzantinische Rechtsbücher in armenischer Übersetzung (Frankfurt am Main: Löwenklau Gesellschaft, 1997).  Von Esbroeck, M., OC 83 (1999): 277-8. Traina, G., OCP 66:1 (2000): 200-1. Syriac.

Kaufman, S.A. and M. Sokoloff, A Key Word-in-Context Concordance to Targum Neofiti: A Guide to the Complete Palestinian Aramaic Text of the Torah, The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993). A. Salvison, JJS 49:1 (1998): 141.

Kaufman, S.A., and M. Sokoloff with assistance of E.A. Cook, A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance to Targum Neofiti:  A Guide to the Complete Palestinian Aramaic Text of the Torah (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993).  A. Salvesen, JJS 49:1 (1998): 141. Targum.

Kaye, A.S., ed., Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslaü on the Occasion of his Eighty-fifth Birthday, November 14th 1991 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1995).  M. Kropp, OC 81 (1997): 282-283. E.N. McCarns, JAOS 118:2 (1998): 297-298. Aramaic.

Kelley, P.H., D.S. Mynatt, and T.G. Crawford, The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Introduction and Annotated Glossary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998). A.H. Harman, RTR 57:3 (1998): 156-7. Aramaic.

Khatibi, A., and M. Sijelmassi, Die Kunst der islamischen Kalligrafie (Köln: DuMont, 1995). A. Kraljic, WZKM 88 (1998): 427-30. Syriac and Nabatean.

Kiraz, G.A., Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshî.t¯ and Harklean Versions. Volume 1, Matthew; Volume 2, Mark; Volume 3, Luke; Volume 4, John, New Testament Tools and Studies 21-1-4 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996). H. Kaufhold, OC 81 (1997): 243-245. C. McCarthy, JSS 43:1 (1998): 185-186. Syriac.

Kiraz, G.A., Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels, Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshîttâ and Harklean Versions (Leiden: Brill, 1996). T. Baarda, NT 39:4 (1997): 405-414.

Kiraz, G.A., Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonians, Peshitta and Harklean Versions. (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Petersen, W.L., TC 2 (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at:  [Cited 07/00]. Petersen, W.L., RBL (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].  

Kiraz, G.A., ed., Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels, Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshîttâ and Harklean Versions.  Vol. 1, Matthew; Vol. 2, Mark; Vol. 3, Luke; Vol. 4, John, 4 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Sokoloff, M., JAOS 121:1 (2000): 103-5. Syriac.

Kiraz, G.A., ed., Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus,
.tâ and .arklean Versions. Vol. 1, Matthew; Vol. 2, Mark; Vol. 3, Luke; Vol. 4, John, NTTS 21/1-4 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996). W.L. Petersen, JBL 118:1 (1999): 176-8. Syriac.

Kiraz, G.A., Introduction to Syriac Spirantization (Rukk¯khô and Quoyô) (Netherlands: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1995).  M. Kropp, OC 81 (1997): 252-253. Syriac.

Kiraz, George Anton, Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament, JSOT Manuals 7 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994). M. Sokoloff, JAOS 117:1 (1997): 216. R.A. Taylor, BS 154 (1997): 242-243. M.O. Wise, JNES 56:3 (1997): 212-213.

Klein, M., Geniza Manuscripts of the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1986).  Grelot, P., RB 106: 4 (1999): 612-7. Targum.

Klein, M., Genizah Manuscripts of the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch, 2 vols.  (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1986). P. Grelot, RB 116:4 (1999): 612-7. Targum. This review, lost in 1987, is published now.

Klein, Michael, Targumic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collection, Cambridge University Library Genizah Series 8 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). E.M. Menn, JNES 56:3 (1997): 210-211.

Koehler, L. and W. Baumgartner, eds., Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexicon zum Alten Testament (Leiden: Brill, 1994-1997). S. Segert, WZKM 87 (1997): 301-303. J.A. Emerton, VT 48:1 (1998): 111-120.

Koehler, L. and W. Baumgartner, Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexicon zum Alten Testament, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1995).  Sokoloff, M., DSD 7:1 (2000): 74-109. Aramaic.

Koehler, Ludwig and Walter Baumgartner, revised by W. Baumgartner and J. J. Stamm, The Hebrew And Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, vol. 1 (Leiden: Brill, 1994). R.P. Gordon, JTS 48:1 (1997): 143-144.

Kogut, S., Correlations between Biblical Accentuation and Traditional Jewish Exegesis: Linguistic and Contextual Studies, Publications of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1994) (in Hebrew). E.J. Revell, HS 38 (1997): 188-191.

Köhler, B., ed., Religion und Wahrheit: religionsgeschichtliche Studien: Festschrift für Gernot Wiessner zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1998). K. Pinggéra, K., OC 83 (1999): 287-91. Syriac.

Kollamparampil, T., ed., trans. J. Serugh, Select Festal Homilies (Rome-Bangalore: Center for Indian and Interreligious Studies and Dharmaran Publications, 1997). V. Poggi, OCP 64:1 (1998): 254-5. Syriac.

Koodapuzha, X., Oriental Churches, an Introduction (Kottayam, India: OIRSI, 1996). J. Kallarangatt, CO 18:01 (1997): 43.

Kraemer, D., Reading the Rabbis. The Talmud as Literature (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). J. Neusner, JSJ 28:3 (1997): 333-337.

Kraemer, R.S., When Aseneth Met Joseph. A Late Antique Tale of the Biblical Patriarch and His Egyptian Wife, Reconsidered ( New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).  Bauckham, R., JTS 51:1 (2000): 226-228. Syriac.

Kraovec, J., K. Gantar, and J. Kos, eds., Interpretation of the Bible. International Symposium on the Interpretation of the Bible on the Occasion of the Publication of the New Slovenian Translation of the Bible (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998).  Ellingworth, P., JTS 51:1 (2000): 164-167. Vermes, G., JJS 51:1 (2000):  152. Targum, Syriac.

Kraovec, J., The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, JSOTSupp 289 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998).  Elliot, J.K., ET 110 (September, 1999): 408. Targum, Syriac.

Kraus, P., Alchemie, Ketzerei, Apokryphen in frühen Islam: Gesammelte Aufsätze (Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1994).  T. Langermann, JAOS 118:2 (1998): 292-293. Syriac.

Kugel, J.L., Traditions of the Bible: A Guide to the Bible as It Was at the Start of the Common Era (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998). Kugler, R.A., JBL 119:1 (2000): 110-12. Kugler, R., RBL (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00]. Targum, Peshitta.

Kugler, R., From Patriarch to Priest. The Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi, SBLEJL 9 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). B. Ego, ZAW 109:3 (1997): 462. A. Aschim, JBL 117:2 (1998): 353-355.

Kugler, R.A., From Patriarch to Priest: the Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi, SBL Early Judaism and its Literature 9 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996).  Endres, J.C., Shofar 18:2 (2000): 149-51. Aramaic.

Kugler, R.A., From Patriarch to Priest: the Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi, SBLEJL 9 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). M. Morgenstern, JSS 44:1 (1999): 135-7. Aramaic.

Kugler, R.A., From Patriarch to Priest: the Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi, SBL Early Judaism and its Literature 9 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). E. Schuller, HS 39 (1998): 254-6. Aramaic.

Kugler, R.A., From Patriarch to Priest: the Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi to Testament of Levi, SBLEJL 9 (Atlanta: Scholars, 1996).  L. Day, CBQ 60:1 (1998): 120-121. A. Aschim, JBL 117:2 (1998): 353-355. Aramaic.

Kugler, Robert A., From Patriarch to Priest. The Levi-Priestly Tradition from Aramaic Levi and the Testament of Levi, Early Judaism and Its Literature 9 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). M. de Jonge, JSJ 28:1 (1997): 115-117.

La Tradition Syriaque: Deuxìeme Rencontre des Èglises de tradition syriaque (Paris: Istina, 1998). E.G. Farrugia, OCP 64:2 (1998): 476-9. Fondation Pro Oriente, Vienne 22-27, Fevrier, 1996.

Laato, A., A Star is Rising: The Historical Development of the Old Testament Royal Ideology and the Rise of the Jewish Messianic Expectations (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997).  Syriac. Knoppers, G.N., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Laato, A., A Star is Rising: The Historical Development of the Old Testament Royal Ideology and the Rise of the Jewish Messianic Expectations, University of South Florida International Studies in Formative Christianity and Judaism 5 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997). G.N. Knoppers, JBL 117:4 (1998): 732-5. Syriac.

LaGrand, J., The Earliest Christian Mission to “All Nations” in the Light of Matthew’s Gospel (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). Syriac Christianity. Allison, D.C., Jr., RBL (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Lane, D., A.P. Hayman, W. van Vliet, J. Erbes, Peshitta: Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium, VT Syriaca II 11b (Leiden: Brill, 1991). D. Bundy, CBQ 55 (1993): 764-766.

Lane, D.J., The Old Testament in Syriac. Leviticus (Leiden: Brill, 1991).  M.P. Weitzman, JTS 45 (1994): 198-203. Syriac.

Lane, D.J., The Peshi.ta of Leviticus, Monographs of the Peshitta Institute of Leiden 6 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).  M.P. Weitzman, JTS 49:1 (1998): 203-205. A. Salvesen, JSS 42:4 (1997): 419-420. Syriac.

Laperrousaz, E.-M., ed., Qoumrân et les Manuscrits de la Mer Morte.  UnCinquantaire, Collection Études Annexes de la Bible de Jérusalem (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1997).  M. D/ugosz, QC 7:1-2 (1997): 123-124. Aramaic. 

Laperrousaz, E.-M., Qoumrân et les Manuscrits de la Mer Morte.  Un Cinquantenaire, Collection Études Annexes de la Bible de Jérusalem, (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1997).  Vermes, G., JJS 51:1 (2000): 155. Aramaic.

Leith, M.J.W., Wadi Daliyeh.  Vol 1 The Wadi Daliyeh Seal Impressions, DJD 24 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997).  Aufrecht, W., CBQ 61: 4 (1999): 754-5. Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., Nouvelles inscriptions araméennes au Musée d’Israël, Supplement à Transeuphratène 3 (Paris: Gabalda, 1996).  I. Eph’al, IEJ 47:3-4 (1997): 290-293. Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., Nouvelles inscriptions araméennes d’Idumée au Musée d’Israël, Transeuphratene Supplements 3 (Paris: Gabalda, 1996).  Pardee, D., JNES 59:2 (2000): 128-30. Aramaic.

Lemche, N.P., The Israelites in History and Tradition (Louisville: Westminster-John Knox, 1998).  Pace, J.H., BASOR 319 (2000): 71-2. Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Lete, O., and J.L. Montero Fenollós, Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates, the Tishrin Dam Area.  Proceedings of the International Symposium at Barcelona, January 28-30, 1998, Aula Orientalis Supplementa 15 (Barcelona: Editorial Ausa, 1999).  Miller, J.M., NEA 62:4 (1999): 256. Syriac.

Levin, S., Semitic and Indo-European: The Principal Etymologies, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 129 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995). Y. Matras, JSS 44:1 (1999): 105-8. Aramaic.

Levine, B.A., P.J. King, , J. Naveh, and E.Stern, eds., Eretz-Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies.  In honor of F. M. Cross, Eretz-Israel 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999).  Aufrecht, W., BASOR 318 (2000): 94 - 95. Katzenstein, H., IEJ 50:1-2 (2000): 148-9. Aramaic.

Limbeck, M., Das Gesetz im alten und neuen Testament (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,  1997).  Bockmuehl, M., JTS 51:1 (2000): 171-173. Targum.

Lindenberger, J.M., Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters, Writings from the Ancient World: Society of Biblical Literature 4 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994).  D. Pardee, JNES 57:3 (1998): 227. Aramaic.

Lindenberger, James M., Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters, Writings from the Ancient World 4 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994). B. Porten, JAOS 117:2 (1997): 370-371.

Lipi´ski, E., Semitic Languages: Outline of a Comparative Grammar, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 80 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997).  Healey, J.F., JSS 45:1 (2000): 227. Aramaic.

Lipi´ski, E., Semitic Languages: Outline of a Comparative Grammar, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 80 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997). D.I. Block, JETS 42:3 (1999): 85-6. Aramaic.

Lozachmeur, H., ed., Prèsence arabe dans le croissant fertile avant l’Hegire (Actes de la table ronde internationale Paris, 13, Novembre 1993) (Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1995).  Healy, J.F., JSS 44:2 (1999): 319-20. Nabatean.

Lozachmeur, H., ed., Prèsence arabe dans le Croissant fertile avant l’Hegire (Actes de la table ronde internationale Paris, 13, Novembre 1993) (Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1995).  L. Muntingh, JNSL 23:2 (1997): 243-245. Aramaic.

Lupieri, E., I Mandei gli ultimi gnostici, BrCuRel 61 (Brescia: Paideia, 1993).  Weissengruber, F., Studien zum NT und seiner umwelt 19 (1994): 254-6. Pikaza, X., Estudios Trinitarios 29 (1995): 497. Penna, R., Lateranum 61 (1995): 204. Mandean.

Lust, J., E. Eynikel and K. Hauspie, A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1996).  M. Vervenne, ETL 74:1 (1998): 83-86. Aramaic.

Macintosh, A.A., A Critical and Exegetic Commentary on Hosea (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1997). G.A. Yee, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 535-7. K.J. Cathcart, TLZ 123:10 (1998): 966-7. Targum, Aramaic, Peshitta.

MacKenzie, R.K., The Author of the Apocalypse: A Review of the Prevailing Hypothesis of Jewish-Christian Authorship, Mellen Biblical Press Series 51 (Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1997). R.L. Farmer, JBL 117:4 (1998): 756-58. Aramaic.

Macuch, R., Neumändaisch Texte im Dialekt von Ahw¯z  (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993). J. Oelsner, OLZ 94:2 (1999): 216-8. Mandean.

Maier, J., Die Qumran-Essener: Die Texte vom Toten Meer.  Band 1, Die Texte der Höhlen 1-3 und 5-11.  Band 2, Die Texte der Höhle 4 (Munich: Ernst Reinhardt, 1995).  E.M. Cook, CBQ 60:1 (1998): 124-125. A. Maurer, TLZ 123:1 (1998): 51-55. Aramaic.

Maier, J., Die Qumran-Essener: die Texte vom Toten Meer. I, II, III (München-Basel: Reinhardt, 1995/6). Aramaic.

Mangan, Céline, J.F. Healey, P.S. Knobel, The Targum of Job, Proverbs and Qohelet, The Aramaic Bible 15 (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1991). Z. Garber, CBQ 55 (1993): 119.

Maori, Y., The Peshitta Version of the Pentateuch and early Jewish Exegesis (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1995)  (in Hebrew).  Cook, E., HS 40 (1999): 298-300. Targum, Syriac.

Maori, Y., The Peshitta Version of the Pentateuch and Early Jewish Exegesis, (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1998) (in Hebrew). J.A. Lund, AJA 102:1 (1998): 250-252. M. Papoutsakis, JJS 48:2 (1997): 383-384

Maraqten, M., Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt- und rischsaramäischen Inschriften aus Vorderasien: Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik (Hildesheim: Olds, 1988).  E. Eshel and H. Eshel, WZKM 84 (1994): 199-201. Aramaic.

Marcos, Natalio Fernandéz. et al., El Texto Antiquido de la Biblia Griega, vol. 3: 1-2, Textos y Estudion ‘Cardinal Cisneros’ de la Biblia Poliglota Matritense 60 (Madrid: Instituto de Filologia del CSIC, 1995). G.J. Morton, JJS 48:1 (1997): 150-151. Peshitta.

Martinez, F.G. and E.J.C. Tigchelaar, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition. Vol. 1:1Q1-4Q273 (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Vermes, G., JJS 50:1 (1999): 159-60. Aramaic.

Martinez, F.G., and E.J.C. Tigchelaar, eds., The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition. Vol. 1: 1Q1-4Q273  (Leiden: Brill, 1997). ) L.T. Stuckenbruck, DSD 6:2 (1999): 207-15. G. Vermes, JJS 50:1 (1999): 159-60. Aramaic.

Martinez, Florentino García and Donald W. Parry, A Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah 1970-1995, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 19 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). J.K. Elliot, NT 39:2 (1997): 202-203. Aramaic.

Martinez, G.F., and E.J.C. Tigchelaar, The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition Volume 1, 1Q1-4Q273 (Leiden: Brill, 1997). É. Puech, RQ 18:3 (1998): 446. Aramaic.

Martinez, Garcia and A. S. van der Woude, De Rollen van Dode Zee ingeleid en in het Nederlands ver taalt. Deel 1: 1994, Deel 2: 1995 (Kampen: Kok, 1994, 1995). Z.J. Kapera, QC 6:1-4 (1996): 186-188.

McCarter, K., Ancient Inscriptions. Voices from the Biblical World, VT Supplements 60 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). R.W. Klein, CuM 55:1 (1998): 55.

McCarter, K.P., Jr., Ancient Inscriptions: Voices from the Biblical World (Washington DC: Biblical Archaeological Society, 1996).  S. Segert, ArOr 66:1 (1998): 75-77. Aramaic.

McDonough, S.M., YHWH at Patmos: Rev 1-4 in its Hellenistic and Early Jewish Setting, WUNT 2/107 (Tübingen: Mohr, 1999).  Mowery, R.L., CBQ 62:3 (2000): 559-60. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan.

McKane, W., Micah: Introduction and Commentary (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, Ltd., 1998). Targum, Peshitta. Wagenaar, J.A., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

McLay, T., The OG and the Versions of Daniel, SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series 43 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). M. Rösel, ZAW 109:3 (1997): 463-464.

McLay, T., The OG and the Versions of Daniel, SBLSCS 43 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996).  C.E. Cox, CBQ 60:1 (1998): 125-126. Aramaic.

McLeod, F.G., The Image of God in the Antiochene Tradition (Washington: Catholic University of America, 1999).  O’Keefe, J.J., TS 61:3 (2000): 555-6. Syriac.

McNamara, M. and E.G. Clark, Targum Neofiti 1, Numbers; Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Numbers, Aramaic Bible 4 (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1995). G. Rendsburg, JBL 117:3 (1998): 547. D.M. Golomb, CBQ 59:4 (1997): 742-743. Targum.

McNamara, M. and E.G. Clarke, Targum Neofiti 1: Numbers/Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: Numbers, The Aramaic Bible 4 (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994).  Rendsburg, G.A., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

McNamara, M., Targum Neofiti 1: Deuteronomy, The Aramaic Bible 5A (Collegeville. MN: Liturgical Press, 1997).  Rendsburg, G.A., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Meaders, Edward P., Jesus the Messianic Herald of Salvation, WUNT 2/72 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1995). S.J. Patterson, JBL 116:1 (1997): 138-141. I Enoch.

Meadors, E.P., Jesus: the Messianic Herald of Salvation  (Peabody: Hendrikson, 1997). M.R. Fairchild, JETS 42:3 (1999): 509. Aramaic.

Meadowcroft, T.J., Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel, JSOT Supp. Series 198 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995). J.W. Wevers, JAOS 117:1 (1997): 220. L.L. Grabbe, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 128-129.

Meadowcroft, T.J., Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel. A Literary Comparison (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995). M. Rösel, ZAW 109:3 (1997): 464-465.

Meadowcroft, T.J., Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel: A Literary Comparison, JSOTSupp 198 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995). J.J. Collins, TJ 19:1 (1998): 114-118. B.A. Taylor, JBL 117:4 (1998): 731-2.

Menn, E.M., Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) in Ancient Jewish Exegesis: Studies in Literary Form and Hermeneutics, JSPSupp 517 (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Bellavance, E., CBQ 62:3 (2000): 526-8. Targum, Neofiti. Bohak, G., JJS 51:1 (2000): 156-7. Targum.

Menn, E.M., Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) in Ancient Jewish Exegesis, Studies in Literary Form and Hermeneutics; JSJSup 51 (Leiden: Brill, 1997). Targum. Weitzman, S., JAOS 119: 3 (1999): 515-6. Vogels, W.A., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Menn, E.M., Judah and Tamar (Genesis 38) in Ancient Jewish Exegesis, Studies in Literary Form and Hermeneutics, JSSSupp 51 (Leiden: Brill, 1997). R.W. Klein, CUM 25:5 (1998): 395. Neofiti.

Meyers, E., ed., Oxford Encyclopaedia of Archaeology in the Near East  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). B.F. Batto, CBQ 61:2 (1999): 341-4. W. Aufrecht, “The State of Near Eastern Archaeology,” BASOR 314  (1999): 71-5.  Aramaic.

Meyers, E.M., ed., Oxford Enclyclopaedia of Archaeology in the Near East (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996).  N. Yoffee, “Encyclopaedias ‘R’ Us,” AJA 102:3 (1998): 607-610. Aramaic.

Meyers, E.M., ed., Oxford Encyclopaedia of Archaeology in the Near East (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996).  Briggs, R.D., JNES 59:1 (2000): 36-8. Aramaic.

Mildenberg, L., Vestigia Leoni—Studien zur antiken Numismatik Israels, Palästina und der östlichen Mittelmeerwelt, NTOA 36 (Freiburg: Universitätsverlag, 1998).  Lemaire, A., Transeu 18 (1999): 153-4. Aramaic.

Miller, F., Roman Near East 31 BC—AD 337 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993).  Rajak, T., “Jews, Semites and their Cultures,” JJS 51:1 (2000): 63-8. Aramaic.

Miller, Stephen R., Daniel, New American Commentary 18 (Nashville: Broadman, 1994). C.L. Aaron, CBQ 59:1 (1997): 131-132.

Minisalle, A., La versione greca del Siracide. Confronto con il testo ebraico alla luce dell’attività midrascica e del metodo targumico, AnBib 133 (Rome: Editrice Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1995). P.C. Beentjes, JSJ 28:3 (1997): 343-345.

Mirecki, P., and J. BeDuhn, eds., Emerging from Darkness.  Studies in the Recovery of Manichaean Sources (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  H.M. Jackson, TLZ 123:6 (1998): 576-579. Syriac.

Mori, Masao et al., eds., Near Eastern Studies Dedicated to H.I.H. Prince Takahito Mikasa on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991). R.D. Briggs, JNES 56:1 (1997): 62-63. Aramaic.

Müller-Kessler, C. and M. Sokoloff, eds. and trans., A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic, Volume I: The Christian Palestinian Aramaic Old Testament and Apocrypha Version from the Early Period; Volume III: The Forty  Martyrs of the Sinai Desert, Eulogios, the Stone-Cutter, and Anastasia (Groningen: Styx, 1996-7).  Haelewyck, J.-C., Museon 111 (1998): 447-8. Aramaic.

Müller-Kessler, C. and M. Sokoloff, eds., A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic: Volume III, The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert, Eulogios, the Stone Cutter and Anastasia (Groningen: Styx Publications, 1996). M. van Esbroeck, OC 81 (1997): 253-254. K. Beyer, JSS 43:1 (1998): 180-183. Aramaic.

Müller-Kessler, C., Grammatik des Christlich-Pälestinisch-Aramäischen Teil F: Schriftlehre, Lautlehre, Formenlehre (Hildesheim: Olms, 1991).  Brock, S.E., BSOAS 58 (1995): 434. Torres, A., Archivo Teologica Granadino 57 (1994): 523-6. Aramaic.

Müller-Kessler, C., Grammatik des Christlich-Pälestinisch-Aramäischen  Teil F: Schriftlehre, Lautlehre, Formenlehre (Hildesheim: Olms, 1991).  U. Schattner-Rieser, SYRIA 72 (1995): 275-278. Aramaic. 

Müller-Kessler, Christa, Grammatik des Christlich-palästinisch-Aramäischen, TStOr 9 (Hildesheim: G. Olms Verlag, 1991). M. Pazzini, Liber Annus 43 (1993): 573-575. S. Segert, ArOr 61 (1993): 226-227; J.A. Fitzmyer, CBQ 55 (1993): 597-598

Munoa, P.B., Four Powers in Heaven. The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in the Testament of Abraham, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, Supplement Series  28 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998).  Hannah, D.D., JTS 51:1 (2000):  228-230. Aramaic, Daniel.

Muraoka, T., and B. Porten, A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic (Leiden: Brill, 1998). S. Segert, AO 66:3 (1998): 278-80. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., and B. Porten, A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic, Handbuch der Orientalistik, Abt. I: Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten 32 (Leiden: Brill, 1998).  Gianto, A., Orientalia 69:2 (2000): 183-5. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., and J.F. Elwolde, eds., The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira: Proceedings of a symposium held at Leiden University, 11-14 December 1995, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 26 (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Morgenstern, M., JSS 44:2 (1999): 309-14. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., Classical Syriac: a Basic Grammar with a Chrestomathy, Porta Linguarum Oriental, Neue Serie 19 (Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz, 1997). S. Segert, AO 67:1 (1999): 292-4. J. Joosten, RHPR 79:2 (1999): 229-30. G.W. Nebe, TLZ 124:6 (1999): 605-7. G.N. Knoppers, JBL 118:3 (1999): 577-8. Syriac.

Muraoka, T., ed., Studies in Ancient Hebrew Semantics, Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series 4 (Louvain: Peeters, 1995).  Gibson, J.C.L., JSS 45:1 (2000): 145-6. Targum, Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., ed., Studies in Ancient Hebrew Semantics, Abr-Nahrain Supp. Series 4 (Louvain: Peeters, 1995). H.G.M. Williamson, JTS 48:1 (1997): 144-147.

Muraoka, T., Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the LXX: Keyed to the Hatch-Redpath Concordance (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998). E. Kreutz, CUM 26:1 (1999): 61-2. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint Keyed to the Hatch-Redpath Concordance (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998).  Taylor, R.A., JETS 42: 4 (1999): 712. Aramaic.

Muraoko, T., Classical Syriac.  A Basic Grammar with a Chrestomathy, Porta Linguarum Orientalium, New Series 19 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997).  Joosten, J., Hugoye 2:1 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Murphy, R.E., Proverbs, Word Biblical Commentary 22 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998).  Brown, W.P., Interpretation 54:4 (2000): 423-6. Aramaic.

Naumann, Paul, Brüche zwischen den Testamenten 1. Targum-Synopse aus gewählter Texte aus den palästinischen Pentateuch-Targumen (Konstanz: Christliche VA, 1991). R. Vicent, Salesianum 55 (1993): 595.

Naveh, J., and S. Shaked, Magic Spells and Formulae:  Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1993).  Auwers, J.-M., Muséon 108 (1995): 193. S. Brock, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1995) 262-4. Gignos, P., “Notae Bibliographicae re Magic Spells and Formulae,” Orientalia 68: 3 (1999): 311. Aramaic.

Naveh, J., Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B.C. from Idumea  (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1996). C. Dobbs-Allsopp, BASOR 312 (1998): 84-6. Aramaic.

Naveh, J., On Sherd and Papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from the Second Temple, Mishnaic and Talmudic Periods (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1992) (in Hebrew).  M. Sokoloff, JAOS 118:1 (1998): 73-75. Aramaic.

Naveh, Joseph, On Sherd and Papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from the Second Temple, Mishnaic and Talmudic Periods (Jerusalem: Magnus, 1992). J.C. VanderKam, Religious Studies Review 19 (1993): 274.

Neef, H.-D., Gottes himmlischer Thronrat. Hintergrund und Bedeutung von sôd JHWH im Alten Testament, Arbeiter zur Theologie 79 (Stuttgart: Calwer, 1994). H.-J. Fabry, TR 93:5 (1997): 385-386.

Negev, A., Personal Names in the Nabatean Realm, QEDEM Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology, 32 (Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1991). S.N. Noseda, AION 55:4 (1995): 488.

Negev, A., The Archaeology of Oboda: Final Report, Qedem 36  (Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, 1997). E. Meyers, BAR 24:6 (1998): 56. Nabatean.

Niditch, S., Oral World and Written Word. Orality and Literacy in Ancient Israel (London: SPCK, 1997). A. Millard, JTS 49:2 (1998): 699-705. Aramaic.

Nodet, Etienne, La Bible de Josèph. Vol. 1, Le Pentateuque (Paris: Cerf, 1996). J. Lust, ETL 73:1 (1997): 166.

Noy, D., Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, Volume 2: The City of Rome (Cambridge: University Press, 1995).  P. Trebilco, JSS 42:4 (1997): 417-419. Aramaic.

Noy, D., Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe. Vol 2: The City of Rome (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). P. Treblico, JSS 42:2 (1997): 417-419.

Odisho, E.Y., The sound system of modern Assyrian (Neo-Aramaic), Semitica Viva 2 (Wiesbaden: Harrossowitz, 1988).  M. Tosco, JAFAL 3 (1991): 260-263. Aramaic.

Oegema, G.S., The Anointed and His People: Messianic Expectations from the Maccabees to Bar Kochba (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998).  Gnuse, R., CBQ 61: 4 (1999): 758-9. Atkinson, K., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00]. Targum, Aramaic.

Oegema, G.S., The Anointed and His People: Messianic Expectations from Maccabees to Bar Kochba, JSP Supp 27 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998). J. Lust, ETL 75:1 (1999): 199-201. Aramaic, Daniel.

Öhler, M., Elia in Neuen Testament. Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des alttestamentlichen Propheten im frühen Christentum, BZNW 88 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1997). C.E. Joynes, JJS 49:2 (1998): 353-55. Targum.

Olyan, Saul M., A Thousand Thousands Served Him: Exegesis and the Naming of Angels in Ancient Judaism, Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 36 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1993). C.R.A. Morray-Jones, JSS 42:1 (1997): 154-159. I Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham.

Oppel, Dagmar, Heilsam erzählen—erzähland heilen. Die Heilung der Blutflüssigen und die Erweckung der Jairustochter in Mk 5:21-43 als Beispiel markinscher Erzälfertigkeit (Weinheim: Beltz Athenäum Verlag, 1995). K. Scholtissek, TR 93:1 (1997): 19. Syriac.

Ortlund, R.C., Jr., Whoredom: God’s Unfaithful Wife in Biblical Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996). W.B. Aucker, TJ 19:1 (1998): 103-107.  Targum references in footnotes.

Palmer, A., The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1993). F. Briquel-Chatonnet, RHR 214:1 (1997): 111-113.

Parker, D.C., and C.-B. Amphoux, eds., Codex Bezae.  Studies from the Lunel Colloquium (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).  S.R. Pickering, NT 40:3 (1998): 291-295. Syriac.

Parker, D.C., The Living Text of the Gospels,  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). J.N. Birdsall, JTS 50:1 (1999): 275-88. Syriac. p. 284.

Parker, S.B., Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible (Oxford: University Press, 1997).  Chisholm, R.B., BS 157 (2000): 374-5. Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Parker, S.B., Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). S. Ackerman, BR 15:3 (1999): 12-13. Z. Zevit, BASOR 312 (1998): 83-4. A. Gianto, CBQ 61:1 (1999): 136-8. Aramaic.

Parpola, Simo, ed., Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian scholars (Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1993). T. Kwasman, OLZ 92:1 (1997): 43-55. Aramaic.

Parry, D.W., and E. Ulrich, eds., The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues, STDJ 30 (Leiden: Brill, 1999).  Frey, J., TLZ 125:5 (2000): 510-3. Aramaic.

Pazzini, M., Grammatica Siriaca (Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1999).  Lavenant, R., OCP 65:2 (1999): 518. Syriac.

Pedersen, O., Katalog der beschriften Objekte aus Assur: Die Schriftträger mit Ausnahme der Tontafeln und ähnliche Archivtexte,  Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 23 (Berlin: Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, 1997).  Biggs, R.D., JNES 59:1 (2000): 73-4. Aramaic.

Péluse, I. de, Lettres.  Tome I: Lettres 1214-1413.  Introduction, text critique, traduction et notes - P. Évieux, Sources Chrétiennes 422 (Paris: Cerf, 1997). Syriac.  Attinger, D., POC 48:1-2 (1998): 212-3. Syriac. 

Pennachietti, F.A., Il ladrone e il cherubino: Dramma liturgico cristiano orientale in siriaco e neoaramaico, (Torino: Silvio Zamorani, 199?). S. Brock, JSS 42:1 (1997): 175-176.

Pérez Fernandez, M., An Introductory Grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew, translated by J. Elwolde (Leiden: Brill, 1997).  Baasten, M.F.J., JSS 45:1 (2000): 189-92. Oliverius, J., AO 68:1 (2000): 100-1. Taylor, B., AUSS 38:1 (2000): 169-70. Aramaic.

Petersen, W.L., et al., eds., Sayings of Jesus: Canonical and Non-canonical.  Essays in Honour of Tjitze Baarda  (Leiden: Brill, 1997). D.C. Parker, NT 41:2 (1999): 186-9. Aramaic. See especially first paper by J.N. Birdsall.

Petersen, W.L., Tatian’s Diatessaron.  Its Creation, Dissemination, Significance and History in Scholarship, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 25 (Leiden: Brill, 1994). DuBois, J.-D., Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 90 (1995): 113. Elliot, J.K., ET 106 (1994): 341. Klijn, A.F.J., VC 49 (1995): 405-8. Syriac.

Petersen, W.L., Tatian’s Diatessaron.  Its Creation, Dissemination, Significance and History in Scholarship, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 25 (Leiden: Brill, 1994). M.-É. Boismard, RB 106:3 (1999): 446-9. Syriac.

Petersen, W.L., Tatian’s Diatessaron. Its Creation, Dissemination, Significance and History in Scholarship (Leiden: Brill, 1994). J.N. Birdsall, JTS 48:2 (1997): 649-657.

Petersen, William L., Tatian’s Diatessaron, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 25 (Leiden: Brill, 1994). T. Baarda, Biblica 77:4 (1996): 577-580.

Ploeg, J.P.M., van der, The Book of Judith (daughter of Merari), (Kottayam: St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 1991). A.S. van der Woude, JSJ 23 (1992): 130. Syriac text with translation and footnotes.

Plummer, R., Samaritan Marriage Contracts and Deeds of Divorce (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993). M. Sokoloff, JQR 87:1-2 (1996): 224-225.

Podella, T., Das Lichtkleid JHWHs. Untersuchungen zur Gestalthaftigkeit Gottes im Alten Testament und seiner altorientalischen Umwelt, Forschungen zum Alten Testament 15 (Tübingen: Mohr, 1996).  Healey, J.F., JTS 51:1 (2000):186-188. Syriac.

Poirot, E., Les Prophètes Éli et Élisée dans la littérature chrétienne ancienne (Brepols: Turnhout, 1997).  Piovelli, P., Apocrypha 10 (1999): 317-20. Syriac.

Porten, B. et al., The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui, Studies in Near Eastern Archaeology and Civilization 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  J. Naveh, JSS 43:1 (1998): 183-184. P.E. Dion, BASOR 308 (1997): 104-106. J.K. Elliot, Novum Testamentum 39 (1997): 415. J.A. Fitzmyer, Old Testament Abstracts 20 (1997): 320-321.  L.L. Grabbe, Book List [Society for Old Testament Study] (1997): 26-27. M.D.G. Knowles, Koinonia [Princeton Theological Seminary Graduate Journal] 8 (1996): 89-91. J. Naveh, Journal of Semitic Studies 43 (1998): 183-184. Revista Biblica Brasileira 14 (1997): 296. S. Segert, “The Elephantine Papyri in English,” AROr 65 (1997): 396-398. E. Wipszycka, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 27 (1997): 165-169. Aramaic.

Porten, B., and A. Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt: vol. 4.  Ostraca and Assorted Inscriptions (Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1999).  Dion, P.-E., BASOR 318 (2000): 77-9. Segert, S., AO 68:1 (2000): 88-90. Gianto, A., Biblica 81:3 (2000): 443-5. Tropper, J., OLZ 95:1 (2000): 30-1. Aramaic.

Porten, B., and A. Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic documents from ancient Egypt, 3 vols. (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1986, 89, 93).  Lipi´ski, E., OLP 25 (1994): 61-8. Fitzmyer, J.A., JAOS 115 (1995): 710. Aramaic.

Porten, B., et al., The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Milennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, Documenta et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui, Studies in Near Eastern Archaeology and Civilization 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Levine, B.A., IEJ 49: 3-4 (1999): 279-85. Lindenberger, J.M., JAOS 119:2 (1999): 343-4. Aramaic.

Porten, B., et al., The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, DMOA 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Pardee, D., JNES 59:2 (2000): 130-1. Lemaire, A., Transeu 18 (1999): 154-5. Aramaic.

Porten, Bezalel and Ada Yardeni, Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt. Vol. 3: Literature, Accounts and Lists, Texts and Studies for Students (Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1993). S. Segert, Archiv Orientalni 64:3 (1996): 426-427.

Porter, S.E., and C.A. Evans, eds. The Scrolls and the Scriptures.  Qumran 50 Years After, JSP Supp Ser 26 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997).  Martinez, F.G., RQ 19:2 (1999): 285-90. Aramaic.

Porter, S.E., and C.A. Evans, The Scrolls and the Scriptures.  Qumran 50 Years After, JSP SuppSer 26 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997).  Maurer, A., TLZ 124:12 (1999): 1227-30. Aramaic.

Putnam, F.C., A Cumulative Index to the Grammar and Syntax of Biblical Hebrew (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1999).  Seow, C.-L., HS (40): 265-6. Aramaic.

Rabenau, M., Studien zum Buch Tobit (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1994). H. Schüngel-Straumann, TR 93:5 (1997): 386-388.

Rabenau, Merten, Studien zum Buch Tobit, BZAW 220 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1994). G.W.E. Nickelsburg, JBL 116:2 (1997): 348-350.

Rabin, C., et al., The Book of Jeremiah (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1997). Targum.  Stuhlman, L., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Rabin, C., S. Talmon, and E. Tov, eds., The Book of Jeremiah (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1997). L. Stuhlman, JBL 118:1 (1999): 172-3. Peshitta, Targum.

Reeves, J.C., Heralds of That Good Realm: Syro-Mesopotamian Gnosis and Jewish Traditions, NHS and Manichaean Studies 14 (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  H. Basser, CBQ 60:1 (1998): 128-129. Aramaic, Mandaean.

Reeves, J.C., Heralds of the Good Realm: Syro-Mesopotamian Gnosis and Jewish Traditions (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Fossum, J., RBL (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Reeves, J.C., Jewish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony: Studies in the Book of Giants Traditions (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992). S.M. Wasserstrom, JNES 57:1 (1998): 50-51.

Reiterer, F.V., et al., Bibliographie zu Ben Sira, BZAW 266 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1998).  Murphy, R.E., CBQ 61: 3 (1999): 553-4. Syriac.

Reiterer, F.V., Freundschaft bei Ben Sira (Salzburg: F.V. Reiterer, 1995).  M. Meiser, TLZ 123:3 (1998): 245-247. Syriac.

Renoux, C., Initiation chrétienne, I: Rituaels arméniens du baptême (Paris: Sources Liturgique, 1996).  Winkler, G., OC 83 (1999): 282-5. Syriac.

Ribera Florit, Josep, Traducción del Targum de Jeremias (Estella, Navarra: Editorial Verbo Divino, 1992). S. Sabugal, Revista Agustiniana 34 (1993):

Robin, C. et al., L’arabie antique de Karib’îl à Mahomet, Nouvelles donnée sur l’histoire des Arabes grâce aux inscriptions, Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Mediterranée 61 (1991-1993) (Aix-en-Provence, 1992). S. Noja, RSO 70 (1996): 240-242. Fourth-century B.C.E. scriptures.

Rodrigues-Pereira, A.S., Studies in Aramaic Poetry (c 100 BCE—600 CE). Selected Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Poems, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 34 (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1997). M. Morgenstern, JJS 49:2 (1998): 368-371. G. Rouwhorst, Vig Chr 52:4 (1998): 447-8. Aramaic.

Romeny, R.B. ter Haar, A Syrian in Greek Dress: The Use of Greek, Hebrew and Syriac Biblical Texts in Eusebius of Emesa’s Commentary on Genesis, 2 vols., Traditio Exegetica Graeca 6 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997).  Chiesa, B., Henoch 20 (1998). Rouwhorst, G., VC 53: 4 (1999): 434-5. Syriac. Harvey, P.B., RBL (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].  [??missing pages on Chiesa review??]

Rosen, H.B., Hebrew at the Crossroads of Cultures: from Outgoing Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Orbis Supplementa 3 (Leuven: Peeters, 1995). R.G. Kratz, ZDMG 148:1 (1998): 207. Aramaic.

Rottzoll, D.U., ed., Rabbinischer Kommentar zum Buch Genesis: Darstellung der Rezeption des Buches Genesis in Mischna und Talmud unter Angabe targumischer und midraschischer Paralleltexte, Studia Judaica 14 (New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994).  Samely, A., JJS 51:1 (2000): 145-8. Targum.

Rottzoll, D.U., Rabbinischer Kommentar zum Buch Genesis: Darstellung der Rezeption des Buches Genesis in Mischna und Talmud unter Angabe targumischer und midraschischer Paralleltexte  (New York: de Gruyter, 1994). D. Krochmalnik, Judaica 50 (1994): 159. H.W. Basser, CBQ 57 (1995): 574-6. Targum.

Rouwhorst, G.A.M., Les Hymnes Paschales d’Ephrem de Nisibe.  Analyse theologique et recherche sur l’evolution de la fete pascale chretienne  a Nisibe et a Edesse et dans quelques Eglisses voisines au quatrieme siecle, 1-2 vols., Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae VII/1-2 (Leiden: Brill, 1989).  Juckel, A., Hugoye 3:1 (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00]. 

Russell, D.M., The ‘New Heaven and New Earth’: Hope for the Creation in Jewish Apocalyptic and the New Testament, Studies in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature 1 (Philadelphia: Visionary Press, 1996). J.C. Okoye, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 586-7. 1 Enoch, Aramaic.

Rutgers, L.V., P.W. van der Horst, H.W. Havelaar, and L. Tengels, eds., The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World, Contributions to Bible Exegesis and Theology 22 (Leuven: Peeters, 1998).  Verheyden, J., ETL 76:1 (2000): 182-4. Syriac. Peshitta.

Sabar, Y., The Book of Numbers in Neo-Aramaic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho, Hebrew University Language Traditions Project 16 (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1993). G. Khan, JSS 43:2 (1998): 370-1. Aramaic.

Sabar, Y., The Book of Numbers in Neo-Aramaic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho, Hebrew University Language Traditions Project 16 (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Institute of Jewish Studies, 1993). G. Khan, JSS 43:2 (1998): 370-1. Aramaic.

Sabar, Y., The Book of Numbers in Neo-Armanic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho, (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, Institute of Jewish Studies, 1993). Aramaic.  Khan, G., Hugoye 2:2 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Sabar, Yona, Targum de-Targum: an old Neo-Aramaic version of the Targum on Song of Songs, (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991). M. Köckert, ZAW 105 (1993): 148.

Sabar, Yona, The Book of Deuteronomy in Neo-Aramaic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho, Including Selected Texts in Other Neo-Aramaic Dialects and a Glossary, The Hebrew University Language and Traditions Project 18 (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1994). M. Miller, JSS 42:1 (1997): 169-173.

Sacchi, P., Jewish Apocalyptic and Its History, trans. W.J. Short, JSPSupp 20 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997). C. Martone, RQ 18:4 (1998): 597-602. 1 Enoch, Syriac in footnote on p. 601. Aramaic.

Sader, H.S., Les états araméens de Syrie depuis leur fondation jusqu’à leur transformation en provinces assyriennes, Beiruter Texte und Studien 36 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987).  A. Millard, SYRIA 72 (1995): 446-449. Aramaic.

Saebø, M., with C. Brekelmans and M. Haran, eds., Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.  The History of Its Interpretation. I, From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996). J. Joosten, RHPR 78:2 (1998): 84. C. Bultman, TLZ 123:5 (1998): 468-470. Targum.

Saley, R.J., The Samuel Manuscript of Jacob of Edessa (Leiden: Brill, The Peshitta Institute, 1998).  Lane, D.J., Hugoye 2:2 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Salibi, K., Did the Bible Come from Arabia? (Beirut: Naufal, 1996). F. Gangloff, “Did the Bible Come from Arabia?” TR 19:2 (1998): 134-59. Targum.

Salvesen, A., ed., Origen’s Hexapla and Fragments: Papers Presented at the Rich Seminar on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 25 July - 3 August 1994, TSAJ 58 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1998).  Brock, S., JTS 50:2 (1999): 769-72. Syriac.

Sanget, J.-M., Littératures et manuscrits des chrétiéntés syriaques et arabs, Studi e testi 389 (Rome: Cittá del Vaticano, 1998).  Lavenant, R., OCP 65:2 (1999): 519. Syriac.

Sawyer, J.F.A., Sacred Languages and Sacred Texts  (London: Routledge, 1999). C.S. Rodd, ET 110:12 (1999): 1-2. Aramaic.

Schaak, T., Die Ungeduld des Papiers: Studien zum alttestamentlichen verständnis des Schreibens anhand des Verbums katab im kontext administrativer vorgänge, BZAW 262 (Berlin: deGruyter, 1998).  Handy, L.K., JBL 119:3 (2000): 543-4. Syriac, Aramaic.

Schäfer, Peter and Shaul Shaked, eds., Magische Texte aus der Kairoer Geniza, vol. 1, Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 42 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1994). H. Fox, JAOS 117:2 (1997): 372.

Schenk, W., Das biographische Ich-idiom <Menschensohn> in den frühen  Jesus-Biographien.  Der Ausdruck, seine Codes und seine Rezeptionen in ihren Kontexten, FRLANT 17 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997). P.M. Casey, JTS 50:1 (1999): 213-9. Aramaic.

Schenk, W., Das biographische Ich-idiom <Menschensohn> in den frühen Jesus-Biographien. Der Ausdruck, seine Codes und seine Rezeptionen in ihren Kontexten, FRLANT 177 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997). D. Dormeyer, BZ 42:2 (1998): 261-4. Aramaic.

Schick, R., The Christian Communities of Palestine to Islamic Rule (Princeton: Darwin Press, 1995).  Janse, W., Hugoye 3:1 (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Schiffman, L.H. and M.D. Schwarz, Hebrew and Aramaic incantation texts from the Cairo Genizah, Semitic Theological Studies 1 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992). J.G. Snaith, ET 105 (1993): 158.

Schiffman, L.H., and M.D. Swartz, Hebrew and Aramaic incantation texts from the Cairo Genizah (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992).  Wasserstrom, S.M., AJS 19 (1994): 411-4 & 20 (1995) 199-202. Müller-Kessler, C., AfO 42 (1995): 322. Aramaic.

Schmidt-Colinet, K. Al-As`ad and C. Müting-Zimmer, Das Tempelgrab Nr. 36 in Palmyra: Studien zur palmyrenischen Grabarchitektur und ihren Ausstattung, Damaszener Forschungen 4 (Mainz am Rhein: Philip von Zabern, 1992).  M. Griesheimer, SYRIA 72 (1995): 453-456. Palmyren. 

Schmitt, A., Wende des Lebens: Untersuchungen zu einem Situation-Motiv der Bible, BZAW 237 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1996). J.A. Gladson, CBQ 60:2 (1998): 345-7. 1 Enoch, Daniel 6, Aramaic.

Schmitt, R., The B¯situn Inscriptions of Darius the Great, Old Persian Text (London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1991). A.S. Shahbazi, OLZ 92:6 (1997): 733-740. See p. 736.

Schöllgen, G., Die Anfänge der Professionalisierung des Klerus und das kirchliche Amt in der syrischen Didaskalie (Münster: Aschendorff, 2000).  Bienert, W.A., TLZ 125:7/8 (2000): 781-3. Syriac.

Schottroff, L., Lydia’s Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity, translated by B. Rumscheidt and M. Rumscheidt (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995). Targum Jonathan.  Matthews, S., RBL (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Schröter, J., Erinnerung au Jesu Worte.  Studim zur Rezeption der Logienüberlieferung in Markus, Q und Thomas, Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 76 (Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag, 1997).  Quispel, G., VC 53:4 (1999): 426-30. Aramaic.

Schwemer, A.M., Studien zu den frühjüdischen Prophetenlegenden Vitae Prophetarum. Volume I. Die Viten der grossen Propheten Jesaja, Jeremia, Ezechiel und Daniel. Volume II. Die Viten der kleinen Propheten und der Propheten aus den Geschichtsbüchern. (With Supplement: Synopse.), Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 49 & 50 (Tübingen: Mohr, 1995, 1996).  Horbury, W., JTS 51:1 (2000): 222-225. Syriac, Aramaic.

Schwemer, A.M., Vitae Prophetarum, Judische Schrifter aus hellenistische-römischer Zeit Band 1, Lieferung 7 (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1997).  Grappe, C., RHPR 79:4 (1999): 516-7. Mandean.

Scott, J.M., Paul and the Nations: The Old Testament and Jewish Background of Paul’s Mission to the Nations with Special Reference to the Destination of Galatians (Tubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1995).  Targum. Meadors, E., RBL (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Scott, J.M., Paul and the Nations: The Old Testament and Jewish Background of Paul’s Mission to the Nations with Special Reference to the Destination of Galatians WUNT 84 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1995). E. Meadors, JBL 116:4 (1997): 753-755.

Seow, C.-L., Ecclesiastes: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, Anchor Bible 18c (NY: Doubleday, 1997).  Enns, P., JETS 43:2 (2000): 320-1. Aramaic.

Seow, C.-L., Ecclesiastes: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, Anchor Bible 18c (NY: Doubleday, 1997).  III, T.L., Biblica 80: 3 (1999): 420-4. Aramaic.

Sgargi, G., ed., Gioele— Amos—Abdia, Biblia, I libri della Bibbia interpretati dalla grande Tradizione AT 32-34 (Bologna: Edizione Dehoniane, 1998).  Pisano, S., CBQ 62:2 (2000): 339-40. Targum,  Syriac.

Shäfer, P., and P. Shaked, Magische Texte aus der Kairoer Geniza, vol 1, Texte un Studien zum antiken Judentum 42 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1994).  Swartz, M.D., JSS 45:1 (2000): 192-4. Aramaic.

Shiloh, V., Millon ‘Ivri-’Arami - ‘Auri ba-Lahog Yahude Zaxo (A New Aramaic Dictionary: Jewish Dialect of Zakho), 2 vols. (Jerusalem: V. Shiloh, 1995).  Nissam, E., JSS 44:2 (1999): 320-22. Aramaic.

Silverstein, T., and A. Hilhorst, Apocalypse of Paul.  A New Critical Edition of Three Long Latin Versions, Cahiers Orientalisme 21 (Geneva: Patrick Cramer, 1997).  J.K. Elliott, JTS 49:1 (1998): 309-313. Syriac.

Smelik, W., Targum of Judges, Oudtestamentische Studien 36 (Leiden: Brill, 1995).  Stec, D.M., JSS 45:1 (2000): 184-7. Targum.

Smelik, W., The Targum of Judges, OTS 36 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). Z. Garber, CBQ 60:2 (1998): 347-8. R. Bartelmus, TLZ 123:7/8 (1998): 740-44. Targum.

Smelik, W., The Targum of Judges, Oudtestamentische Studiën 36 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). A. Saldarini, JJS 48:2 (1997): 381-383. B. Grossfeld, JBL 117:1 (1998): 174-175.

Smelik, W.F., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets.  Vol 2: Judges (Leiden: Brill, 1996).  Bernstein, M.J., CBQ 61: 3 (1999): 556-8. Targum.

Smelik, W.F., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets; Volume Two, Judges (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996). S. Schreiner, TLZ 123:10 (1998): 974-5. Targum.

Smelik, W.F., The Targum of Judges (Leiden: Brill, 1995).  Grossfeld, B., RBL (1997). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Smelik, W.F., The Targum of Judges, Oudtestamentische Studien 36 (Leiden: Brill, 1995). M. McNamara, JQR 89:1-2 (1998): 225-9. Targum.

Smith, M.S., The Origins and Development of the Waw-Consecutive.  Northwest Semitic Evidence from Ugarit to Qumran (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991).  A. Caquot, SYRIA 71 (1994): 255-256. Aramaic.

Sokoloff, M., A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period, Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash and Targum 2 (Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 1990).  G.A. Rendsburg, AJS 17 (1992): 296-299. M.J. Bernstein, Critical Review of Books in Religion 5 (1992): 386. J. Blau, Leshonenu 57 (1993): 58-65. M.A. Freidman, Leshonenu 57 (1993): 67-94. R. Vicent, Salesianum 56 (1994): 789. Aramaic.

Sperling, S.D., The Original Torah:  The Political Intent of the Bible’s Writers (New York: NYU Press, 1998).  Rendsburg, G., AJS Review 24:2 (1999): 359-62. Aramaic.

Spitaler, A., Philologica Beiträge zur Arabistik und Semitistik (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998).  Diem, W., OLZ 95:2 (2000): 194-9. Aramaic.

Stahl, R., Von Weltengagement zu Weltüber windung.  Theologische Positionen im Danielbuch, Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 4 (Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1994).  Schenk, W., BZ 43:2 (1999): 306-8. Aramaic, Daniel 7.

Stec, D.M., The Text of the Targum of Job: An Introduction and Critical Edition (Leiden: Brill, 1994). M. Sokoloff, JQR 87:1-2 (1996): 223.

Stefanovic, Z., The Aramaic of Daniel in Light of Old Aramaic, JSOT SuppSer 129 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992).  Warren, A., TBR 8:1 (1995): 17. Aramaic.

Stefanovic, Zdravco, The Aramaic of Daniel in the Light of Old Aramaic, JSOT Supp Series 129 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992). S.A. Kaufman, JQR 86: 3-4 (1996): 467.

Stein, H., Orientalische Buchkunst in Gotha: Ausstellung zum 350 jährigen Jubiläum der Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha (Gotha: Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, 1997).  Kaufhold, H., OC 83 (1999): 293-4. Syriac.

Stemberger, G., Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995). S. Pearce, JJS 48:2 (1997): 371-374.

Stern, E., and T. Levy, eds., A. Biran Volume: Eretz Israel: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies, Eretz Israel 23 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1992).  Hallote, R.S., JNES 59:4 (2000): 295-6. Briquel-Chatonnet, F., Syria 75 (1998): 297-8. Aramaic. Tel Dan.

Stirnemann, A., and G. Wilflinger, eds., Syriac Dialogue: Third non-official Consultation on Dialogue within the Syriac Tradition (Vienna: Pro Oriente, 1998).  Madey, J., CO 20:2 (1999): 134. Syriac. 

Stone, M.E., Texts and Concordances of Armenian Adam Literature. Vol.1 Genesis 1-4, Penitence of Adam, Book of Adam (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996). Syriac. Bundy, D., RBL (1998). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Stone, M.E., Texts and Concordances of Armenian Adam Literature. Vol. 1, Genesis 1-4, Penitence of Adam, Book of Adam, SBL Early Judaism and Its Literature 12 (Atlanta: Scholars, 1996). D. Bundy, JBL 118:1 (1999): 175-6.  Syriac.

Strothmann, W., Die Konkordanz zur syrischen Bibel, Die Mautb¯ 6 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1996).  Hage, W., OC 83 (1999): 254. Syriac.

Stuckenbruck, L.T., The Book of Giants from Qumran  (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997). M. Frenschkowski, TLZ 124:7/8 (1999): 726-9. Aramaic.

Stuckenbruck, L.T., The Book of Giants from Qumran, TSAJ 63 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1997).  Cook, E.M., JAOS 119: 3 (1999): 511-12. Brooke, G.J., JTS 50:2 (1999): 648-51. Eisenman, R., Shofar 18:2 (2000): 160-3. Aramaic.

Suermann, H., Die Grundungsgeschichte der Maronitischen Kirche, Oriental Biblica et Christiana 10 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998).  Madey, J., CO 20:4 (1999): 223. Syriac.

Sysling, H., Te.iyyat Ha-metim.  The Resurrection of the Dead in the Palestinian Targums of the Pentateuch and Parallel Traditions in Classical Rabbinic Literature, Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 57 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1996). I.H. Jones, JTS 50:1 (1999): 208-9. Targum.

Sysling, H., Te.iyyat Ha-metim.  The Resurrection of the Dead in the Palestinian Targums of the Pentateuch and Parallel Traditions in Classical Rabbinic Literature, Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 57 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996).  P. Prigent, RHPR 78:2 (1998): 113. J.P.M. van der Ploeg, TLZ 123:1 (1998): 55-56. Targum. 

Talmon, S., C. Newsom, and Y. Yadin, Masada VI: Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965 Final Reports: Hebrew Fragments from Masada: The Ben Sira Scroll from Masada (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999).  Beentjes, P.C., Orientalia 69:2 (2000): 186-8. Aramaic, Genesis Apocryphon.

Taradach, M., and J. Ferrer, Un Targum de Qohéleth. Editio Princeps du LMS. M.2 de Salamanca, Le Monde de la Bible (Genève: Labor et Fides, 1998). P. Grelot, RQ 18:4 (1998): 602-3.  Targum.

Taylor, R.A., The Peshi.ta of Daniel, Monographs of the Peshitta Institute of Leiden 7 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).  M.P. Weitzman, JTS 49:1 (1998): 204-205. A. Schoors, ETL 73:4 (1997): 430-431. Syriac.

Ter Haar Romeny, B., A Syrian in Greek Dress: The Use of Greek, Hebrew and Syriac Biblical Texts in Eusebius of Emesa’s Commentary on Genesis, Traditio Exegetica Graeca 6 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997).  J. Lust, ETL 74:1 (1998): 165-167. Syriac.

Ter Haar Romeny, R.B., A Syrian in Greek Dress: The Use of Greek, Hebrew and Syriac Biblical Texts in Eusebius of Emesa’s Commentary on Genesis, Traditio Exegetica Graeca 6 (Leuven: Peeters, 1997).  Traina, G., OCP 66:1 (2000): 245-6. Syriac.

Terrien, S., The Iconography of Job Through the Centuries. Artists as Biblical Interpreters (State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996).  Murray, R., JTS 51:1 (2000): 210-214. Syriac.

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Thompson, T.L., The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of History (NY: Basic Books, 1999).  Williams, T.W., NEA 62:4 (1999): 252-4. Aramaic.

Toorn, Karel van der, Family Religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel (Leiden: Brill, 1996). M. Heltzer, OLZ 92:4/5 (1997): 694-698.

Toorn, Karel van der, Family Religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel: Continuity and Change in the Forms of Religious Life, Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East 7 (Leiden: Brill, 1996). J. Blenkinsopp, JBL 116:3 (1997): 529-533.

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Tropper, J., Die Inschriften von Zincirli: Neue Edition un vergleichende Grammatik des phönizischen, sam’alischen und aramäischen Textcorpus, Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas 6 (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1993).  Naveh, J., AfO 42 (1995): 277. Aramaic.

Tyloch, W., Manuscripts from Qumran at the Dead Sea (Warsaw: Ksia.ka  i Wiedza, 1997).  Z.J. Kapera, “Tyloch’s Translation of the Manuscripts from Qumran at the Dead Sea,” QC 7:3-4 (1997): 235-252. Aramaic/targum. 

Ulrich, E., et al., Qumran Cave 4. X . The Prophets, DJD 15 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997).  Brooke, G.J., JTS 50:2 (1999): 651-5. Targum.

Ulrich, E., F.M. Cross et al., Qumran Cave 4. Volume 9: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings, DJD 14 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).  J.A. Fitzmyer, CBQ 59:4 (1997): 759-760. Targum.

Ulrich, E., F.M. Cross, et al., Qumran Cave 4. Volume 7, Genesis to Numbers, Discoveries in the Judean Desert 12 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).  L. Stuckenbruck, JSS 43:1 (1998): 169-172. Targum, Aramaic.

Ulrich, E., The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible, Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, (Leiden: Brill, 1999).  Bergmeier, R., TLZ 125:6 (2000): 618-20. Aramaic.

Ulrich, Eugene and James Van der Kam, The Community of the Renewed Covenant. The Notre Dame Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity Series 10 (South Bend, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994). P.R. Davies, JTS 48:1 (1997): 163-170.

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Valavanolickal, K.K., Aphrahat Demonstrations, vol 1, Catholic Theological Studies of India 3 (Changassery, Kerala: HIRS Publications, 1999).  Tamer, N., OCP 65 (1999): 515-6. Syriac.

Van der Kam, J. and E. Tov, eds., Qumran Cave 4: Parabiblical Texts Part 2, Discoveries in the Judean Desert 19 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996). M. Morgenstern, “Language and Literature in the Second Temple Period,” JJS 48:1 (1997): 130-145.

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Van Staalduine-Sulman, E., ed., A Bilingual Concordance to the Targum of the Prophets; Volume Three, Samuel (I) z-a; Volume Four, Samuel (II) s-j; Volume Five, Samuel (III) t-[ (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1996). D. Golomb, CBQ 60:3 (1998): 549-50. S. Schreiner, TLZ 123:10 (1998): 974-5. Targum.

VanderKam, J.C. and W. Adler, The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1996).  J. Tromp, VigChr 52:2 (1998): 217-220. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

VanderKam, J.C., Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls, (NY: Routledge, 1998).  Puech, E., RB 107:1 (2000): 110-3. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

VanderKam, J.C., Enoch, a Man for All Generations, Studies on Personalities of the Old Testament (Columbia, SC: South Carolina University Press, 1995). S. Chialà,  Biblica 79:3 (1998): 438-44. Aramaic.

VanderKam, J.C., Enoch: A Man for All Generations, Studies on the Personalities of the Old Testament (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1995). H.W. Hollander, HS 38 (1997): 182-184.

Varol, M.-C., Manuel de judéo-espanol, langue et culture (Paris: L’Asiathèque, 1998).  Sephiha, H.-V., REJ 159:1-2 (2000): 243-7. Aramaic.

Vazheeparampil, P., The Making and Unmaking of Tradition: Towards a Theology of the Liturgical Renewal in the Syro-Malabar Church (Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam, 1998).  Tanner, N., OCP 66:1 (2000): 267-9. Syriac, Liturgical language.

Wagner, C., Die Septuaginta-Hapaxlegomena im Buch Jesus Sirach: Untersuchungen zu Wortwahl und Wortbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des textkritischen und übersetzungstechnischen Aspekts (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1999).  Corley, J., CBQ 62:3 (2000): 537-9. Syriac.

Wardini, E., ed., Built on Solid Rock: Studies in Honour of Professor Ebbe Egede Knudsen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, April 11th, 1997, Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture B (Oslo: Novus Forlag, 1997).  Biggs, R.D., JNES 59:2 (2000): 127. Aramaic.

Warline, R.A., Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism: The Development of a Religious Institution, SBL Early Judaism and Its Literature 13 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998). J. Lust, ETL 74:4 (1998): 428. 1 Enoch, Tobit, Aramaic.

Washington, H.C., Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenope and the Hebrew Proverbs, SBL Diss. Ser. 142 (Atlanta: Scholars, 1994).  A. Schoors, ETL 73:4 (1997): 432-433. Aramaic.

Watts, R., Isaiah’s New Exodus and Mark, WUNT 2/88 (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1997). Dowd, S., JBL 119:2 (2000): 140-1. Dowd, S., RBL (2000). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00]. Targum.

Wehnert, J., Die Reinheit des ‘Christlichen Gottesvolkes’ aus Juden und Heiden (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1997). F.W. Horm, TLZ 123:9 (1998): 859-60. Targum.

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Weitzman, M.P., The Syriac Version of the Old Testament (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).  Lund, J.A., TC 4 (1999). This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

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Witakowski, W., ed. and trans., Pseudo-Dionysus of Tel Mahre: Chronicle (Known also as the Chronicle of Zugnin), Part 3, Translated Texts for Historians 22 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996). G. Greatrex, JSS 44:1 (1999): 141-3. H. Kaufhold, OC 82 (1998): 269. Syriac.

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Yardeni, A., The Book of Hebrew Script (Jerusalem: Carta, 1997). A.G. Vaughn, BAR 24:5 (1998): 64-5. Aramaic.

Yardeni, A., The Book of Hebrew Script:  History, Paleography, Script Styles, Calligraphy and Design (Jerusalem: Carta, 1997).  W.J. van Bekkum, JJS 49:1 (1998): 135-136. Aramaic.

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Zehnder, M.P., Wegmetaphorik im Alten Testament: Eine Semantische Untersuchung der alttestamentlichen mit besondere Berücksichtigung ihrer metaphorischen Verwendung, BZAW 268 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1999).  Schorch, S., TLZ 125:1 (2000): 55-7. Aramaic.

Zimmerman, J., Messianische Texte aus Qumran.  Königliche, priesterliche und schriftfunden von Qumran (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998).  Grappe, C., RHPR 79: 4 (1999): 515-6. Aramaic.