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2.2 Cognate Articles


Abdel-Shaheed Abdel-Nour, Samiha, “The Syriac Collection of the Coptic Museum,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 81-84.

Abi-Khalil, Rachid, “L’office de la Semaine Sainte selon la tradition de l’Eglise maronite,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 95-108.

Adair, J.R., “‘Literal’ and ‘Free’ Translations: a Proposal for a More Descriptive Terminology,” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 181-209. See p. 202.

Aggoula, B., “L’Esagil de Shamash ou le grand temple de Hatra (Pls. I-VII),” Transeu 14 (1998): 33-77. Aramaic.

Aggoula, B., “Les mots blw et blwy’ dans une inscription palmyrénienne: Remarques sur les inscriptions hatréennes xx-xxiii,” Syria 71 (1994): 415-7;  397-414. Palmyran.

Aggoula, B., “Remarques sur les Inscriptions Hatréennes,” SYRIA 71 (1994): 397-417. Aramaic, Syriac, Palmyrian.

Albani, M. and U. Glessmer, “Un instrument de mesures astronomiques à Qumrân,” RB 104:1 (1997): 88-115.

Albertz, R., “Bekehrung von oben als ‘messianisches Programm’:  Die Sonderüberlieferung der Septuaginta in Dan 4-6,” in Theologische Probleme der Septuaginta und der hellenistischen Hermeneutik, H.G. Reventlow, ed., Veröffenlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie 11 (Gutersloh: Kaiser Gutersloher Verlagshaus, 1999), pp. 46-62. Aramaic.

Al-Salihi, Wathiq, “Two Cult-Statues from Hatra,” Iraq 58 (1996): 105-109.

Amadasi Guzzo, M.G., “L’Idumée entre la fin de l’epoque perse et le début de la periode hellenistique: nouveaux ostraca araméens,” Orientalia 67:4 (1998): 532-8. Aramaic.

Amit, D., “An Aramaic Inscription from the Hellenistic Period at Horvat Mazor,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 129-31. Aramaic.

Anderson, G.A., “The Fall of Satan in the Thought of St. Ephrem and John Milton,” Hugoye 3:1 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [cited 07/00].

Anderson, T.D., “The Evolution of the Hebrew Verbal System,” ZAH 13:1 (2000): 1-66. Aramaic,  pp. 18, 36.

Arangassery, L., MST, “Odes of Solomon and the Psalms of David,” CO 19:2 (1998): 63-72. Syriac.

Arbeitman, Y.L., “kubernhthz: a Helmsman from the East,” AO 12:1 (1994): 5-28.

Arbeitman, Y.L., “Post-Classical Armenian Reciprocals and the Stylistics of Translation,” Linguistique Balkanique 37 (1994-95): 7-18. Aramaic and targum, pp. 10-13.

Armistead, D.B., “The Images of Daniel 2 and 7,” Stulos Theological Journal 6 (1998): 63-6. Aramaic, Daniel.

Arnold, M., “Jésus of Nazereth, le judäisme et le débuts  du christianisme.  Un aspect de recherches neotéstamentaires à la Faculté de Theologié protestante de Strasbourg 1888-1958,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 119-36. Syriac, Aramaic.

Asmussen, J.P., and H. Dadkhan, “En jødisk-persisk Daniel apokalypse, en oversaettelse af en apokryf Daniel tekst [A Jewish-Persian Apocalypse: A Translation of an Apocryphal Daniel Text],” Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 61 (1998): 199-215.  Aramaic.

Asurmendi, J., “El libro de Daniel en la investigación reciente,” Estudios Biblicos 55 (1997): 509-40. Aramaic.

Atallah, N., “Inscriptions inédites du Howran ( al-Roye ‘Y),” SYRIA 72 (1995): 387-99. Nabatean p. 392.

Atkinson, K., “On the Herodian Origin of Militant Davidic Messianism at Qumran: New Light from Psalm of Solomon 17,” SBL 118:3 (1999): 435-60.  Syriac.

Atkinson, K., “Toward a Redating of the Psalms of Solomon: Implications for Understanding the Sitz im Leben of an Unknown Jewish Sect,” JSP 17 (April, 1998): 95-112. Syriac.

Aufrecht, W., “The State of Near Eastern Archaeology,” BASOR 314  (1999): 71-5.  Aramaic. Review Article of Oxford Encyclopaedia of  Archaeology in the Near East (1997).

Aufrecht, W., “Two Iron Age Seals: Hebrew and Aramaic,” in Hesed ve-emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, J. Magness and S. Gitin, eds., BJS 320 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998), pp. 233-9. Aramaic.

Aufrecht, Walter E. and Wendy D. Shury, “Three Iron Age Seals: Moabite, Aramaic and Hebrew,” IEJ 47:1-2 (1997): 57-68.

Ayad, B., “From the Archive of Ananiah Son of Azariah: A Jew from Elephantine,” JNES 56  (1997): 37-50.  Aramaic.

Baarda, T., “‘Vader—Zoon—Heilige Geest’. Logion 44 van ‘Thomas,’” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 51:1 (1997): 13-30. Syriac.

Baarda, T., “John 8:57B. The Contribution of the Diatessaron of Tatian,” NT 38:4 (1996): 336-343.

Baarda, T., “NOMIKOS in Syriac Texts,” NT 51:4 (1999): 383-9. Syriac, Diatessaron.

Baarda, T., “Siloam in John 5:2?  Ephraem’s Commentary on the Diatessaron,” ETL 76:1 (2000): 136-48. Syriac.

Balicka-Witakowska, E., “The Crucified Thieves in Ethiopian Art: Literary and Iconographical Sources,” OC 82  (1998): 204-256.  Syriac.

Balzaretti, C., “Ancient Treatises of Syriac Homonyms,” OC 81 (1997): 73-81. Syriac.

Bar-Asher, M., “Mishnaic Hebrew: an Introductory Survey,” HS 40 (1999): 115-51. Aramaic. This article appeared in Hebrew in the festschrift for Rabbi Mordechai Breuer, Collected Papers in Jewish Studies (Jerusalem:  Academon Press, 1992).

Barnes, M.R., “Eunomius Cyzicus and Gregory of Nyssa: Two Traditions of Transcendent Causality,” VigChr 52:1 (1998): 59-87. Syriac. See fn p. 64.

Barré, M.L., “The Portrait of Balaam in Numbers 22-24,” Interpretation 51 (1997): 254-266.

Barré, Michael L., “The Portrait of Balaam in Numbers 22-24,” Interpretation 51:3 (1997): 254-266. Inscription, Aramaic.

Barstad, Hans M. and Bob Becking, “Does the Stele from Tel Dan refer to a Deity DOD?” Biblische Notizen 77 (1995): 5-12.

Bartelmus, R., “Von der Redaktionsgeschichte zur Rezeptionsgeschichte,” in Theologische Klangrede:  Studien zum musikalischen Gestaltung und Vertiefung theologischer Gedanken durch J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, F. Mendelssohn, J. Brahms und R. Pepping, R. Bartelmus, ed. (Zurich: Pano, 1998), pp. 135-99. Aramaic, Daniel.

Bartlett, J.R., “Edomites and Idumaeans,” PEQ 131 (1999): 102-14. Aramaic, Nabatean, and Josephus’ War.

Bauckham, R., “Anna of the Tribe of Asher (Luc 2:36-38),” RB 104:2 (1997): 161-191.

Baumgarten, A.I., “Marcel Simon’s Verus Israel as a Contribution to Jewish History,” HTR 92:4 (1999): 465-78. Syriac; Pseudo-Clementine on p. 470.

Baumstark, R., and H. Kaufhold, “Anton Baumstarks wissenschaftliches Testament  Zu seinem 50. Todestag am 31 Mai 1998,” OC 82  (1998): 1-52.  Syriac.

Becking, B., “Did Jehu Write the Tel Dan Inscription?” SJOT 13:2 (1999): 187-201. Aramaic.

Becking, B., “The Times They Are A-Changing: An Interpretation of Jeremiah 30:12-17,” SJOT 12:1 (1998): 3-25. For Elephantine Aramaic, see fn p.21.

Becking, Bob, “The Second Danite Inscription: Some Remarks,” Biblische Notizen 81 (1996): 21-29.

Beckwith, R., “The Temple Scroll and its calendar: their character and purpose,” RQ 18:1 (#69) (1997): 3-20. I Enoch.

Begg, C.T., “Samuel Leader of Israel according to Josephus,” Antonianum 72 (1997): 199-216.

Begg, C.T., “Samuel’s Farewell Discourse according to Josephus,” SJOT 11 (1997): 56-77.

Begg, C.T., “The Royal Lottery according to Josephus,” RCT 21 (1996): 273-288.

Begg, Christopher T., “Athaliah’s Coup and Overthrow According to Josephus,” Antonianum 71:2 (1996): 191-210.

Begg, Christopher T., “The Execution of the Saulides According to Josephus,” Sefarad 56:1 (1996): 3-18.

Bentolila, Y., “Un message crypté dans l’inscription synagogale de Haguenau,” REJ 155:3-4 (1996): 461-468.

Berges, U., “Ich bin der Mann, der Elend sah (Klgl 3:1): Zionstheologie als Weg und der Krise,” BZ 44:1 (2000): 1-20. Syriac, fn p. 5.

Bergler, S., “Jesus, Bar Kochba und das Messianische Laubhüttenfest,” JSJ 29:2 (1998): 143-91. Aramaic.

Bergmeier, R., “Die Leute aus Essa,” ZDPV 113 (1997): 75-87. Aramaic.

Berlin, Andrea M., “Between Large Forces: Palestine in the Hellenistic Period,” BA 60:1 (1997): 3-51. Aramaic.

Bernstein, M.J., “Pentateuchal Interpretation at Qumran.” In The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment, edited by J.C.VanderKam and P.W. Flint (Leiden: Brill, 1998), pp. 128-59.  Aramaic,  1QapGen.

Bernstein, Moshe J., “The Dead Sea Scrolls Reclaimed,” AJSRev 22:1 (1997): 77-93.

Bikai, Patricia M. and Virginia Egan, “Archaeology in Jordan,” AJA 101:3 (1997): 493-535. Nabatean.

Biran, A., “Sacred Spaces: of Standing Stones, High Places and Cult Objects at Tel Dan,” BAR 24:5 (1998): 39-45, 70-2. Aramaic.

Biran, A., “The Hussot of Dan,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 25-9. Aramaic.

Birdsall, J.N., “The Marcosians’ Text of Jesus’ Cry of Jubilation (Matt 11:26 || Luke 10:21) in Irenaeus Adv. haer.” In Sayings of Jesus: Canonical and Non-canonical.  Essays in Honour of Tjitze Baarda, edited by W.L. Petersen, et al. (Leiden: Brill, 1997). Aramaic.

Bochmuehl, M., “‘Let the Dead Bury Their Dead’ (Matt. 8:22/Luke 9:60): Jesus and the Halakhah,” JTS 49:2 (1998): 553-81. Aramaic.

Böhm, T., “Bemerkungen zu den Syrischen Ubersetzungen des Johannesprologs,” ZNW 89:1/2 (1998): 45-65. Syriac.

Böhm, T., “Bemerkungen zu den syrischen Übersetzungen des Johannesprologs,” ZNW 89  (1998): 45-65.  Aramaic, Syriac.

Bombeck, S., “Das syrische Partzip aktiv von HWY,” BN 88 (1997): 59-74. Syriac.

Bombeck, S., “Die Verwendung der Präformativkonjugation im Aramäischen des Buches Daniel,” Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 23 (1996): 23-45.  Aramaic.

Bombeck, S., “Hallo und kona im altäthiopischen Markusevangelium,” BN 87  (1997): 5-12.  Syriac.

Booij, T., “Psalm 127:26: A Return to Martin Luther,” Biblica 81:2 (2000): 262-8. Aramaic, pp. 264, and fn on p. 265.

Bordreuil, F.I., and D. Pardee, “King’s Command and Widow’s Plea.  Two New Ostraca of the Biblical Period,” NEA 61:1 (1998): 2-13. Aramaic, brief references.

Bordreuil, P., “Amos 1:5: La Beqa septentrionale de l’Eden au Paradis,” Syria 75 (1998): 55-9. Aramaic.

Bordreuil, P., and F. Briquel-Chatonnet, “Aramaic Documents from Til Barsib,” Abr Nahrain 34 (1996-7): 100-7. Aramaic.

Böttrich, Christfried, “Astrologie in der Henoch tradition,” ZAW 109:2 (1997): 222-245.

Bou-Mansour, Tanios, “L’apport du professeur André de Halleux aux études syriaques, un premier sondage,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 5-54.

Bouwen, F., “Isaac the Syrian.  Ne Juge pas les autres,” Proche-Orient Chrétienne 49:3-4 (1999): 227-8. Syriac, translation of Syriac text.

Bovon, F., “Fragment Oxyrhynchus 840, Fragment of a Lost Gospel, Witness of an Early Christian Controversy over Purity,” JBL 119:4 (2000): 705-28. Syriac, pp. 719, 23.

Bovon, F., “Réception apocryphe de l’Evangile de Luc et lecture orthodox des Actes apocryhes des apôtres,” Apocrypha 8 (1997): 137-146.

Bradshaw, P.F., “The Gospel and the Catechumenate in the Third Century,” JTS 50:1 (1999): 143-52.  Syriac.

Bremer, D.I., “Deuteronomy 24:1-4 and the Origin of the Jewish Divorce Certificate,” JJS 49:2 (1998): 230-43. Aramaic.

Brent, A., “Ignatius of Antioch and the Imperial Cult,” VigChr 52:1 (1998): 30-58. Syriac.

Bressler, M.S., “Judaism in the Hebrew Bible?  the Transition from Ancient Israelite Religion to Judaism,” CBQ 61:3 (1999): 429-47. Aramaic.

Breuer, Y., “Intervocalic Alef/Yodh Interchanges in Mishnaic Hebrew,” REJ 159:1-2 (2000): 63-78. Aramaic.

Breuer, Y., “The Function of the Particle Qa in the Aramaic of the Babylonian Talmud,” Leshonenu 60 (1997): 73-94 (in Hebrew).

Breuer, Y., “The Hebrew Component in the Aramaic of the BabylonianTalmud,” Leshonenu 62 (1999): 23-80 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Breuer, Yochanan, “Rabbi Is Greater Than Rav, Rabban Is Greater than Rabbi, the Simple Name Is Greater than Rabban,” Tarbiz 66:1 (1997): 41-60 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Brewer, D.I., “Jewish Women Divorcing Their Husbands in Early Judaism: the Background to Papyrus
.e’elim 13,” HTR 92:3 (1999): 349-57.  Aramaic.

Brewer, D.I., “The Use of Rabbinic Sources in Gospel Studies,” TynB 50:2 (1999): 281-98. Aramaic. Review article of M. Casey’s Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel.

Briquel-Chatonnet, C., F. Jullien, Ch. Moulin Palliard, and M. Rashed, “Lettre du patriarche Timothée à Maranzekh¯ évêque de Ninive,” JA 288:1 (2000): 1-13. Syriac.

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., “Un nouveau bas-relief Palmyrénien,” Syria 75 (1998): 137-43. Palmyrean.

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., A. Desreumaux, and J. Thekeparampil, “Cataloque des manuscrits syriaques de la collection du Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (Kottayam),” Le Muséon 110  (1997): 383-446.  Syriac.

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., A. Desreumaux, and J. Thekeparampil, “Syriac Written Heritage in Kerala: First Glances in the Enquiry,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 135-52. Syriac.

Broadhead, E.K., “An Authentic Saying of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas,” NTS 46:1 (2000): 132-49. Aramaic, see footnote on p. 133.

Brock, S., “A Syriac Letter on Papyrus: P. Berol. Inv. 8285,” Hugoye 2:2 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [cited 07/00].

Brock, S., “Notulae syriacae: some miscellaneous identifications,” Muséon 108 (1994): 69-78. Syriac.

Brock, S., “St. Ephrem in the Eyes of Later Syriac Liturgical Tradition,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [cited 07/00].

Brock, S., “The Baptismal Anointings According to the Anonymous Expositio Officiorum,” Hugoye 1:1 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Brock, S., “The Importance and Potential of SEERI in an International Context,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 45-50. Aramaic tradition in Christianity.

Brock, S., “The Importance of the Syriac Traditions in Ecumenical Dialogue on Christology,” CO 20:4 (1999): 189-97. Syriac.

Brock, S., “The Peshitta Old Testament between Judaism and Christianity,” Christianesimo nella Storia 19 (1998): 483-502. Syriac.

Brock, S., “The Robe of Glory: A Biblical Image in the Syriac Tradition,” The Way 39:3 (1999): 247-59.  Syriac.

Brock, S., “Two Syriac papyrus fragments from the Schøyen collection,” OC 79 (1995): 9-17. Syriac.

Brock, S., “What’s in a Word?  An Intriguing Choice in the Syriac Diatessaron.” In Understanding, Studying and Reading, edited by C. Rowland (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 180-7.  Syriac. 

Brock, S.P., “Translating the New Testament into Syriac (Classical and Modern),” in The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, J. Kraovec, ed., JSOTSupp 289 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 371-84. Syriac.

Brock, Sebastian, “Some uses of the term Theoria in the writings of Isaac of Ninevah,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 407-420. Syriac.

Broshi, M., “A Commentary on the Apocalypse of Weeks (4Q247),” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 39-42. Aramaic.

Brown, C., “‘A Huge Burden of Guilt’ Christianity and Nature,” ET 109:5 (1998): 139-142.

Brown, W.P., “A Royal Performance: Critical Notes on Psalm 110:3ag-b,” JBL 117:1 (1998): 93-6. Peshitta and Syriac.

Brugnatelli, V., “The ‘chickens’ of Sefire,” Henoch 17 (1995): 259-66. Aramaic.

Bruning, C., “Lobet den Herrn, ihr Seeungeheuer und all ihr Tiefen! Seeungeheuer in der Bibel,” ZAW 110:2 (1998): 250-55. Aramaic and Syriac.

Bruns, P., “Finitum non capax infiniti—Ein antiochenisches Axiom in der Inkarnationslehre Babais des Grossen (nach 628),” OC 83 (1999): 46-71. Syriac.

Büchner, D., “Jewish Commentaries and the Septuagint,” JJS 48:2 (1997): 250-261.

Buckley, J.J., “The Evidence for Women Priests in Mandaeism,” JNES 59:2 (2000): 93-106. Mandean.

Buhlman, A., “The Difficulty of Thinking in Greek and Speaking in Hebrew (Qohelet 3:18; 4:13-6; 5:8),” JSOT 90 (2000): 101-8. Aramaic.

Bundy, D., “Interpreter of the Acts of God and Humans: George Warda, Historian and Theologian of the 13th century,” The Harp 10:3 (1997): 19-37. Syriac.

Bunnens, G., “Hittites and Aramaeans at Til Barsib; a reappraisal,” OLA 65 (1995): 19-27. Aramaic.

Burgess, R.W., “The Date of the Deposition of Eustathius of Antioch,” JTS 51:1 (2000): 150-60. Syriac.

Burnette-Bletsch, R., “At the Hands of a Woman:  Rewriting Jael in Pseudo-Philo,” JSP 17 (April, 1998): 53-64. Aramaic, Genesis Apocryphon.

Burton, J.B., “Reviving the Pagan Greek Novel in a Christian World,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 39:2 (1998): 179-216. Syriac, Theodore of Mopsuestia.

Buth, R., “Functional Grammar: Hebrew and Aramaic: An Integrated Textlinguistic Approach to Syntax,” in Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature: What It Is and What It Offers, W.R. Bodine, ed., SBLSS  (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995), pp. 77-102. Aramaic.

Byrskog, S., “Matthew 5:17-18 in the Argumentation of the Context,” RB 104:4 (1997): 557-571.

Calduch-Benages, N., “Traducir-Interpretar: la versión Siriáca de Sirácida 1,” Estudios Biblicos 55 (1997): 313-40. Syriac.

Calzolari, V., “Reécriture des textes apocryphes en arménien: l’example de la légende de l’apostolat de thaddíe en arménie,” Apocrypha 8 (1997): 97-110.

Cane, A., “Contested Meanings of the Name Judas Iscariot,” ET 111:2 (2000): 44-5. Aramaic.

Cansdale, Lena, “Have the Dead Sea Scrolls Any Direct Connection with Early Christianity?” QC 6:1-4 (1996): 65-92. 4Q246, p. 87.

Caquot, A., “Deux textes messianiques de Qumrân,” RHPR 79:2 (1999): 135-71.  Aramaic, 4Q246.

Caquot, A., “La Choire d’Hebreu au Collége de France et les Études Orientalistes,” JA 287:1 (1999): 323-30. Syriac.

Caquot, A., “Les Testaments Qoumrâniens des Pères du Sacerdoce,” RHPR 78:2 (1998): 3-26. Aramaic, discusses only Aramaic texts.

Carter, W., “Paying the Tax to Rome as Subversive Praxis: Matthew 17:24-27,” JSNT 76 (1999): 24-7. Aramaic, Josephus Wars.

Casey, M., “An Aramaic Approach to the Synoptic Gospels,” ET 110: 9 (1999): 275-8.  Aramaic.

Casey, M., “The Date of the Passover Sacrifices and Mark 14:12,” TynB 48:2 (1997): 245-247.

Casey, M., “Where Wright Is Wrong: A Critical Review of N.T. Wright’s Jesus and the Victory of God,” JSNT 69 (1998): 95-103. Aramaic.

Casey, P.M., “Culture and Historicity: the Cleansing of the Temple,” CBQ 59:2 (1997): 306-332.

Casey, P.M., “In Which Language Did Jesus Teach?” ET 108:11 (1997): 326-328.

Cathcart, K., “Numbers 24:17 in Ancient Translations and Interpretations,” in The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, J. Kraovec, ed. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 511-20. Targum, Aramaic. Peshitta.

Cerbelaud, D., “‘Et, trempant la bouchée’ ...(Jn 13.26): une curieuse exégèse des pères syriens,” Le Muséon 110:1 (1977): 73-80.  Syriac, Ephrem.

Cerbelaud, Dominique, “L’antijudaïsme dans les Hymnes De Pascha d’Éphrem le Syrien,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 201-208.

Cerutti, Maria Vittoria, “Protologia e femminino in I Enoch, 2 Enoch, Apocalisse di Mosè, Vita di Adano ed Eva,” Richerche Storico Bibliche 6:1-2 (1994): 119-139.

Chancey, M., and E.M. Meyers, “How Jewish Was Sepphoris in Jesus’ Time?” BAR 26:4 (2000): 18-33, 61. Aramaic, Josephus’ Wars.

Chartrand-Burke, T., “Authorship and Identity in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas,” TJT 14:1 (1998): 27-43. Syriac.

Chediath, G., “Syriac Churches in Dialog,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 87-98. Syriac.

Chelidze, Maya, “The small Aramaic inscriptions from the village Zguderi,” in Semitica, pp. 15-22.

Chilton, B., “Yohanan the Purifier and His Immersion,” TJT 14:2 (1998): 197-212. Aramaic.

Civil, M., and G. Rubio, “An Ebla incantation against insomnia and the Semiticization of Sumerian:  Notes on ARet and 9,” Orientalia 68:3 (1999): 254-66. Aramaic, see p. 262.

Clark, D.J., “The Word Kosmos ‘World’ in John 17,” BT 50:4 (1999): 41-6. Translation. How translation forges new word links.

Clayton, M., “The Transitus Mariae: the Tradition and Its Origins,” Apocrypha 10 (1999): 74-98. Syriac.

Cline, E.H., “The Nabataean Cemetery at Khirbet Qazone,” NEA 62:2 (1999): 128. Nabatean, Nabatean names.

Coetzee, A.W., “Hebrew and Aramaic Segholation and the Generality and Ordering of Phonological Rules,” JSS 44:2 (1999): 215-25. Tiberian Aramaic.

Collins, A.Y., “Apocalyptic Themes in Biblical Literature,” Interpretation 53:2 (1999): 117-30. 1 Enoch, Aramaic.

Collins, J.J., “Jesus, Messianism and the Dead Dea Scrolls,” in Qumran-Messianism: Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth et al., eds. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998), pp. 100-19. Aramaic, 4Q246, Daniel.

Coloe, M., “The Structure of the Johannine Prologue and Genesis I,” Australian Biblical Review 45 (1997): 40-55.

Contini, Riccardo, “Epistolary Evidence of Address Phenomena in Official and Biblical Aramaic,” in Solving Riddles and Untying Knots, Z. Zevit et al., eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995), pp. 56-67.

Cook, E.M., “The Aramaic of the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Qumran Cave 11: II. 11Q2-18, 11Q20-31, edited by F.G. Martinez et al., DJD 23 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1998), pp. 359-78.  Aramaic. 

Cook, J., “The Hexaplaric Text, Double Translations and Other Textual Phenomena in the Septuagint (Proverbs),” JNSL 22:2 (1996): 129-140.

Cook, J.G., “A Possible Fragment of Porphyry’s ‘Contra Christianos’ from Michael the Syrian,” ZAC 2:1 (1998): 113-22. Syriac.

Corbon, J., “Le Églises du Moyen-Orient: origines et identités,” POC 47:1-3 (1997): 103-21. Syriac, see pp. 112-3.

Corley, J., “Rediscovering Tobit,” Scripture Bulletin 29 (1999): 22-31. Aramaic.

Correll, C., “Zur Geschichte de l-Infixes im Neuwestaramäischen,” ZDMG 143 (1993): 255-64. Aramaic.

Cotton, H.M., “Die Papyrus dokumente aus der judäischen Wüste und ihr Beitrag zur Erforschung den jüdischen Geschichte des 1. und 2. Jh.s n. Chr.,” ZDPV 115:2 (1999): 228-47. Aramaic.

Crawford, S.W., “The Fluid Bible,” BR 15:3 (1999): 34-9, 50-1.  Aramaic, 4QDt.

Cross, F.M. and E. Eschel, “The Missing Link,” BAR 24:2 (1998): 48-53, 69. Aramaic.

Cross, Frank M., “Paleography and the Date of the Tell Fahariyeh Bilingual Inscription,” in Solving Riddles and Untying Knots, Z. Zevit et al., eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994), pp. 393-409.

Cross, Frank Moore and Esther Eshel, “Ostraca from Khirbet Qumran,” IEJ 47:1-2 (1997): 17-28. See p. 27.

Cross, Frank Moore, “Notes on the Doctrine of the Two Messiahs at Qumran and the Extracanonical Daniel Apocalypse (4Q246),” in Current Research of DSS, pp. 1-13.

Dailey, F.F., “Non-Linear Time in Apocalyptic Texts: the Spiral Model,” in 1999 SBL Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999), pp. 231-45. Aramaic, 2 Baruch, 4 Ezra.

Davids, A., “Theodorus van Mopsuestia in het kader van de Syrische Dialoog,” Het Christelijk Oosten 50  (1998): 1-22.  Syriac.

Davies, J.A., “The Temple Scroll and the Missing Temple of the New Testament,” RTR 57:2 (1998): 70-79. Aramaic.

Davies, J.A., “The Temple Scroll from Qumran and the Ultimate Temple,” RTR 57:1 (1998): 1-21. Aramaic.

Davila, J.R., “4QMess Ar (4Q534) and Merkevah Mysticism,” DSD 5:3 (1998): 367-81. Aramaic.

Day, P.L., “Adulterous Jerusalem’s Imagined Demise: Death of a Metaphor in Exekiel XVI,” VT 50:3 (2000): 285-309. Aramaic, fn pp. 298, 9.

De Roo, J.C.R., “Was the Goat for Azazel Destined for the Wrath of God?” Biblica 81:2 (2000): 231-42. Aramaic, pp. 234, 238-42. 1 Enoch.

De Vries, L., “Bible Translation and Primary Orality,” BT 51:1 (2000): 101-14. Translation. Translation theory about people without any written tradition.

Dempsey, D., “Ostracon from the 1995 Season at Tell Nîmrin, Jordan,” Orientalia 67:4 (1998): 507-8. Aramaic.

DesCamp, M.T., “Why Are These Women Here? An Examination of Pseudo-Philo Through Comparative Reading,” JSP 16 (1997): 53-80.

Deschler, J.-P., “Iconographic Inscriptions and Their Significance,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 7-20. Syriac.

Desreumaux, A., “Ephraim in Christian Palestinain Aramaic,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Desreumaux, A., “Felicitation to SEERI as Autonomous Institution,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 77-79.

Desreumaux, A., “Remarques sur le rôle des apocryphes dans la théologie des Eglises syriaques: l’example de testimonia christologiques inédits,” Apocrypha 8 (1997): 165-177.

Desreumaux, A., “Un manuscrit syriaque de Téhéran contenant des apocryphes,” Apocrypha 5 (1994): 137-64. Syriac.

Desreumaux, A., “Vestiges of Early Syriac Presence in Kerala,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 90-112.

Desreumaux, Alain, “La place des testes apocryphes dans la littérature syriaque,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 61-72.

Desreumaux, Alain, “Une inscription araméenne melkite sous une peinture copte du musée du Louvre. Le texte araméen melkite,” OC 80 (1996): 82-97.

Deutsch, Y., “New Evidence of Early Versions of Toldot Yeshu,” Tarbiz 69:2 (2000): 177-98 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Dever, James, Kyle P. McCarter, N.P Lemche and Thomas Thompson, “Face to Face,” BAR 23:4 (1997): 26-42, 66. Tel Dan inscription.

Dever, W.G., “Archaeology, Ideology and the Quest for an ‘Ancient or Biblical’ Israel,” NEA  61:1 (1998): 39-52. Aramaic. Tel Dan Inscription.

Dexinger, F., “Reflections on the Relationship between Qumran and Samaritan Messianology,” in Qumran-Messianism: Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth et al., eds. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998), pp. 83-99. Aramaic.

Di Segni, L., and J. Naveh, “A bilingual Greek-Aramaic inscription from H. Qastra near Haifa,” ‘Atiqot 29 (1996): 77-8. Aramaic.

Diakonoff, I., “The Earliest Semitic Society,” JSS 43:2 (1998): 209-19. Aramaic.

Diem, Werner, “Suffix konjugation und Subjekts pronomina,” ZDMG 147 (1997): 10-76. Aramaic.

Dietrich, W., “d¯v¯d, dôd, und bytdwd,” TZ 53:1-2 (1997): 17-32. Bet David inscription.

Diez Merino, L., “Historia de la lexicografía aramea,” AO 12:2 (1994): 211-224. Aramaic as the original language of Christianity.

Díez Merino, L., “Lenguas en contacto: el arameo y otras lenguas,” AO 13 (1995): 127-135.

DiezMerino, L., “Historia de la Gramática Aramea: Panorama bibliográfico,” AO 13 (1995): 241-253.

Dijkstra, Meindert, “An Epigraphic and Historical Note on the Stela of Tel Dan,” Biblische Notizen 74 (1994): 10-14.

Dijkstra, Meindert, “The Other Side of Darkness: Once More smr in the Deir ‘Alla Inscription,” ZAW 109:2 (1997): 272-274.

Dimant, D., “The Scrolls and the Study of Early Judaism,” in The Dead Sea Scrolls at Fifty: Proceedings of the 1997 Society of Biblical Literature Qumran Section Meetings, R.A. Kugler and E.M. Schuller, eds., SBLEJL 15 (Atlanta: Scholars, 1999), pp. 43-59. Aramaic.

Dion, P.E., and P.M. Michèle Davian, “An Inscribed Incense Altar of Iron Age II at .irbet el-Mud¯yine (Jordan),” ZDPV 116:1 (2000): 1-13. Aramaic.

Dirksen, P.B., “1 Chronicles 5:1-2,” JNSL 25:2 (1999): 17-23. Syriac, Peshitta, p. 19.

Dirksen, P.B., “The Peshitta Text of Song of Songs,” Textus 19 (1998): 171-85. Syriac.

DiTommaso, L., “Dating the Eagle Vision of 4 Ezra: A New Look at an Old Theory,” JSP 20 (1999): 3-38. Syriac, Aramaic.

Dobbs-Allsop, F.W., “Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Lamentations,” JANES 26 (1998): 1-36. Aramaic.

Dobbs-Allsopp, F.W., “Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Lamentations,” JANES 26 (1998): 1-36. Aramaic.

Dochhorn, J., “Die Menschen als’ Kinder der Mutter der Lebenden—eine etymologische Parallele zu yj lk µ[ in Gen 3:20 aus dem Altäthiopischen?” ZAH 12:1 (1999): 2-20.  Aramaic, pp. 3, 14. 

Dombrowski, B.W.W., “Socio-religious Implications of Foreign Impact on Palestinian Jewry under Achaemenid Rule,” Transeu 13 (1997): 65-89. Aramaic.

Dorn, L.O., “Untranslatable Features in the David and Bathsheba Story (2Samuel 11-12),” BT 50:4 (1999): 406-11. Translation. Ancient structures: wordplay, multiple meanings, culture boundedness.

Doudna, G., “Radiocarbon Dating and the Scrolls: Report on Israel Cormi’s Talk at the Jerusalem Conference,” QC 7:1-2 (1997): 11-5. Aramaic.

Drijvers, J.W., “The Protonike Legend, the Doctrina Addai, and Bishop Rabbula of Edessa,” VigChr 51:3 (1997): 298-315.

Dubovsk´, P., “Cosmology in 1 Enoch,” AO 68:2 (2000): 205-18. Aramaic.

Dulaey, M., “Daniel dans la fosse aux lions lectures de Dn 6 dans l’église ancienne,” Revue des sciences religieuses 72  (1998): 38-50.  Aramaic, Syriac.

Duling, D., “The Jesus Movement and Social Analysis (Part 1: The Spatial Network),” BTB 29:4 (1999): 168-9. Aramaic, the Babatha archive.

Duncan, Julie A., “New Readings for the ‘Blessing of Moses’ from Qumran,” JBL 114:2 (1995): 273-290. 4QDt.

Dusinberre, E.R.M., “Satrapal Sardis: Achaemenid Bowls in an Achaemenid Capital,” AJA 103:1 (1999): 73-102. Aramaic, p. 75.

DuToit, A.B., “A Tale of Two Cities ‘Tarsus or Jerusalem’ Revisited,” NTS 46:3 (2000): 375-402. Aramaic, pp. 392-3.

Ebied, Rifaat, “Contra Damianum: Some remarks on an important Syriac Manuscript,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 209-220.

Egan, V., and P.M. Bikai, “Archaeology in Jordan,” AJA 103:3 (1999): 485-520.  Nabatean, p. 505; Aramaic, p. 520.

Egan, V., P.M. Bikai, and K. Zamora, “Archeology in Jordan,” AJA 104:3 (2000): 561-88. Nabatean.

Elgvin, T., “4Q474—A Joseph Apocryphon?” RQ 18:1 (#69) (1997): 97-108. See footnotes on pp. 101, 107.

Elgvin, Torgleif, “Early Essene Eschatology: Judgment and Salvation according to Sapiential Work A,” in Current Research of DSS, pp. 126-156 . I Enoch, Daniel.

Elliot, J.K., “Biblical Manuscripts in Manchester,” ET 110:2 (1998): 50-1. Syriac.

El-Souriany, B., and L.van Rompay, "Syriac Papyrus Fragments Recently Discovered in Deir al-Surian (Egypt)," Hugoye 4:1 (2001). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Emerton, J. A., “New Evidence for the Use of waw consecutive in Aramaic,” VT 44 (1994): 255-258.

Emerton, J.A., “Comparative Semitic Philology and Hebrew Lexicography,” in The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States, V. Fritz and P.R. Davies, eds., JSOTSup 228 (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1996), pp. 1-24. Aramaic.

Emerton, J.A., “Further Comments on the use of tenses in the Aramaic Inscription from Tel Dan,” VT 47:4 (1997): 429-440.

Emerton, J.A., “How Many Months Are Mentioned in the Gezer Calendar?” PEQ 131  (1999): 20-3.  Aramaic.

Emerton, J.A., “The Biblical High Place in the Light of Recent Study,” PEQ 129 (1997): 116-132.

Emerton, J.A., “Two Issues in the Interpretation of the Tel Dan Inscription,” VT 50:1 (2000): 27-37. Aramaic.

England, John C., “Early Asian Christian Writings, 5th—12th Centuries: An Appreciation,” AJT 11:1 (1997): 154-171. Syriac.

Eph‘al, I., “Changes in Palestine during the Persian Period in Light of Epigraphic Sources,” IEJ 48:1-2 (1998): 106-19. Aramaic.

Eph‘al, I., “The Buk¯n Aramaic Inscription: Historical Considerations,” IEJ 49: 1-2 (1999): 116-121.  Aramaic.

Eph‘al, I., and J. Naveh, “Remarks on the Recently Published Moussaieff Ostraca,” IEJ 48:3-4 (1998): 269-73. Aramaic.

Ernst, J., “Jer 3:17 ‘nach Jerusalem’: Ein Aramaismus,” ZAH 1:1 (1998): 107-11.

Esbroeck, M. van, “La Vie de Saint Jean le Pauvre ou le Calybite en version georgiénne,” OC 82  (1998): 153-83.  Syriac.

Esbroeck, M. van, “Les versions orientales de la Bible:  Une orientation bibliographique - 6 La Bible en syriaque,” in The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia, J. Kraovec, ed., JSOTSupp 289 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998). Syriac.

Esbroeck, M. van, “Un discours inédit de Saint Germain de Constantinople sur la Croix et les Icônes,” OCP 65:1 (1999): 19-51.  Syriac.

Esbroeck, M. van, S.J., “A Ballad About Saint Andrew and the Cannibals, Attributed to Saint Ephraim,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Esbroeck, Michel van, “La vie de saint Martinianus en version syriaque,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 237-270.

Eshel, H. and B. Zissu, “Ketef Jericho,” IEJ 45 (1993): 292-298.

Eshel, H., “Wâdi ed-Dâliyeh Papyrus 14 and the Samaritan Temple,” Zion 61 (1996): 359-66 (in Hebrew). Nabatean. 

Eshel, H., and E. Eshel, “4Q448, Psalm 154 (Syriac), Sirach 48:20, and 4QpIsaa,” JBL 119:4 (200): 645-59. Syriac.

Esher, H., and E. Esher, “4Q448 Psalm 154 and 4QpIsaa,” Tarbiz 67:1 (1997): 121-30 (in Hebrew). Syriac.

Evans, C., “Are the ‘Son’ Texts at Qumran Messianic?  Reflections on 4Q369 and Related Scrolls,” in Qumran-Messianism: Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth et al., eds. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998), pp. 135-53. Aramaic, 4Q246.

Evans, J.B., “Does Blood Cry Out? Considerations in Generating the Cognitive Environment,” JNSL 23:2 (1997): 129-41. On translation.

Fales, F.M., “Riflessioni sull’Ahiqar di Elefantina,” OrAnt 33 (1995): 38-60. Aramaic.

Falla, T.C., “Questions concerning the content and implications of the lexical work, A Key to the Peshitta Gospels,” Syriacum 6 (1992/4): 85-99. Syriac. Responds to reviews of Falla’s A Key to the Peshitta Gospels (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991).

Falla, T.C., “The Lexicon for Which We Long,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 255-6. Syriac.

Fathi-Chelhod, J., "L'origine du nom Bar ‘Ebroyo: Une vieille histoire d'homonymes," Hugoye 4:1 (2001). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Fauth, W., “Auf den Spuren des biblischen ‘Azazel (Lev 16): Einige Residuen der Gestalt oder des Namens in jüdisch-aramäischen, griechischen, koptischen, äthiopischen, syrischen und mandäischen Texten,” ZAW 110:4 (1998): 514-34. Aramaic.

Fauth, W., “Der christliche Reiterheilige des Sisinnios.  Typs im Kampf gegen eine Vielnamige Dämonin,” VC 53:4 (1999): 401-25. Aramaic.

Feiertag, J.L., “Themè littéraire des Vetements mortuaires du Seigneur,” Apocrypha 10 (1999): 56-73. Syriac.

Fiey, Jean Maurice, “Les résidences d’été des rois perses, d’après les Actes syriaques des martyrs,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 325-336.

Finkelstein, I., “State Formation in Israel and Judah,” NEA 62:1 (1999): 35-48.  Aramaic.

Firestone, R., “The Failure of a Jewish Program of Public Satire in the Squares of Medina,” Judaism 46:4 (1997): 439-452.

Fitzmyer, J.A., “Melchizedek in the MT, LXX and the NT,” Biblica 81:1 (2000): 63-9. Aramaic, Syriac.

Fitzmyer, J.A., “The So-Called Aramaic Divorce Text from Wadi Seiyal,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 16-22. Aramaic.

Fleischman, J., “On the Meaning of the Term rwça ˚lm ‘The King of Assyria’ in Ezra 6:22,” JANES 26 (1998): 37-46. Aramaic.

Fleming, D.E., “Mari’s Public Tent and the Priestly Tent,” VT 50:4 (2000): 484-98. Aramaic, fn p. 493.

Flint, P.W., “The Contribution of the Cave Four Psalms Scroll to the Psalms Debate,” DSD 5:3 (1998): 320-33. Aramaic.

Flint, P.W., “The Contribution of the Dead Sea Bible Scrolls to Biblical Studies with the Preliminary Editions of 4QPsp and 4QPsr-u,” JSOT 83  (1999): 3-17.  Aramaic.

Flint, P.W., “The Preliminary Edition of 5/6 .ev Psalms,” JJS 51:1 (2000): 19-41. Nabatean.

Fossum, J., “The Myth of the Eternal Rebirth,” VC 53:3 (1999): 305-15.  Aramaic, p. 312.

Fox, J., “Isolated Nouns in the Semitic Languages,” ZAH 11:1 (1998): 1-31. Syriac.

Fox, S.E., “The phonology and morphology of the Jilu dialect of Neo-Aramaic [SE Turkey, Hakkari mt. before 1915],” JAFAL 3 (1991): 35-57. Aramaic.

Franke, H., “Zu einigen christlichen Personennamen in Textender Yüanzeit,” ZDMG 148:2 (1998): 315-22. P. 319, Syriac.

Franz-Klauser, O., “Die hebräischen Handschriften der Buirger bibliotek Bern,” Judaica 55:4 (1999): 247-73. Aramaic. See pp. 264-5.

Freund, R.A., “The Land Which Bled Forth its Bounty: an Exile Image of the Lord of Israel,” SJOT 13:2 (1999): 284-97. Aramaic, see p. 286, and footnote on p. 293.

Frey, J., “Different Patterns of Dualistic Thought in the Qumran Library:  Reflections on Their Background and History,” in Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge 1995: Published in Honor of Joseph Baumgarten, M. Bernstein, F. García Martínez and J. Kampen, eds., STDJ 23 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 275-335. Aramaic.

Friedman, S., “Brief notes on Babylonian Aramaic [mar, eyma, (1)alter],” Leshonenu 58 (1994): 49, 57 (in Hebrew, Eng IV). Aramaic.

Friedman, S., “Talmudic Lexicographical Studies (5): abra = ‘Lamb,’” Tarbiz 67:2 (1998): 245-50 (in Hebrew). Syriac.

Fritz, V., and R. Deines, “Catalogue of the Jewish Ossuaries in the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology,” IEJ 49:3-4 (1999): 222-41. Aramaic.

Frolov, S.V.O., “David in Jerusalem,” ZAW 111:4 (1999): 609-15. Aramaic, see p. 614.

Fuchs, G. von, “Die Klage des Propheten,” BZ 41:2 (1997): 212-28. Syriac p. 219.

Gai, A., “Adnominal and Adverbal Attributes in Semitic Languages,” Museon 109 (1996): 369-93. Aramaic.

Gane, R., “Genre awareness and Interpretation of the Book of Daniel,” in To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in honor of William H. Shea, D. Merling, ed. (Berrien Springs, MI: Institute of Archaeology, 1997), pp. 138-48. Aramaic.

Gangeloff, F., “Holy Land or Promised Land?” Theological Review 21:1 (2000): 3-21. Aramaic.

Ganz, D., “Knowledge of Ephraim’s Writings in the Merovingian and Carolingian Age,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Garbini, G., “L’iscrizione aramaica di Tel Dan,” Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.  Rendiconti 9:5 (1994): 461-71. Aramaic.

Garbini, G., “Note lessiali palmirene,” Rendiconti dell’ Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 8 (1996): 495-8. Palmyrean.

Garbini, Giovanni, “L’iscrizione aramaica di Tel Dan,” in Atti Della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Sciense Morali, Storiche e Filologiche IX/V/3, (Rome: Reconditi, 1994), pp. 461-471.

Gardner, A., “The Great Sea of Dan 7:2,” VT 49:3 (1999): 412-5.  Aramaic.

Garland, C., “Ascetics as Representative Warriors,” ET 109:9 (1998): 266-8. Syriac.

Gavrilovic, Z., “St. Ephraim’s Thought and Imagery as an Inspiration to Byzantine Artists,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Gawlikowski, Michal, “Thapsacus and Zeugma: the Crossing of the Euphrates in Antiquity,” Iraq 58 (1996): 123-133. Aramaic and Syriac.

Gawlikowsky, M., “Deux Publicains et leur Tombeau,” Syria 75 (1998): 145-51. Syriac, p. 146.

Geiger, J., “The Sword and the Book: À Propos a Poem by Yair,” Tarbiz 69:2 (2000): 243-6 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Geleir, M.J., and D. Levene, “Magical Texts from the Geniza (with a new duplicate),” JJS 49:2 (1998): 334-340.

Geller, M.J., “The Lost Wedge,” ZA 87:1 (1997): 43-95. Aramaic.

Gelston, A., “Notes on a Citation of Chrysostom by Severns,” JTS 50:1 (1999): 162-3.  Syriac.

Gelston, A., “The Origin of the Anaphora of Nestorius: Greek or Syriac?” BJRL 78 (1996): 87-100.

Gelston, A., “Was the Peshitta of Isaiah of Christian Origin?” in Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah: Studies of an Interpretive Tradition, C.C. Broyles and C.A. Evens, eds., vol. 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 563-582.

Gensler, O.D., “Reconstructing Quadrilateral Verb Inflection: Ethiopic, Akkadian, Proto-Semitic,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 229-57. Aramaic, Syriac.

Gensler, O.D., “Reconstructing Quadriliteral Verb Inflection: Ethiopic, Akkadian, Proto-Semitic,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 229-257.

Gianazza, G., “Lettre de Makk¯˘¯ (1109) sur la verite de la religion chrétienne,” Parole de l’Orient 25 (2000): 493-555. Syriac.

Gianto, Agustinus, “Variations in Biblical Hebrew,” Biblica 77:4 (1996): 493-508. p. 494-495. Aramaic.

Gielen, M., “Und führe uns nicht in Versuchen,” ZNW 89:3/4 (1998): 201-16. Aramaic.

Gignoux, P., “On the Syriac Pharmocopoeia,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 193-202. Syriac.

Gillet-Didier, V., “Paradosis: Flavius Joséphe et la fabrique de la tradition,” REJ 158: 1-2 (1999): 7-50.  Aramaic; Josephus, War.

Gillis, D., “Un astre se lèvera de Jacob. L’intérpretation ancienne de Nombres 24:17,” AES 13 (1996): 295-352.

Gitin, S., T. Dotham and J. Naveh, “Royal Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron,” IEJ 47:1-2 (1997): 1-16. See p. 15. Aramaic.

Glatt-Gilad, D.A., “The Re-interpretation of the Edomite-Israelite Encounter in Deuteronomy II,” VT 47:4 (1997): 441-455.

Glazov, G., “The Invocation of Ps. 51:17 in Jewish and Christian Morning Prayer,” JJS 46 (1995): 167-182.

Gmirkin, R., “Historical Allusions in the War Scroll,” DSD 5:2 (1998): 172-214. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Gnadt, M.S., “‘Abba isn’t Daddy:’ Aspekte einer feministisch-befreiungstheologischen Revision des ‘Abba Jesus,’” in Von der Wurzel getragen, L. Schottroff, ed., Biblical Interpretation 17 (Leiden: Brill, 1996), pp. 204. Aramaic.

Gnuse, R.K., “Redefining the Elohist?,” JBL 119:2 (2000): 201-20. Aramaic.

Goerwitz, Richard L., “What Does the Priestly Source Mean By çarh ta [rp?” JQR 86:3-4 (1996): 377-394. Aramaic.

Goldenberg, G., “Early Neo-Aramaic and Present-day Dialectal Diversity,” JJS 45:1 (2000): 69-90. Aramaic.

Goldman, S., “‘Spiritual Feminism’ and Christian Hebraism: Women and the Study of Hebrew in Seventeenth Century Europe,” HS 40 (1999): 153-68. Aramaic, see p. 160.

Goodblatt, D., “Dating Documents in Provincia Indaea:  A note on Papyri Murabba‘at 19 and 20,” IEJ 49:3-4 (1999): 249-59. Aramaic.

Goodblatt, D., “From Judeans to Israel: Names of Jewish States in Antiquity,” JSJ 29:1 (1998): 1-36. Aramaic.

Gordon, R.P., “The Syriac Old Testament: Provenance, Perspective and Translation Technique.” In Interpretation of the Bible, edited by J.Kraovec (Ljubljana: SAZU, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 355-9.  Syriac. 

Gorea-Autéxier, M., “La Bible des Syriens à la Lumiére des citations de Job,” RB 106:4 (1999): 481-510. Syriac.

Goreä-Autexier, M., “La Bible des Syriens à la lumière des citations de Job,” RB 116:4 (1999): 481-510.  Syriac.

Gosling, F.A., “An Open Question Relating to the Hebrew Root glli,” ZAH 11:2 (1998): 125-32. Aramaic.

Gottlieb, I.B., “Law, Love and Redemption: Legal Connotations in the Language of Exodus 6:6-8,” JANES 26 (1998): 47-58. Aramaic.

Gottlieb, I.B., “Law, Love and Redemption: Legal Connotations in the Language of Exodus 6:6-8,” JANES 26 (1998): 47-57. Aramaic.

Goulder, M.D., “The Songs of Ascents and Nehemiah,” JSOT 75 (1997): 43-58.

Gramaglia, P.A., “1Qs, xi, 21-22: Osservazioni lessicali,” HENOCH 19:2 (1997): 143-7. Syriac.

Greatrex, G., and J.W. Watt, “One, Two or Three Feasts? The Brytae, the Maiuma and the May Festival at Edessa,” OC 83 (1999): 1-21. Syriac.

Greiner, S.L., “Did Eve Fall or Was She Pushed?” BR 15:4 (1999): 17-23, 50-1. Aramaic, 1 Enoch, Life of Adam and Eve.

Grelot, P., “Deux Poèmes  Araméens sur Exode 20:1-2,” REJ 159:1-2 (2000): 49-61. Aramaic.

Grelot, P., “GALGAL (Ézéchiel 10:2, 6, 13 et Daniel 7:9),” Transeu 15 (1998): 137-47. Aramaic.

Grierson, R., “‘Without Note or Comment’: British Library Or. 11360 and the Text of the Peshitta New Testament,” OC 82  (1998): 88-98.  Syriac.

Griffith, S.H., “A Spiritual Father for the Whole Church: the Universal Appeal of St. Ephraim the Syrian,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Griffith, S.H., “Disputing with Islam in Syriac: The Case of the Monk of Bêt .älê and a Muslim Emir,” Hugoye 3:1 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Gross, I., “Circumcision in the New Testament,” BT 50:4 (1999): 422-7. Translation.

Gudorf, M.E., “Through a Classical Lens: Hebrews 2:16,” JBL 119:1 (2000): 105-8. Syriac, see footnote p.106.

Gulley, N.R., “Why the Danielic Little Horn is not Antiochus IV Epiphanes,” in To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in honor of William H. Shea, D. Merling, ed. (Berrien Springs, MI: Institute of Archaeology, 1997), pp. 191-7. Aramaic.

Gundry, R.H., “Mark 10:29: Order in the List,” CBQ 59:3 (1997): 465-475.

Habbi, Y., “Les Chrétiens en Irak,” POC 47:1-3 (1997): 323-33. Aramaic, Syriac.

Hachlili, R., “Aspects of Similarity and Diversity in the Architecture and Art of Ancient Synagogues and Churches in the Land of Israel,” ZDPV 113 (1997): 92-122. For Aramaic, see esp. pp. 104-105.

Harrak, A., "Recent Archaeological Excavations in Takrit and the Discovery of Syriac Inscriptions," Hugoye 4:1 (2001). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Harrak, Amir, “Christianity in the eyes of the muslims of the Jaz¯rah at the end of the eighth century,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 337-356.

Harrington, D., “Ten Reasons Why the Qumran Wisdom Texts Are Important,” DSD 3:3 (1997): 245-254.

Harrington, D.K., “The Ideology of Rule in Daniel 7-12,” in 1999 SBL Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1999), pp. 540-51. Aramaic, Daniel.

Hayes, Katherine M., “Jeremiah 4:23: T¯HÛ without B¯HÛ,” VT 47:2 (1997): 247-249. Peshitta.

Hayman, A.P., “The ‘Man from the Sea’ in 4 Ezra 13,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 1-16. Syriac, Aramaic.

Hayward, R., “The Chant of the Seraphim and the Worship of the Second Temple,” Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 20 (1997): 62-80. Aramaic.

Healey , J.F., “The Early History of the Syriac Script: A Reassessment,” JSS 45:1 (2000): 55-68. Syriac.

Heininger, B., “Hebr 11.7 und das Henochorakel am Ende der Welt,” NTS 44:1 (1998): 115-132.

Heinzerling, R., “‘Ein weihung’ durch Henoch? Die Bedeutung der Altersangaben in Genesis 5,” ZAW 110:4 (1998): 581-9. 1 Enoch, Aramaic.

Heltzer, M., “Two Ancient West Semitic Seals,” SEL 16 (1999): 45-7. Aramaic.

Hengel, Martin, “Zur Wirkungsgeschichte von Jes 53 in vorchristlicher Zeit,” in Gottesknecht, pp. 49-91. Aramaic.

Henze, M., “The Ideology of Rule in the Narrative Frame of Daniel (Dan 1-6),” in 1999 SBL Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1999), pp. 527-39. Aramaic, Daniel.

Hermanson, E., “Kings Are Lions, but Herod Is a Fox.  Translating the Metaphor in Luke 13:32,” BT 50:2 (1999): 235-40.  Aramaic, p. 236.

Herr, L.G., “The Iron Age II Period: Emerging Nations,” BA 60:3 (1997): 114-183.

Herr, L.G., “The Paleography of West Semitic Stamp Seals,” BASOR 312  (1998): 45-78.  Aramaic. Review Article of Avigad’s Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (1997).

Hesterman, Kordelia, “MBNY, a ‘new’ grammatical form in Elephantine Aramaic,” Leshonenu 57 (1992): 7-15 (in Hebrew).

Hill, C.E., “The Identity of John’s Nathaniel,” JSNT 67 (1997): 45-61. Concerning targums, see footnote on p. 56; for Syriac see footnotes on pp. 50, 54, 57, and 58.

Hill, R.C., “Theodoret, Commentator on the Psalms,” ETL 76:1 (2000): 88-104. Syriac, p. 97.

Hillers, D.R., “Palmyrene Aramaic Inscriptions and the Bible,” ZAH 11:1 (1998): 32-49. Aramaic.

Himmelfarb, M., “Levi, Phinehas and the Problem of Intermarriage at the Time of the Maccabean Revolt,” JSQ 6:1 (1999): 1-24.  Aramaic, Aramaic Levi, 1 Enoch.

Hjelm, I., “Cult Centralization as a Device of Cult Control?” SJOT 13:2 (1999): 298-309. Aramaic, Josephus Wars.

Hobbi, J., “Manuscrits arabes chrétiens en Iraq,” Parole 22 (1997): 361-80. Syriac.

Hobbins, J.F., “The Summing Up of History in 2 Baruch,” JQR 89:1-2 (1998): 45-79.  Syriac, see footnote on pp. 48-9.

Hoberman, R.D., “Parameters of emphasis; autosegmental analysis of emphasis; autosegmental analyses of pharyngealization in Aramaic, Kurdish and two dialects of Arabic,” JAFAL 2 (1989): 73-97. Aramaic.

Hoberman, Robert D., “Chaldean Aramaic of Zakho,” in Semitica, pp. 115-126.

Holman, S.R., “Healing the Social Leper in Gregory of Nyssa’s and Gregory of Nazianzus’ ‘peri filoptwcia",’” HTR 92:3 (1999): 283-309.  Syriac, significant footnote on p. 287.

Hong, J., “Chapter and Verse Divisions in the Bible,” BT 48:4 (1997): 401-9.

Hopkins, S., “On the Construction m¯h l-g¯-r¯, ‘the Name of the Man’ in Aramaic,” JSS 42  (1997): 23-32.  Aramaic.

Hopkins, Simon, “On the Construction ˇM¯H L-G¯BR¯ ‘The Name of the Man’ in Aramaic,” JSS 42:1 (1997): 23-32.

Horowitz, W., “The 360 and 364 Day Year in Ancient Mesopotamia,” JANES 24 (1996): 35-44. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Houtman, C., “Die Augen Leas:  ‘Rewritten Bible’ als ein Phänomen des 20. Jahrhunderts,” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 53 (1999): 1-98. Translation.

Howard, G., “Shem Tob’s Hebrew Matthew and Early Jewish Christianity,” JSNT 70 (1998): 3-20. Syriac.

Huehnergard, J., “New directions in the Study of Semitic Languages,” in The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-first Century. The William Foxwell Albright Centennial conference, J.S. Cooper and G.M. Schwartz, eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996), pp. 251-272.

Hultg˚rd, A., “La chute de Satan.  L’arriére—plan Iranien d’un logion de Jésus (Luc 10:18),” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 69-77. Aramaic, 1 Enoch 6-8.

Hunt, H., “‘Praying the Body’: Isaac of Nineveh and John of Apamea on Anthropological Integrity,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 153-8. Syriac.

Hunt, H.M., “The Tears of the Sinful Woman: A Theology of Redemption in the Homilies of St. Ephraim and His Followers,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Hunter, E.C.D., “Who Are the Demons?  The Iconography of Incantation Bowls,” SEL 15  (1998): 95-115.  Aramaic, Syriac, Mandean.

Hunter, Erica C. D., “Syriac Inscriptions from al Hira,” OC 80 (1996): 66-81.

Hurowitz, V., “An End to Flying Cats—Epistle of Jeremiah 22 Reconsidered,” JSP 20 (1999): 93-5. Aramaic.

Hurtado, L.W., “First-Century Jewish Monotheism,” JSNT 71 (1998): 3-26. Life of Adam and Eve, Aramaic.

Hurvitz, Avi, “The historical quest for ‘ancient Israel’ and the linguistic evidence of the Hebrew Bible: some methodological observations,” VT 47:3 (1997): 301-315.

Iba~ez, J.-M.N., “The Sacred Grove of Scythopolis (Flavius Josephus, Jewish War II 466-471),” IEJ 49:3-4 (1999): 260-68. Aramaic.

Ikeda, Y., “Looking from Til Barsip on the Euphrates: Assyria and the West in Ninth and Eighth Centuries B.C.,” in Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East: Papers of the Second Colloquium on the Ancient Near East—The City and Its Life held at the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan (Mitaka, Tokyo) March 22-4, 1996, K. Watanabe, ed. (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1999), pp. 271-302. Aramaic.

Ilan, T., “The Provocative Approach Once Again: A Response to Adiel Schremer,” HTR 91:2 (1998): 203-4. Aramaic.

Ilan, Tal, “The Quest for the Historical Beruriah, Rachel and Imma Shalom,” AJSRev 22:1 (1997): 1-17. Aramaic.

Illert, M., “Zum Descensus ad inferos bei Makarios,” VC 53:3 (1999): 323-4.  Syriac.

Innemee, K.C., “Dier al-Surian (Egypt): Its Wall-paintings, Wall-texts, and Manuscripts,” Hugoye 2:2 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Israelit-Groll, S., “The Egyptian Background to Isaiah 19:18,” in Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World:  A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, M. Lubetski, C. Gottlieb, and S. Keller, eds., JSOTSupp 273 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 300-3. Aramaic. 

Jacobson, D.M., “Palestine and Israel,” BASOR 313  (1999): 65-74.  Aramaic, p. 68.

Jacobson, H., “Moses as Alpha,” JTS 50:2 (1999): 626-7. Aramaic.

Janzen, D., “The ‘Mission’ of Ezra and the Persian-Period Temple Community,” JBL 119:4 (2000): 619-43. Aramaic.

Jarick, J., “The Four Corners of Psalm 107,” CBQ 59:2 (1997): 270-287. See p. 272.

Jenner, K.D., “The Development of Syriac Lectionary Systems,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 9-24.

Jensen, J., “Helel ben  (Isaiah 14:12-15) in Bible and Tradition,” in Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah:  Studies of an Interpretive Tradition, C.C. Broyles and C.A. Evans, eds., VTSup 70, 1 and 2; Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature 1, 1 and 2  (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 339-56. Aramaic, 1 Enoch, Life of Adam and Eve.

Joannés, F. and A. Lemaire, “Contrats Babyloniens d’Epoque Achéménide du Bît-abî râm avec une épigraph araméenne,” RA 90:1 (1996): 41-60.

Joannés, F., and A. Lemaire, “Trois tablettes cunéiformes à onomastique ouest-sémitique (Collection Sh. Moussaieff),” Transeu 17 (1999): 17-34. Aramaic.

John, V.J., “Ecology in the Parables,” AJT 14:2 (2000): 304-27. Aramaic, Daniel 4, 4 Ezra.

Joosse, P., “An Introduction to the Arabic Diatessaron,” OC 83 (1999): 72-129. Syriac, Compared to the Syriac Diatessaron.

Joosten, J., “‘Le Père envoie le Fils.’ La provenance occidentale d’une location syriaque,” RHR 214:3 (1997): 299-310.

Joosten, J., “La Peshitta de l’Ancien Testament dans la recherche récente,” RHPR 4 (1996): 385-395.

Joosten, J., “La tradition syriaque des évangiles et la question du substrat araméen,” RHPR 77:3 (1997): 252-272.

Joosten, J., “Materials for a Linguistic Approach to the Old Testament Peshi.ta,” JAB 2 (1999): 203-19. Peshitta.

Joosten, J., “Odes de Salomon 7:3a, Observations sur un hellénisme dans le texte syriaque,” ZNW 89  (1998): 134-5.  Syriac.

Joosten, J., “Odes de Salomon 7:3a.  Observations sur un hellénisme dans le texte syriaque,” ZNW 89:1/2 (1998): 134-5. Syriac.

Joosten, J., “West Aramaic elements in the Syriac Gospels: methodological considerations,” Syriacum 6 (1992/4): 101-9. Syriac.

Joubert, S.J., “Facing the Past: Transtextual Relationships and Historical Understanding in the Letter of Jude,” BZ 42:1 (1998): 56-70. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Juckel, A., “Die Bedeutung des Ms. Vat. syr. 268 für die evangelien-Überlieferung der Harklensis,” OC 83 (1999): 22-45. Syriac.

Juckel, A., “Ms Vat. Syr. 268 and the Revisional Development of the Harklean Margin,” Hugoye 1:1 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Jullien, C. and F., “Les Actes Mar Mari: Une figure apocryphe au service de l’unité  communautaire,” Apocrypha 10 (1999): 177-93. Syriac.

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Jursa, M., and M. Weszeli, “Der Zahn des Schreibers: Ein arämaischer Buchstabenname in akkadischer Transkription,” ZA 90:1 (2000): 78-84. Aramaic.

Kaizer, T., “De Dea Syria at aliis diis deabusque: A Study of the Variety of Appearances of Gad in Aramaic Inscriptions and the Sculptures from the Near East in the First Three Centuries AD. Part 1,” OLP 28 (1997): 147-166. Aramaic.

Kalimi, I., “Könnte die aramäische Grobinschrift aus Ägypten als Indikation für die Datierung der chronikbuchler fungieren?” ZAW 110:1 (1998): 79-81. Aramaic.

Kalimi, I., “Zion or Gerizim?  The Association of Abraham and the Aqeda with Zion/ Gerizim in Jewish and Samaritan Sources,” in Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World:  A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, M. Lubetski, C. Gottlieb, and S. Keller, eds., JSOTSupp 273 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 442-57. Aramaic, 1QapGen.

Kallarangatt, J., “Ecclesiological Implications of the Odes of Solomon,” CO 18:1 (1997): 28-39.

Kallarangatt, J., “St. Thomas Christians of India:  Ecclesiological Heritages and Perspectives before the Seventeenth Century,” CO 21:1 (2000): 23-39. Syriac.

Kallarangatt, Joseph, “The Teaching of Addai: a Syriac Christological Masterpiece,” CO 17:4 (1996): 190-202.

Kapera, Z.J., “Current Bibliography on the Dead Sea Scrolls—1997,” QC 7 (1997): Part 1, 127-44; Part 2, 263-87. Aramaic.

Kapera, Zdzislaw J., “Current Bibliography on the Dead Sea Scrolls 1996,” QC 6:1-4 (1996): 211-246.

Kapera, Zdzislaw J., “The First Polish Translation of the Texts from the Judean Desert,” QC 6:1-4 (1996): 39-45.

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Kathanar, K.T., “Malayam Karshon,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 59-63.

Kathanar, K.T., “The Liturgical Crisis in the Syro-Malabar Church,” CO 19:2 (1998): 49-62. Syriac.

Kathanar, K.T., “The Semitic Dimension of Christian Tradition,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 71-76. Aramaic: the first language of Christianity.

Kaufhold, H., "Notizen zur späten Geschichte des Barsaumô-Klosters [Notes on the late history of the Barsauma monastery]," Hugoye 3:2 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Kaufmann, S.A., “Semitics: Directions and Redirections,” in The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-first Century. The William Foxwell Albright Centennial conference, J.S. Cooper and G.M. Schwartz, eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996), pp. 273-282.

Khairallah, S., “The Maronite College in Rome and Its Influence on Lebanese Cultural Life,” TR 19:2 (1998): 107-24. Syriac.

Khoury, S., “L’Evangéliaire rimé de ‘Abd¯¯‘ de nisibe et son importance cultuelle et culturelle,” Parole 22 (1997): 381-90. Syriac.

Khraysheh, F.H., “New Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan,” SYRIA 72 (1995): 401. Nabatean, Palmyren.

Kim, A.Y., “Signs of Ephrem’s Exegetical Techniques in his Homily on Our Lord,” Hugoye 3:1 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Kimmelman, Reuven, “The Messiah of the Amidah: a Study in Comparative Messianism,” JBL 116:2 (1997): 313-324. I Enoch.

Kiraz, G.A. and G.Y. Ibrahim, “Ephrem’s Madroshe and the Syrian Orthodox Beth Gazo: A Loose, But Fascinating, Affinity,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Kiraz, G.A., “Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Final Report and Announcement of Publication,” TC 1 (1996). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at:  [Cited 07/00].

Kiraz, George, “Methodology of aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Pesh¯.t¯ and .arklean texts,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 295-308.

Kirchhevel, G.D., “The Children of God and the Glory that John 1:14 Saw,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 6 (1996): 89-93. Targum of Isaiah.

Kirk, A., “The Composed Life of the Syriac Menander,” Studies in Religion 26 (1997): 169-83. Syriac.

Kister, M., “Studies in 4QMiqsat Ma’ase Ha-Torah and Related Texts: Law, Theology, Language and Calendar,” Tarbiz 68:3 (1999): 317-72 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Kitchen, K.A., “A Possible Mention of David in the Late Tenth Century BCE and Deity *Dod as Dead as the Dodo?” JSOT 76 (1997): 29-44.

Klingbeil, Gerald A., “A Semantic Analysis of Aramaic Ostraca of Syria-Palestine During the Persian Period,” AUSS 35:1 (1997): 33-46.

Kloner, A., “Did a Rolling Stone Close Jesus’ Tomb?” BAR 25: 6 (1999): 23-9, 76.  Aramaic; Josephus, War.

Knapp, H.M., “The Messianic Water Which Gives Life to the World,” HBT 19:2 (1997): 109-121.

Knauf, E.A., “Eine Nabatäische Inschrift von der oberon Wasserleitung am Theaterberg (ˇebel el
.), Petra,” ZDPV 113 (1997): 68-9. Nabataean.

Knibb, M., “Isaianic Traditions in the Book of Enoch,” in After the Exile: Festschrift for Mason Rex, J. Barton, and D.J. Reimer, eds. (Macon, GA: Mercer University, 1996), pp. 217-29. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Knibb, M., “Isaianic Traditions in the Book of Enoch,” in John Barton and David J. Reimer. eds., After the Exile: Essays in Honour of Rex Mason (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1996), pp. 217-229. I Enoch.

Knights, C.H., “The Abode of the Blessed: a Source of the Story of Zosimus,” JSP 17 (April, 1998): 79-93. Syriac, Aramaic.

Knights, Chris H., “A Century of Research into the Story/Apocalypse of Zosimus and/or the History of the Rechabites,” JSP 15 (1997): 53-66.

Knipping, B.R., “Redaktion: unverzichtbar, aber in Urkunden-bzw.  Quellentheorie nicht angemessen berüchsichtigt,” BN 95 (1998): 45-70. Aramaic, Diatessaron.

Knoppers, Gary N., “The Vanishing Solomon: the Disappearance of the United Monarchy from Recent Histories of Ancient Israel,” JBL 116:1 (1997): 19-44. Aramaic.

Knudsen, E.E., “Amorite Names and Old Testament Onomastics,” SJOT 13:2 (1999): 203-24. Aramaic.

Koenen, K., “Prolepsen in altestamentlichen Erzäh lungen: eine Skizze,” VT 47:4 (1997): 456-477.

Koenen, K., “Von der todesmutigen Susanna zum begabten Daniel,” TZ 54:1 (1998): 1-13. Aramaic.

Koonammakkal, T.K., “Ephrem’s Ideas on Singleness,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Koops, R.G., “Flora in Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther,” BT 51:2 (2000): 232-9. Aramaic pp. 234-5.

Koorevaar, H.J., “Beltschazzars Sprache: Der Wechsel von Hebräisch zu Arämaisch im Buch Daniel (Teil I),” Jahrbüch fur Evangelikale Theologie 13 (1999): 7-32. Aramaic.

Korner, R.J., “‘And I Saw’….An Apocalyptic Literary Convention for Stuctural Identification in the Apocalypse,” NT 42:2 (2000): 160-83. Aramaic, 2 Baruch, 7 Daniel.

Kottseiper, I., “Die Inschrift vom Tell Dan und die politischen Beziehungen zwischen Aram-Damaskus und Israel in der ersten Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr.” In Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied auf, edited by M. Dietrich, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 250 (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998), pp. 475-500.  Aramaic. 

Kratz, R.G., “Die Entstehung des Judentums,” ZTK 95:2 (1998): 167-84. Aramaic, Ezra documents.

Kraus, T.J., “‘Der Artikel im grieschischen’: Nutzen einer systematischen Beschäftigung anhand von ausgewählten Syntagmata (Hab 1:12, Jud 1, Joh 5:32),” RB 107:2 (2000): 260-72.  Syriac, Peshitta.

Krusheer, D. and L.V. Rampay, “A Bibliographical Clavis to the Works of Jacob and Edessa,” Hugoye 1:1 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Kselman, J.S., and M. L. Barré, “Psalm 55: Problems and Proposals,” CBQ 60:3 (1998): 440-62. Aramaic.

Kugler, R.A., “Halakic Interpretive Stategies at Qumran: A Case Study,” in Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge 1995: Published in Honor of Joseph Baumgarten, M. Bernstein, F. García Martínez and J. Kampen, eds., STDJ 23 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 131-40. Aramaic.

Laato, A., “Second Samuel 7 and Ancient Near Eastern Royal Ideology,” CBQ 59 (1997): 244-69. Aramaic.

Laato, A., “The Apocalypse of the Syriac Baruch and the Date of the End,” JSP 18 (1998): 39-46. Syriac.

Lacerenza, G., “Graffiti aramaici nella Casa de Criptoportico a Pompei (Regio I, insula VI, 2),” AION 56:2 (1996): 166-188.

Lacerenza, Giancarlo, “I sela’ di Areta a proposito del lessico monetario nabateo,” AION 55:3 (1995): 353-357.

Lajtar, A., “Greek Funerary Inscriptions from Old Dongola: General Note,” OC 81 (1997): 107-26. Syriac.

Lamoreaux, J.C., “The Provenance of Ecumenius’ Commentary on the Apocalypse,” VigChr 52:1 (1998): 88-108. Syriac.

Lane, D.J., “Table and Beds: Shubalmaran’s Practical Arrangements for an Ascetic’s Life,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 113-26. Syriac.

Lane, G., “An Account of Gregory Bar Hebraeus Abu al-Faraj and His Relations with the Mongols of Persia,” Hugoye 2:2 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Lang, U.M., “The Christological Controversy at the Synod of Antioch in 268/9,” JTS 51:1 (2000): 54-80. Syriac.

Lange, A., “The Essene Position on Magic and Divination,” in Legal Texts and Legal Issues: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Cambridge 1995: Published in Honor of Joseph Baumgarten, M. Bernstein, F. García Martínez and J. Kampen, eds., STDJ 23 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp. 377-435. Aramaic.

Lange, C., “A Study in Trinitarian Technical Terms in the Syriac Commentary on the Diatessaron, in the Light of the Question of Ephraem’s Possible Authorship,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 225-54. Syriac.

Lange, N., “The Revival of the Hebrew Language in the Third Century CE,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 3:4 (1996): 342-358.

Larsen, I., “A Point of Irony,” BT 50:4 (1999): 411-21. Translation.

Laubscher, F. du T., “The Zadokite Element in the Qumran Documents in the Light of CD 4:3,” JNSL 24:1 (1998): 165-75. Aramaic, p. 72.

Laupot, E., “Tacitus’ Fragment 2: The Anti-Roman Movement of the Christiani and the Nazoreans,” VigChr 54:3 (2000): 233-47. Aramaic, pp. 239, 241.

Lawson, Jack N., “The God Who Reveals Secrets: the Mesopotamian Background to Daniel 2:47,” JSOT 74 (1997): 61-76. Aramaic.

Layton, Scott C., “Remarks on the Canaanite Origin of Eve,” CBQ 59:1 (1997): 22-32. Aramaic.

Layton, Scott C., “Ya’el in Judges 4: An Onomastic Rejoinder,” ZAW 109:1 (1997): 93-94. Aramaic.

Leatherman, D.W., “Apparent Indicators of Textual Discontinuity in the Book of Daniel,” in To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in honor of William H. Shea, D. Merling, ed. (Berrien Springs, MI: Institute of Archaeology, 1997), pp. 149-61. Aramaic. 

Lederman, Y., “Les évêques juifs de Jerusalem,” RB 104:2 (1997): 211-222.

Lehmann, R.G. and M. Reichel, “DOD und ASIMA in Tell Dan,” Biblische Notizen 77 (1995): 29-31.

Lehmann, R.G., “Vom Hebraicum zum Aramaicum; Überlegungen zur Didaktikdes Biblisch-Aramäischen im Kontext des Reichsaramäischen,” BN 77 (1995): 41-58. Aramaic.

Leicht, R., “A New Hebrew Version of an Apocryphal Prayer of Jacob,” JSQ 6:2 (1999): 140-76.  Syriac, Aramaic. 1 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham’s Syriac original text.

Leicht, R., “A Newly Discovered Hebrew Version of the Apocryphal ‘Prayer of Manassah,’” Jewish Studies Quarterly 3:4 (1996): 359-373.

Leicht, R., “Gnostic Myth in Jewish Garb:  Niriyah (Norea), Noah’s Bride,” JJS 51:1 (2000): 133-40. Aramaic, Syriac.

Leithart, P.J., “Attendants of Yahweh’s House: Priesthood in the Old Testament,” JSOT 85 (1999): 3-24. Syriac, see p. 15.

Lemaire, A., “Der Beitrag iudäischer Ostraka zur Geschichte Palästinas im Übergang von der persischen zur hellenistischen Zeit,” ZDPV 115:1 (1999): 12-23.  Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., “Jérémie xxv 10B et la stèle araméenne de Bukân,” VT 47:4 (1997): 543-545.

Lemaire, A., “L’Économie de l’Idumée aprés les nouveaux ostraca araméens,” Transeu 19 (2000): 129-42. Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., “Quatre nouveaux ostraca araméens d’Idumée (Pls. XIV-XV),” Transeu 18 (1999): 71-4. Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., “The Tel Dan Stela as a Piece of Royal Historiography,” JSOT 81 (1998): 3-14. Aramaic.

Lemaire, A., “Une inscription araméenne du VIIes av J.-C. trouvée à Bukân (Azerbaidjan iranien),” Studia Iranica 27 (1998): 15-30.  Aramaic.

Lemche, N.P., “The Understanding of Community in the Old Testament and in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Qumran between the Old and New Testaments, edited by F.H. Cryer, and T.L. Thompson, JSOT Sup 290, Copenhagen International Seminar 6 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 181-93.  Aramaic,  Tel Dan stele.

Lemche, Niels P., “Bemerkungen über einen Paradigmenwechsel aus Anlass einer neuentdeckten Inschrift,” in Meilenstein, M. Weippert, ed., ÄAT 30 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1995), pp. 99-108. Aramaic.

Lenchak, T.A., “Puzzling Passages: Daniel 7:7,” The Bible Today 36 (1998): 194. Aramaic.

Lent, J.M., “The Nineteen Muslim Kings in Coptic Apocalypses,” Parole de l’Orient 25 (2000): 643-93. Syriac, p. 655.

Levine, B., “Vows, Oaths and Binding Agreements:  The Section on Vows (Numbers 30) in the Light of Aramaic Inscriptions,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 84-90. Aramaic.

Levine, Lee I., “Hasmonean Jerusalem: A Jewish City in a Hellenistic Orbit,” Judaism 46:2 (1997): 140-146. Aramaic, see p. 145.

Lewis, N., “In the World of P. Yadin. Where did Judah’s Wives Live?” IEJ 46:3-4 (1996): 256-7. Aramaic.

Lichtenberger, H., “Messianic Expectations and Messianic Figures in the Second Temple Period,” in Qumran-Messianism: Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth, H. Lichtenberger, and G.S. Oegema, eds. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998), pp. 9-20. Aramaic, Josephus’ War.

Lieu, J.M., “The Mother of the Son in the Fourth Gospel,” JBL 117:1 (1998): 61-77.

Lingot, J.-L., “Panorama des Églises du Moyen Orient au synode pour l’Asie,” POC 48:3-4 (1998): 315-57. Syriac, see pp. 324-5.

Lipi´ski, E., “Aramaic clay tablets from the Gozan-Harran area,” Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 33 (1993): 143-50. Aramaic.  

Lipi´ski, E., “Transfer and Mortgage in Ancient Aramaic Documents,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 116-22. Aramaic.

Livingstone, A., “An Early Attestation of the Arabic Definite Article,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 259-261.

Lozachmeur, H., et al., “Neuveaux ostraca araméens d’Idumée from the Collection of Sh. Moussaïeff,” Semitica 46 (1996): 123-42. Aramaic.

Lucas, E.C., “Daniel: Resolving the Enigma,” VT 50:1 (2000): 66-80. Aramaic.

Luciani, F., “2 Re 23, 18b nel Targum di Jonathan e nella Peitta’,” Rivista Biblica 44 (1996): 385-396.

Lund, Jerome A., “The Noun ‘prison’: A Possible Ghost Word in the Lexicon of Middle Western Aramaic,” Orientalia 66:2 (1997): 71-77.

Lutzky, H., “Shadday as a Goddess Epithet,” VT 48:1 (1998): 15-36.

Lyons, W.J., and A.M. Reimer, “The Demonic Virus and Qumran Studies: Some Preventative Measures,” DSD 5:1 (1998): 16-32. Aramaic.

MacCoull, L.S.B., “Isidore and the Akephaloi,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 39:2 (1998): 169-78. Syriac.

MacCoull, L.S.B., “Prophethood, Texts and Artifacts: the Monastery of Epiphanius,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 39:3 (1998): 303-7. Syriac, fn p. 303.

MacDonald, M.C.A., “Nabataean Inscriptions copied by W.J. Bankes in the .awran,” Syria 73 (1996): 97-8. Nabatean.

MacDonald, M.C.A., “Nomads and the Hawr¯n in the Late Hellenistic and Roman Periods: a Reassessment of the Epigraphic Evidence,” SYRIA 70 (1993): 303-413. Aramaic.

MacDonald, M.C.A., “Personal Names in the Nabataean Realm,” JSS 44:2 (1999): 251-89. Nabatean, Aramaic.

Maeir, A.M., “The Political and Economic Status of MBII Hazor and MBII Trade: an Inter- and Intra-Regional View,” PEQ 132 (2000): 37-58. Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Maier, J., “Cincuenta a~os de investigaciones qumránicas:  Puntos problemáticos e hipotéses discutibles,” in Paganos, judíos, y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán, J.T. Barrera, ed., BCBO 5 (Madrid: Trotta, 1999), pp. 81-92. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Makujina, J., “Dismemberment in Dan 2:5 and 3:29 as an Old Persian Idiom, ‘To be Made into Parts,’” JAOS 119:2 (1999): 309-12. Aramaic.

Makujina, J., “On the Possible Old Persian Origin of the Aramaic µ[efi µyci,” HUCA 68  (1997): 1-9.  Aramaic.

Malone, J.L., “La Circonscription prosodique en Mandéen classique,” Langues orientales anciennes 5 (1995): 233-57. Mandean.

Malzoni, C., “‘Moi, je suis la résurrection’.  Jean 11:25 dans la tradition syriaque ancienne,” RB 106:3 (1999): 421-40.  Syriac.

Manfredi, L.I., “Lk e mqm m; nuovi dati dal convegno su Lixus 1989,” Rivista di Studi Fenici 16 (Supp.) (1993): 95-102. Aramaic.

Mannooramparampil, T., “The anaphora of Addai and Mari: Its Origin, Development and Theology,” CO 20:2 (1999): 97-108. Syriac.

Manooramparampil, T., “Bema in the East Syrian Church,” CO 19:2 (1998): 84-98. Syriac.

Mar, T.G., “Welcome Speech,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 91-94. Syriac Christianity in India.

Maraqten, M., “Writing Materials in Pre-Islamic Arabia,” JSS 43:2 (1998): 287-326. Aramaic.

Marcus, D., “Is the book of Nehemiah a Translation from Aramaic?” in Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World:  A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, M. Lubetski, C. Gottlieb, and S. Keller, eds., JSOTSupp 273 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 103-10. Aramaic.

Margalit, B., “Ninth-Century Israelite Prophecy in the Light of Contemporary NW Semitic Epigraphs.” In Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied auf, edited by M. Dietrich, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 250 (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998), pp. 515-532.  Aramaic. 

Marlowe, W.C., “Spirit of Your Holiness (˚vdq jwr) in Psalm 51:13,” TJ 19:1 (1998): 29-49. Syriac, p. 45.

Martinez, F.G., “Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, Vol. 1: The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity, edited by J.J. Collins (NY: Continuum, 1998), pp. 162-92.  Aramaic,  Daniel, 1 Enoch.

Marx, A., “La chute de ‘Lucifer’ (Esaïe 14:12-15; Luc 10:18)  Prehistoire d’un myth,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 171-86. Aramaic, Syriac. 2 Baruch, 1 Enoch.

Matar, H., “Le Calendrier maronite,” OCP 64:1 (1998): 143-58. Syriac.

Matheus, R., “The Third East-Syrian Anaphora,” CO 21:2 (2000): 54-70. Syriac.

McCarron, R.E., “An Epiphany of Mystical Symbols: Jacob of Sarug’s Memra 109 on Abraham and His Types,” Hugoye 1:1 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

McCullough, C.T and B. Glazier-McDonald, “An Aramaic Bronze Amulet from Sepphoris,” Atiqot 28 (1996): 161-165.

McGrath, J.F., “A Rebellious Son? Hugo Odeberg and the Interpretation of John 5:18,” NTS 44:3 (1998): 470-3. Syriac.

McKechnie, P., “The Career of Joshua Ben Sira,” JTS 51:1 (2000):  3-26. Aramaic, p. 21.

McLay, T., “Syntactic Profiles and the Characteristics of Revision: A Response to Karen Jobes,” Bulletin of the International Organization for  Septuagint and Cognate  Studies 29 (1996): 15-21. Aramaic, Daniel.

McLeod, F.G., “Theodore of Mopsuestia Revisited,” TS 61:3 (2000): 447-80. Syriac.

Meier, J.P., “The Circle of Twelve: Did It Exist during Jesus’ Public Ministry?” JBL 116:4 (1997): 635-672.

Mericke, D., “Die Liste der Nahoriden Genesis 22:20-24,” ZAW 111:4 (1999): 481-97. Aramaic.

Merklein, H., and R. Wenning, “Ein Verehrungsplatz der Isis in Petra neu untersucht,” ZDPV 114:2 (1998): 162-78. Nabatean and Aramaic.

Meyers, E., “Yes, They Are,” BAR 26:4 (2000): 46-9. Aramaic, Josephus’ Wars.

Mikre-Sellassie, G.A., “Early Bible Translation into Ethiopic/Geez,” BT 51:3 (2000): 302-16. Syriac.

Mildenberg, L., “Artaxerxes III Ochus (358-38 B. C.).  A Note on the Maligned King,” ZDPV 115:2 (1999): 201-27. Aramaic, see p. 216.

Milgrom, Jacob, “Encroaching on the Sacred Purity and Polity in Numbers 1-10,” Interpretation 51:3 (1997): 241-253. Aramai, see fn 9, p. 247.

Millard, A., “Owners and Users of Hebrew Seals,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 129-33. Aramaic.

Mimouni, S.C., “Le Nazoréens: Recherche etymologique et historique,” RB 105:2 (1998): 208-62. Aramaic: Mandaean p. 211 and fn p. 213, Syriac p. 217.

Mishgav, Haggai, “Nomenclature in Ossuary Inscriptions,” Tarbiz 66:1 (1997): 123-130 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Mitchell, T.C., “And the Band Played On....But with What Did the Play On?” BR 15:6 (1999): 32-9. Aramaic, Daniel 3.

Mojola, A., “The Chogga Scapegoat Ritual and the Goat of Azazel in Leviticus 16,” BT 50: 4 (1999): 435-8. Syriac.

Moloney, F., “The Fourth Gospel and the Jesus of History,” NTS 46:1 (2000): 42-58. Aramaic, see footnote p.54.

Montaner, L.V., “Los Textos de Qumrán y la litteratura apócrifa judia,” in Paganos, judíos, y cristianos en los textos de Qumrán, J.T. Barrera, ed., BCBO 5 (Madrid: Trotta, 1999), pp. 181-211. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Moore, M.S., “Two Textual Anomalies in Ruth,” CBQ 59:2 (1997): 234-243.

Moortgat-Correns, U., “Zwei unveröffentliche Fundstücke vom Tell Fecherije aus den Jahren 1927 und 1929,” Altorientalische Forschungen 23 (1996): 316-34. Aramaic.

Morag, S., “Lo studio delle tradizioni linguistiche delle communità ebraiche della diaspora,” Henoch 18  (1997): 69-79.  Aramaic.

Morag, Schlomo, “Eldad Haddani’s Hebrew and the Problem of His Provenance,” Tarbiz 66:2 (1997): 223-246 (in Hebrew, with English abstract). Syriac.

Morgenstern, M., “The History of the Aramaic Dialects in the Light of Discoveries from the Judean Desert: The Case of Nabataean Aramaic,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 134-42. Aramaic.

Morgenstern, M., et al., “The Hitherto Unpublished Columns of the Genesis Apocryphon,” Abr Nahrain 33 (1995): 30-54. Aramaic.

Morgenstern, Matthew, “Language and Literature in the Second Temple Period: review article of J. VanderKam 1996,” JJS 48:1 (1997): 130-145. (See below, 3.1, Reviews.)

Morisi, M., “Per l’origine dell’apocalittica: dall’ambivalenza della nozze miste giudache,” Antoniana 73 (1998): 483-504. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Moriya, A., “The Meaning and Function of An Aramaic Composite Expression kol q˘b¯l dî,” Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 23 (1997): 23-45.

Morony, M., "Michael the Syrian as a Source for Economic History," Hugoye 3:2 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Mouawad, R., “The Teaching of Syriac in Lebanon: An Overview,” Hugoye 3:1 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Mouawad, R.J., “La prière chez Ya.y¯ ibn ˘ar¯r (XIes),” Parole 22 (1997): 393-404. Syriac.

Mudhenk, N., and B. Bascom, “The Languages of the Bible,” BT 50:4 (1999): 441-4. Aramaic.

Müller, H.-P., “Zu den semitisch-homitischen konjugationssystemen,” ZAH 11:2 (1998): 140-152. Aramaic, pp. 149-50.

Müller-Kessler, C., “A Mandaic Gold Amulet in the British Museum,” BASOR 311 (1998): 83-8.  Mandean, Aramaic.

Müller-Kessler, C., “Die Frühe christlich-palästinisch-aramäische Evangelienhandschrift CCR1 überset durch einen ostaramäischen (syrischen) Schreiber?” JAB 1  (1999): 79-86.  Aramaic, Syriac.

Müller-Kessler, C., “Die frühe christlich-palästinisch-aramäische Evangelienhandschrift CCR1 übersetzt durch einen ostaramäischen (syrischen) Schreiber?” JAB 1 (April, 1999): 79-86.

Müller-Kessler, C., and K. Kessler, “Spätbabylonische Gottheiten in spätantiken mändaischen Texten,” ZA 89:1 (1999): 65-87. Mandean.

Muraoka, T. and M. Ragland, “The waw consecutive in old Aramaic? A rejoinder to Victor Sasson,” VT 48:1 (1998): 99-104.

Muraoka, T., “A New Index to Hatch and Redpath,” ETL 73:4 (1997): 257-76. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., “Again on the Tel Dan Inscription and the Northwest Semitic Verb Tenses,” ZAH 11:1 (1998): 74-81. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., “Notes on the Aramaic of the Ahikar ‘Proverbs,’” in Built on Solid Rock.  Festschrift for E.E. Knudsen, E. Wardini, ed. (Oslo: Novus forlag, 1997), pp. 206-15. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., “The Tel Dan Inscription and Aramaic/Hebrew Tenses,” Abr Nahrain 33 (1995): 113-5. Aramaic.

Muraoka, T., “Verb Complementation in Qumran Hebrew,” in The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Leiden University 11-14 December 1995, T. Muraoka and J.F. Elwolde, eds., STDJ 26 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997), pp. 92-149. Aramaic.

Murray, R., S.J., “The Ephremic Tradition and the Theology of the Environment,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Murre-Van Den Berg, H.H.L., “The Patriarch of the Church of the East From the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries,” Hugoye 2:2 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Muto, S., “Early Syriac Hermeneutics,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 43-66. Syriac.

Na’aman, N., “Historical and Literary Notes on the Excavation of Tel Jezreel,” TA 24:1 (1997): 122-128.

Na’aman, N., “Historical and Literary Notes on the Excavations of Tel Jezreel,” TA 24  (1997): 122-28.  Aramaic, Tel Dan Inscription.

Na’aman, N., “Jehu Son of Omri: Legitimizing a Loyal Vassel by His Overlord,” IEJ 48:3-4 (1998): 236-8. Tel Dan Inscription, Aramaic.

Na’aman, N., “Prophetic Stories as Sources for the Histories of Jehosephat and the Omrides,” Biblica 78:2 (1997): 153-173. Tel Dan on p. 170.

Na’aman, N., “Royal Inscriptions and the Histories of Joash and Ahaz, Kings of Judah,” VT 48:3 (1998): 333-49. Aramaic.

Na’aman, N., “The Contribution of Royal Inscriptions for a Re-Evaluation of the Book of Kings as a Historical Source,” JSOT 82 (1999): 3-17. Aramaic.

Na’aman, N., “The Contribution of the Amarna Letters to the Debate on Jerusalem’s Political Position in the 10th Century B.C.E.,” BASOR 304 (1996): 17-27.

Na’aman, N., “Three Notes on the Aramaic Inscription from Tel Dan,” IEJ 50:1-2 (2000): 92-104. Aramaic.

Na’aman, Nadav, “Beth-David in the Aramaic Stela from Tel Dan,” Biblische Notizen 79 (1995): 17-24.

Na’aman, Nadav, “Cow Town or Royal Capital?” BAR 23:4 (1997): 43-47, 67. Tel Dan, Aramaic.

Na’aman, Nadav, “King Mesha and the Foundation of the Moabite Monarchy,” IEJ 47:1-2 (1997): 83-92. Aramaic.

Najjar, N., “Poésie et langage mystique chez Saint Éphrem et les mystiques des 1 ers siècles de l’Islam,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 159-74. Syriac.

Naveh, J. and Y. Magen, “Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions of the Second-Century BCE at Mount Gerizim,” Atiqot 32 (1997): 9-17.

Naveh, J., “Fragments of an Aramaic Magic Book from Qumran,” IEJ 48:3-4 (1998): 252-61. Aramaic.

Naveh, J., “Marginalia on the Inscriptions from Dan and Ekron,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 119-22. Aramaic.

Naveh, J., “Scripts and Inscriptions in Ancient Samaria,” IEJ 48:1-2 (1998): 91-100. Aramaic.

Naveh, Joseph, “A Syriac Amulet on Leather,” JSS 42:1 (1997): 33-38.

Nebe, G.W., “Qumranica III—zu unveröffentlichten Handschriften vom Toten Meer: Vertrog über den Kauf eines Eselsfohlen aus dem Jahr 122 nach Chr. (5/6 .ev 8),” ZAH 11:2 (1998): 205-9. Aramaic.

Nebe, Wilhelm, “‘4Q559’ Biblical Chronology,” ZAH 10:1 (1997): 85-88.

Newman, H.I., “The Death of Jesus in the Toledot Yeshu Literature,” JTS 50:1 (1999): 59-79.  Aramaic.

Nicholl, C., “Michael, The Restrainer Removed (2 Thess. 2:6-7),” JTS 51:1 (2000): 27-53. Aramaic, Daniel, 1 Enoch.

Nickelsburg, G.W.E., “‘Enoch’ as Scientist, Sage and Prophet: Content, Function and Authorship in 1 Enoch,” in 1999 SBL Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1999), pp. 203-31. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Nickelsburg, G.W.E., “4Q551: A Vorlage to Susanna or a Text Related to Judges 19?” JJS 48:2 (1997): 348-351.

Nickelsburg, G.W.E., “Enochic Wisdom: An Alternative to the Mosaic Torah,” in Hesed Ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, J. Magness and S. Gitin, eds., BJS 320 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998). Aramaic.

Nickelsburg, G.W.E., “Patriarchs Who Worry About their Wives: A Haggadic Tendency in the Genesis Apocryphon,” in Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls:  Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Asssociated Literature, 12-14 May 1996, M. Stone and E.G. Chazon, eds., STDJ 28 (Leiden: Brill, 1998), pp. 137-58. Aramaic.

Nickelsburg, George W.E., “Scripture in I Enoch and I Enoch as Scripture,” in Texts and Contexts: Festschrift for L. Hartman, T. Foruberg and D. Hellholm. eds. (Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1995), pp. 333-354

Nicklas, T., “Unter dem Feigenbaum: Die Rolle des Lesers im Dialog zwischen Jesus und Natanael (Joh 1:45-50),” NTS 46:2 (2000): 193-203. Syriac, p. 193.

Niclós, J.V., “L’evangile en hébreu de Shem Tob Ibn Shaprut,” RB 10:3 (1999): 358-407.  Syriac, p. 362-3.

Niebuhr, K.-W., “Der Jakobusbrief im Licht Früh Jüdischer Diaspora-briefe,” NTS 44:3 (1998): 420-43. Aramaic on p. 431.

Nikiprowetzky, V., “Le Sabbat et les Armes dans l’Histoire Ancienne d’Israel,” REJ 159:1-2 (2000): 1-17. Aramaic, Josephus’ Wars, Life of Adam and Eve.

Niklas, T., “Der Text und die Texte: Berührpunkte von Text kritik,” Biblica 81:2 (2000): 252-61. Syriac, Peshitta, pp. 255, 8.

Njeim*, Tanios, “Duwayh¯ et les langues syriaque et arabe,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 371-398.

Nodet, É., “De l’ìnspiration de l’Écriture,” RB 104:2 (1997): 237-274.

Nodet, É., “Josephus and the Pentateuch,” JSJ 28:2 (1997): 154-194.

Noegel, S.N., “Dialect and Politics in Isaiah 24-27,” AO 12:2 (1994): 177-192.

Noll, K.L., “Is There a Text in This Tradition? Readers’ Response and the Taming of Samuel’s God,” JSOT 83  (1999): 31-51.  Aramaic, footnote on  p. 34.

Noll, K.L., “The God Who Is among the Danites,” ISOT 80  (1998): 3-23.  Aramaic.

Noll, K.L., “The God Who Is Among the Danites,” JSOT 80 (1998): 3-23. Aramaic.

Noort, E., “4QJosha and the History of Tradition in the Book of Joshua,” JNSW 24:2 (1999): 127-44.  Aramaic, 4Q559.

North, R., “Could Hebrew Have Been a Cultic Esperanto?” ZAH 12:2 (1999): 202-17. Aramaic.

Nouro, A., “Terminologie syriaque: les néologismes,” LOrA 4 (1993): 191-7. Syriac.

Nowell, I., “What Day Is It?  What Year Is It?” The Bible Today 37 (1999): 360-5. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Noy, D., “Writing in Tongues: The Use of Greek, Latin and Hebrew in Jewish Inscriptions from Roman Italy,” JJS 48:2 (1997): 300-311.

O’Brien, M.A., “The Portrayal of Prophets in 2 Kings 2,” ABR 46 (1998): 1-16. Syriac, p. 10.

O’Neill, J.C., “‘Who Is Comparable to Me in My Glory?’ 4Q491 Fragment 11 (4Q491c) and the New Testament,” NT 52:1 (2000): 24-38. Aramaic; Son of God Fragment on pp. 27-8.

O’Neill, J.C., “Jesus of Nazareth,” JTS 50:1 (1999): 135-42.  Syriac, Aramaic.

O’Neill, J.C., “The Woman Whose Son Died as He Entered His Bridal Chamber (4 Ezra 9-10),” IBS 22:April (2000): 50-70. Syriac, p. 52.

Oegema, G., “Messianic Expectations in the Qumran Writings: Theses on Their Development,” in Qumran-Messianism: Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls, J.H. Charlesworth, J. Lichtenberger, and G.S. Oegema, eds. (Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1998), pp. 53-82. Aramaic. 4Q246, Daniel 7.

Öhler, M., “The Expectation of Elijah and the Presence of the Kingdom of God,” SBL 118:3 (1999): 461-76.  Aramaic, p. 463.

Olson, D.C., “Enoch and the Son of Man in the Epilogue of the Parables,” JSP 18 (1998): 27-38. 1 Enoch, Aramaic.

Olson, D.C., “Those Who Have not Defiled Themselves with Women: Revelation 14:4 and the Book of Enoch,” CBQ 59:3 (1997): 492-510.

Olson, Daniel C., “Jeremiah 4:5-31 and Apocalyptic Myth,” JSOT 73 (1997): 81-107. I Enoch.

Olszowy-Schlanger, J., “La lettre de divorce caraïte et sa place dans les relations entre Caraïtes et Rabbanites au Moyen Age (Une étude des manuscrits de la Geniza du Caìre),” REJ 155:3-4 (1996): 337-362.

Olyan, S., “To Uproot and to Pull Down, to Build and to Plant: Jer 1:10 and its earliest Interpreters,” in Hesed Ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, J. Magness and S. Gitin, eds., BJS 320 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998), pp. 63-72. Aramaic.

Orel, V. and O. Stolbova, “On Addenda et Corrigenda to the Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary,” ZDMG 147 (1997): 212-217.

Orlov, A.A., “Titles of Enoch-Metatron in 2 Enoch,” JSP 18 (1998): 71-86. Fragments of Qumran Cave 4, Aramaic.

Oropeza, B.J., “Apostasy in the Wilderness: Paul’s Message to the Corinthians in a State of Eschatological Liminality,” JSNT 75 (1999): 69-86. Aramaic, 1 Enoch, Daniel.

Ostmeyer, K.-H., “Der Stammbaum des Verheissenen: Theologische Implikationen der Namen und Zahlen in Mt. 1:1-17,” NTS 46:2 (2000): 175-92. Aramaic, p.181; Syriac, fn p. 177.

Otto, E., “Die Besiegten Sieger,” BZ 43:2 (1999): 180-203. Aramaic.

Otto, E., “Soziale Restitution und Vertragsrecht,” RA 92:2 (1998): 125-60. Aramaic on p. 127.

Otzen, B., “Aramaeiske Tobitfragmenter fra Qumran,” in Tro og Historie.  Festshrift for Niels Hyldahl on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday on December 30, 1995, L. Fatum and M. Müller, eds., FBE 7 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1996), pp. 193-205. Aramaic.

Ouro, R., “The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic?  Part III,” AUSS 38:1 (2000): 59-67. Aramaic.

Ouro, R., “The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic?  Part II,” AUSS 37:1 (1999): 39-53.  Aramaic.

Outtier, Bernard, “De discours de Saint Éphrem méconnus,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 121-128.

Owen, E., “4QDeut: A Pre-Samaritan Text?” DSD 4:2 (1997): 162-178.

Pacini, A., “Rites des Églises en Orient,” POC 47:1-3 (1997): 349-68. Syriac.

Pahlitzsch, J., “St. Maria Magdelena, St. Thomas und St. Markus.  Tradition und Geschichte dreier syrisch-orthodoxer Kirchen in Jerusalem,” OC 81 (1997): 82-106. Syriac.

Paickatt, M., “Life and Glory Lost: the Spiritual Thoughts of Mar Aprem of Nisibis on the First Sin,” CO 20:3 (1999): 160-75.  Syriac.

Palackal, J.J., “Problems and Issues in the Study of the Syriac Chant Traditions of South India,” CO 20:3 (1999): 176-181.  Syriac.

Palmer, A., “A Single Human Being Divided in Himself: Ephraim the Syrian, the Man in the Middle,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Palmer, A., “The Influence of Ephraim the Syrian,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Palmer, Andrew, “Words, Silences, and the silent word: acrostics and empty columns in Saint Ephraem’s Hymns on Faith,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 129-200.

Paniker, P.G.T., “Significance of the Word ‘RACHME’ in the Context of the History of Salvation,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 1-6. Syriac.

Papathanasiou, A., “The Flight as Fight.  The flight into the Desert as Paradigm for the Mission of the Church in History and Society,” POC 48:3-4 (1998): 229-48. Syriac on p. 251.

Pardee, D., “Les Documents d’Arslau Tash: Authentiques ou Faux?” Syria 75 (1998): 15-54. Aramaic.

Parker, S.B., “The Composition and Sources of Some Northwest Semitic Royal Inscriptions,” SEL 16 (1999): 49-62. Aramaic.

Parker, S.T., “The Byzantine Period: An Empire’s New Holy Land,” NEA 62:3 (1999): 134-81. Aramaic.

Parker, Simon B., “The Ancient Near Eastern Literary Background of the Old Testament,” in The New Interpreter’s Bible, vol. 1 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994), pp. 228-243

Patterson, A., “Antecedents of the Christian Hope of Resurrection Part 1. Daniel,” RTR 59:1 (2000): 1-15. Aramaic.

Patterson, A., “Antecedents of the Christian Hope of Resurrection Part 2: Tobit, Daniel 7, Josephus’ Wars,” RTR 59:1 (2000): 53-64. Aramaic.

Patterson, D., “On Translating Modern Hebrew Literature,” JJS 50:1 (1999): 139-46. Translation.

Patterson, R.D., “Wonders in the Heavens and on the Earth: Apocalyptic Imagery in the Old Testament,” JETS 43:3 (2000): 385-404. Aramaic, Daniel.

Pennachietti, F.A., “La Leggende islamica del teschio redivivo in una versione neoaramaica,” in Semitic and Chushite Studies, G. Goldenberg and S. Raz, eds. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994), pp. 103-32. Aramaic.

Pentiuc, E.J., “West Semitic Terms in Akkadian Texts from Emar,” JNES 58:2 (1999): 81-96. Aramaic.

Perdomo, E. Alan, “La protesta satirica en Daniel 7: una lectura evangelica latinoamericana,” Vox Scripturae 6 (1996): 163-173. Daniel 7.

Pérès, Jacques-Noël, “ L’Epître des apôtres et l’Anaphore des apôtres: quelques convergences,” Apocrypha 8 (1997): 89-96.

Perrier, P., “Qnoma et Shelia: deux thèmes-clés de la spiritualité de l’Église syriaque,” Istina 40 (1995): 182-90. Syriac.

Perriman, A., “The Corporate Christ: Re-assessing the Jewish Background,” TynB 1999:50 (1999): 2. Aramaic on p. 259.

Petersen, W.L., “The Vorlage of Shem-Tob’s ‘Hebrew Matthew,’” NTS 44:4 (1998): 490-512. Syriac.

Philonenko, M., ““Une voix sortit du trône qui disait....” (Apocalypse de Jean 19:5a),” RHPR 79:1 (1999): 83-9.  Aramaic, Daniel 7.

Philonenko, M., “De l’intérêt des Deutérocanoniques,” RevSR 73:2 (1999): 177-83. Aramaic and Syriac.

Philonenko, M., “Marc 1:15a et 4Q215a,” RHPR 80:2 (2000): 213-20. Aramaic, 2 Baruch pp. 214-5.

Pietruschka, U., “Streitgespräche zwischen Christen und Muslimen und ihre Widerspiegelung in arabischen und syrischen Quellen,” WZKM 89 (1999): 135-62. Syriac.

Pillai, V.N. Rajesekharan, “Post Graduate Degree in Syriac in India,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 95-98.

Poirier, J.C., “The First Rider: a Response to Michael Bachmann,” NTS 45:2 (1999): 257-62. For 1 Enoch, see footnote, p. 259. Aramaic.

Poirier, P.-H., “Les Actes de Thomas et le Manichéisme,” Apocrypha 9 (1998): 263-90. Syriac.

Polak, F.H., “The Oral and the Written: Biblical Syntax, Stylistics and the Development of Prose Narrative,” JANES 26 (1998): 59-106. Aramaic, fn pp. 52, 3.

Polak, F.H., “The Oral and the Written: Syntax, Stylistics and the Development of Biblical Prose Narrative,” JANES 26 (1998): 59-105. Aramaic on p. 104, and in footnotes on pp. 62, 63.

Polotsky, H.J., “Incorporation in modern Syriac,” in Semitic and Chushite Studies, G. Goldenberg and S. Raz, eds. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994), pp. 90-102. Syriac.

Poovathanikunnel, T., “A Methodology for Syro-Malabar Sacramentology,” CO 8:3 (1997): 156-66. Aramaic, Syriac.

Porten, B., “Aramaic-Demotic Equivalents: Who Is the Borrower and Who Is the Lender?” in Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond, J.H. Johnson, ed., Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 51 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1992), pp. 157-65. Aramaic.

Porten, B., “The Revised Draft of the Letter of Jedaniah to Bagavahya,” in Boundaries of the Ancient Near Eastern World: A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, Ó.M. Lubetski, C. Gottlieb and S. Keller, eds. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp.  230-42. Aramaic.

Pouderon, B., “À propos de l’Apologie d’Aristide.  Recherches sur un prototype commun aux versions syriaque et armènienne,” Revue des Sciences Religieuses 74:2 (2000): 173-93. Syriac. 

Powell, M.A., “The Magi as Kings:  An Adventure in Reader-Response Criticism,” CBQ 62:3 (2000): 459-80. Syriac, Cave of Treasures.

Puech, É., “Inscriptions araméennes du Golfe: Failaka, Qala at al-Bahraïn et Mulayha (ÉAU),” Transeu 16 (1998): 31-55. Aramaic.

Puech, E., “L’Alphabet Cryptique a En 4QSe (4Q259),” RQ 18:3 (1998): 429-35. Aramaic.

Puech, É., “Messianisme, eschatologie et résurrection dans les manuscrits de la Mer Morte,” RQ 18:2 (1997): 255-98. Aramaic: 1 Enoch p. 264, 4QVisAmr p. 288.

Puech, E., “Notes sur 11Q19 LXIV 6-13 et 4Q524 14, 2-4. À propos de la crucifixion dans le Rouleau du Temple et dans le judaïsme ancien,” RQ 18:1 (#69) (1997): 109-124. See pp. 118, 123.

Puech, É., “Notes sur les fragments grecs der manuscrit 7Q4 = I Hénoch 103 et 105,” RB 103:4 (1996): 592-600.

Puech, É., “The Necropolises of Khirbet Qumrân and ‘Ain el-Ghuweir and the Essene Belief in Afterlife,” BASOR 312  (1998): 21-36.  Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Puech, É.., “Les ‘Fils de Dieu’ en 4Q246,” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 143-52. Aramaic.

Puech, É.E., “Lex fragments 1 à 3 du Livre des Géants de la grotte 6 (pap 6Q8),” RQ 19:2 (1999): 227-39. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Qimron, E., “The use of ey¯ ‘which is in’; an Aramaism in the Bar Kochba documents,” Leshonenu 58 (1994): 313-5. Aramaic.

Qimron, E., et al., “The Hitherto Unpublished Columns of the Genesis Apocryphon,” Australian Biblical Review 33  (1995): 30-54.  Aramaic.

Rainey, A.F., “Following up on the Ekron and Mesha Inscriptions,” IEJ 50:1-2 (2000): 116-7. Aramaic.

Rajak, T., “The Against Apion and the Continuities in Josephus’s Political Thought,” in Understanding Josephus: Seven Perspectives, S. Mason, ed., JSPSupp 32 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 222-246. Jewish War, Aramaic.

Ratcliff, R.R., “Defining Morphological Isoglosses:  the ‘Broken’ Plural and Semitic Sub-classification,” JNES 57:2 (1998): 81-123. Aramaic.

Razhabi, Y., “Studies in the Biblical Languages,” Beth Miqra 149 (1997): 111-116 (in Hebrew).

Read-Heimerdinger, “The ‘Long’ and the ‘Short’ Texts of Acts: a Closer Look at the Quantity and Types of Variation,” RCT 22:2 (1997): 245-61. Aramaic.

Reeves, J.C., “Exploring the Afterlife of Jewish Pseudepigrapha,” JSJ 30:2 (1999): 148-78.  Aramaic.

Reeves, J.C., “Jewish Pseudepigrapha in Manichaean Literature:  the Influence of the Enochic Library,” in Approaches to the Bible: the Best of Bible Review, L. Martini, ed. (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1994), pp. 173-203. Aramaic.

Reeves, J.C., “Manichaica Aramaica?  Adam and the Magical Deliverance of Seth,” JAOS 119:3 (1999): 432-9. Aramaic.

Regev, E., “Josephus on Gibeah: Versions of a Toponym,” JQR 89:3-4 (1999): 351-9. Aramaic.

Reinhard, N., “Das ganze volk sah die Stimmen: Haggadische Auslegung und Pfingstbericht,” Biblica 78:3 (1997): 329-349. See p. 343.

Reiterer, Friedrich V., “Gelungene Freundschaft als tragende Säule einer Gesellschaft. Exegetische Untersuchung von Sir 25:1-11,” in Freundschaft bei Ben Sira: Beiträge des Symposiums zu Ben Sira Salzburg 1995, BZAW 244 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1996), pp. 133-169.

Rendsburg, G.A., “Hebrew Philological Notes,” HS 40 (1999): 26-32. Syriac on p. 31.

Rendsburg, Gary A., “On the Writing bytdwd in the Aramaic Inscription from Tel Dan,” IEJ 45 (1995): 19-21.

Renhart, Erich, “Encore une fois: Le B¯m¯ des Églises de la Syrie du Nord,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 85-94.

Renner, L., “Das Ende der Welt in der Tiervision; quallenkritische Bemerkungen zu Kapitel 90 des äthiopischen Henoch,” Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 20 (1992): 1-22. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Renz, J., “Schrifttypologie und Handschrift: Eine synchrone Studie der Inschrift Deutsch,” ZDPV 115:2 (1999):127-66. Aramaic in footnote on p. 130.

Riaud, J., “Quelques observations sur les relations parents-enfants dans les Sentences du Pseudo-Phocylide,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 79-92. Aramaic, Josephus’ Wars, Tobit, Siracede.

Ribera-Florit, J., “Caracteristicas y variantes lingüísticas del arameo durante el imperio persa de la dinastia aqeménida,” Anuari de Filogia 19 (1996): 21-34. Aramaic.

Ribera-Florit, J., “L’arameu com a signe d’identitat semiticooccidental enfront de la cultura grecoromana [Aramaic as a Sign of Western Semitic Identity vis a vis Greco-Roman Culture],” in La Biblia i El Mediterrani; Actes del Congrés de Barcelona, 18-22 de Septembre de 1995, A. Borrell, A. de la Fuente and A. Puig, eds. (Barcelona: Associació Biblica de Catalunya, 1997), vol. 2, pp. 67-75. Aramaic: Syriac, Palmyrean, Nabataean.

Rodman, D., “Creation and Fall in Jeremiah X:12-16,” VT 48:1 (1998): 63-73.

Rogers, Cleon L., III, “ The Meaning and Significance of the Hebrew Word ˆwma in Proverbs 8:30,” ZAW 109:2 (1997): 208-221.

Rogland, M., “Performative Utterances in Qumran Aramaic,” RQ 19:2 (1999): 277-80. Aramaic.

Röllig, W., “Aramaica Haburensia III:  Beobachtungen an Neuen Dokumenten in ‘Aramaic Argillary Script,’” in Eretz-Israel:  Frank Moore Cross Volume, B.A. Levine et al., eds., Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies 26 (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999), pp. 163-8. Aramaic.

Römer, T., “Tranformations et influences dans l’historiographie juive de la fin du VIIe s. av. notre ère jusqu’à l’èpoque perse,” Transeu 13 (1997): 47-63. See pp. 48-49.

Rompay, L. van, “Past and Present Perceptions of Syriac Literary Tradition,” Hugoye 3:1 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Rooij, H.F. van, “The Marginal Notes to the Syriac Apocryphal Psalms in Manuscript 12 T4,” VT 48 (1998): 542-54.  Syriac.

Rooy, H.F. van, “Die inleidungs en opskrifte van die vyf Siriese Apokriewe Psalms,” In die Skriflig 30:1 (1996): 97-111.

Rooy, H.F. van, “Die Siriese manuskrip 12t4 — ‘n merkwaardige manuskrip uit die twaalfde eeu,” In die Skriflig 31:4 (1997): 389-402 (in Dutch). Syriac.

Rooy, H.F. van, “Die verhouding van die Siriese Psalm 151 tot die Griekse en Hebreeuse weergaves,” Skrif en Kirk 18 (1997): 176-197.

Rooy, H.F. van, “The ‘Hebrew’ Psalm Headings in the Syriac Manuscript 12T4,” JNWSL 25:1 (1999): 225-37. Syriac.

Rooy, H.F. van, “The Message of a Number of Psalms as Interpreted in Syriac Psalm Headings,” Skrif en Kerk 19  (1998): 653-63.  Syriac.

Rooy, Harry F. van, “Psalm 154:14 and the Relation between the Hebrew and Syriac Versions of Psalm 154,” JBL 116:2 (1997): 321-324.

Rose, S., “Ecclesiological Reflections on the East-Syriac Liturgy of the Hours,” CO 18:1 (1997): 15-27.

Rose, S., C.M.C., “Give Me the Seal,” CO 8:4 (1997): 185-200. Syriac, Acts of Thomas.

Rosel, M., “Israels Psalmen in Ägypten?  Papyrus Amherst 63 und die Psalmen XX und LXXV,” VT 50:1 (2000): 81-99. Aramaic.

Rosenstiehl, J.M., “Un voyage dans l’au-delà, vers l’an mil,” RHPR 80:1 (2000): 93-104. Syriac. 

Rowell, G., “‘Making Church of England Poetical’: Ephraim and the Oxford Movement,” Hugoye 2:1 (1999). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Rowland, C., “‘Sweet Science Reigns’: Divine and Human Wisdom in the Apocalyptic Tradition.” In Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?  Wisdom in the Bible, the Church and the Contemporary World, edited by S.C. Barton (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1999), pp. 61-73.  Aramaic,  1 Enoch.

Rubba, Jo, “Forms derived from verbal roots in Tisqoopa modern Aramaic,” in Semitica, pp. 273-287.

Rubinkiewicz, R., “Kwestia cierpienia w apokalyptik zydowskiej Starego Testamentu,” Roczniki Teologiczne 44:1 (1997): 79-88. Aramaic, 1 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham.

Ruderman, Abraham, “A Dead Sea Psalm,” JBQ 25 (1997): 59-60.

Rudman, D., “The Translation and Interpretation of Ecclesiastes 8:17A,” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 109-116.

Rudmon, D., “A Note on the Dating of Ecclesiastes,” CBQ 61:1 (1999): 47-52.  Aramaic.

Russell, P.S., “A Note on Ephraem the Syrian and ‘The Poison of the Greeks’ in Hymns on Faith 2,” The Harp 10:3 (1999): 45-54. Syriac.

Sabar, Yona, “A folktale and folksongs in the Christian Neo-Aramaic dialect of Tel-Kêpe (northern Iraq),” in Semitica, pp. 289-298.

Salderini, A., “Babatha’s Story,” BAR 24:2 (1998): 28-37, 72-4. Aramaic.

Salters, R.B., “Observations on the Peshitta of Ecclesiastes,” Old Testament Essays 8 (1995): 388-397.

Salters, R.B., “Textual Criticism and Qoheleth,” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 53-71.

Salvesen, A., “rt,k, (Esther 1:11, 2:17, 6:8) Something to Do with a Camel?” JSS 44:1 (1999): 35-4.  Aramaic,  pp. 37, 45.

Samir, S.K., “Les communautés chrétiennes, membres acifs de la société arabe au cours de l’histoire,” POC 47:1-3 (1997): 79-102. Syriac on p. 90.

Sanders, E.P., “Jerusalem and its Temple in the Beginnings of the Christian Movement,” Judaism 46:2 (1997): 189-196. See p. 189.

Sara, Solomon I., “Marked Gender in modern Chaldean: [tal tha] suffix,” in Semitica, pp. 299-308.

Sasson, J.M., “About ‘Mari and the Bible,’” RA 92:2 (1998): 97-124. Aramaic in footnote on p. 102.

Sasson, V., “Murderers, Usurpers, or What?  Hazael, Jehu and the Tell Dan Old Aramaic Inscription,” Ugarit-Forschungen 28 (1996): 547-54. Aramaic.

Satlow, M., “‘One Who Loves His Wife Like Himself’:  Love in Rabbinic Marriage,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 67-86. Aramaic on p.70.

Sauer, G., “Die assyrische Zeit und die Bilingue von Tell Fekherije,” in Religionsgeschichte Syriens, P. Haider, ed. (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1996), pp. 122-7. Syriac.

Schmidt, A., “Ein unbekannter syrischer Kommentator zu den Homilien des Gregor van Nazianz,” Le Museon 111 (1998): 279-85. Aramaic.

Schmidt, A.B., “The Literary Tradition of Gregory of Nazianzus in Syriac Literature and its Historical Context,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 127-34. Syriac.

Schmitt, Armin, “Die Daniel texte aus Qumran und der masoretische Text,” in H. Michael Niemann et al., eds., Nachdenken über Israel, Bibel und Theologie (Bern: Peter Lang, 1994), pp. 279-297.

Schneidewind, W. and D. Sivan, “The Elijah-Elisha Narratives: a Test Case for the Northern Dialect of Hebrew,” JQR 87:3-4 (1997): 303-37. Aramaic.

Schniedewind, W.M., “Qumran Hebrew as an Antilanguage,” JBL 118:2 (1999): 235-252. Aramaic.

Schorch, Stefan, “Die hebräische Wurzel QHT,” ZAH 10:1 (1997): 76-84.

Schremer, A., “Divorce in Papyrus Se’elim 13 Once Again: A Reply to Tal Ilan,” HTR 91:2 (1998): 193-202. Aramaic.

Schremer, A., “The Name of the Boethusians: A Reconsideration of Suggested Explanations and Another One,” JJS 48:2 (1997): 290-299. See pp. 291-2.

Schrier, O.J., “Syriac evidence for the Roman-Persian war of 421-422,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 33 (1992): 75-86. Syriac.

Schröter, J., “Gerechtigkeit und Barmherzigkeit: das Gottesbild der Psalmen Salomos in seinem Verhältnis zu Qumran und Paulus,” NTS 44:4 (1998): 557-77. Syriac.

Schüle , A., “Zur Bedeutung der Formel wajjehi im Übergang zum mittel-hebräischen Tempussystem,” in Studien zur hebräische Grammatik, A. Wagner, ed., OBO 156 (Freiburg: Universitätsverlag, 1997), pp. 115-25. Syriac.

Schulte, C., “Judaistik or Jewish Studies? The New Construction of Jewish Studies at the Universities in the Former German Democratic Republic,” Shofar 15:4 (1997): 32-40.

Schwartz, G., “‘Ein Rohr, vom Wind bewegt’? (Matthäus 11:7 par. Lukas 7:24),” BN 83 (1996): 19-21.

Schwarz, G., “‘Wie eine Taube’? (Markus 1:10 par.; Matthäus 3:16; Lukas 3:21-2; Johannes 1:32),” BN 89 (1997): 27-9. Aramaic.

Schwarzwald, O.R., “Word Foreignness in Modern Hebrew,” HS 39 (1998): 115-42. Aramaic.

Schwemer, D., “Vier aramäische Ostraka aus Tell ˇai˘ .asan,” Orientalia 68:1 (1999): 114-21.  Aramaic.

Scott, A., “The Date of the Physiologus,” Vig Chr 52:4 (1998): 430-41. P. 431. Syriac.

Sealey, D., “Jesus’ Temple Act Revisited,” CBQ 62:1 (2000): 55-63. Aramaic.

Segert, S., “Hebrejtí eseji—aramejtí kesané,” Teologická Reflexe 2 (1996): 146-54. English Abstract on p. 146. Aramaic.

Segert, S., “Hebrew Essenes—Aramaic Christians.” In Mogilany 1995: Papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls offered in Memory of Alesky Klawk, edited by Z.J. Kapera (Cracow: Enigma Press, 1998), pp. 169-84.  Aramaic. 

Segert, Stanislav, “Äegypten und Biblisch-Aramäisch,” in Meilenstein, M. Weippert, ed., ÄAT 30 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1995), pp. 252-258.

Sepmeijer, F., “Book of the Principles of Faith Attributed to Daniel ibn Al-Hattab ˘a..¯b,” Parole 22 (1997): 405-13. Syriac.

Sepmeijer, F., “Ibn Al-Tayyib’s Commentary on Matthew 1-9:34,” Parole de l’Orient 25 (2000): 557-64. Syriac.

Shaked, Shaul, “A Dictionary of Aramaic Ideograms in Pahlavi,” JAOS 113 (1993): 75-81.

Shanks, H. and A. Biran, “Biran at Ninety,” BAR 25: 5 (1999): 30-47, 72-4.  Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Shanks, H., “Even Handed to a Fault,” BAR 24: 6 (1998): 6, 62-3.  Aramaic, Tel Dan.

Shanks, H., “Masada. The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965, Final Reports,” BAR 23:1 (1997): 58-63.

Shanks, H., “Three Shekels for the Lord,” BAR 23:6 (1997): 28-32. Tel Dan inscription.

Shanks, H., “Who Lies Here?” BAR 25: 5 (1999): 49-53.  Nabatean.

Shanks, Hershel, “The Biblical Minimalists: Expunging Ancient Israel’s Past,” BR (1997, August): 32-39, 50-52. Aramaic.

Shedinger, R.F., “Did Tatian Use the Old Testament Peshitta?” NT 41:3 (1999): 265-79.  Syriac.

Shemunkasho, A., “Salvation History as a Process of Healing in the Theology of Mor Ephrem,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 175-86. Syriac.

Shepkarn, S., “From After Death to After Life:  Martyrdom and Its Recompense,” AJS Review 24:1 (1999): 1-44.  Aramaic, Josephus’ War.

Sievers, J., “Josephus and the Afterlife,” in Understanding Josephus: Seven Perspectives, S. Mason, ed., JSPSupp 32 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 20-34. Jewish War, Aramaic.

Sjöberg, ˚.W., “Studies in the Emar Sa Vocabulary,” ZA 88:2 (1998): 240-83.  Aramaic.

Skedros, J.C., “Response to David Woods,” HTR 93:3 (2000): 235-9. Syriac, Breviary, Martyrology.

Skemp, V., “ADELFOS and the Theme of Kinship in Tobit L,” ETL 75:1 (1999): 92-103.  Aramaic.

Smelik, K.A.D., “Nieuwe ontwikkelingen rond de inscriptie uit Tel Dan,” Amsterdam cahiers voor exegese en bijbelse theologie 14 (1995): 219-226.

Smelik, W.F., “The Use of µvb rykzh in Classical Hebrew: Josh 23:7; Isa 48:1; Amos 6:10; Ps 20:8; 4Q504 iii 4; 1QS 6:27,” JBL 118:2 (1999): 321-332. Aramaic.

Smend, R., “Der ältere Buxtorf,” TZ 53:1-2 (1997): 109-118. See p. 113.

Smith, R.H., “‘Worthy Is the Lamb’ and Other songs of Revelation,” CUM 25:6 (1998): 500-6. Aramaic.

Soeting, A.G., “De witte steen,” Interpretatie 6:2 (1998): 26-7. Aramaic, Daniel 1:14-5.

Soggin, A., “The Equality of Humankind from the Perspective of the Creation Stories in Genesis 1:26-30 and 2:9, 15, 18-24,” JNSL 23:2 (1997): 21-33. Aramaic, Syriac.

Sokoloff, M., “Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and Syriac: mutual elucidation,” Syriacum 6 (1992/4): 401-8.

Sokoloff, M., “The Old Aramaic Inscription from Buk¯n: A Revised Interpretation,” IEJ 46: 1-2 (1999): 105-15.  Aramaic.

Sophy Rose, C.M.C., “Church as Haven and Refuge: A Syriac Interpretation,” CO 19:1 (1998): 3-12. Syriac.

Southern, M. and A.G. Vaughn, “Where Have All the Nasals Gone? nC>CC in North Semitic,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 263-282. I Enoch.

Southern, M. and A.G. Vaughn, “Where Have All the Nasals Gone? nC > CC in North Semitic,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 263-82. Aramaic, Syriac.

Sowers, S.G., “Did Xerxes Wage War on Jerusalem?” HUCA 67 (1996): 43-53. Aramaic.

Spencer, J.R., “PQD, the Levites, and Numbers 1-4,” ZAW 110:4 (1998): 534-46. Aramaic.

Spero, Shubert, “And the Writing Was the Writing of God,” JBQ 25 (1997): 3-11. Aramaic.

Spronk, K., “Acrostics in the Book of Nahum,” ZAW 110:2 (1998): 209-22. Syriac and Peshitta, p 219.

Spycket, A., “Les archives d’Edouard Dhorme (1881-1966) à la bibliothéquedu Saulchoir,” RB 104:1 (1997): 5-39. Palmyrean and Syriac.

Steck, O.H., “Der neue Himmel und die neue Erde.  Beobachtungen zur Rezeption von Gen 1-3 in Jes 65: 16b-25,” in Studies in the Book of Isaiah: Festschrift Willem A.M. Beuken, J.van Ruiten and M. Vervenne, eds., BETL 132 (Leuven: University Press, Peeters, 1997), pp. 349-65. Aramaic.

Stefanovic, Z., “The Presence of the Three and a Fraction: A Literary Figure in the Book of Daniel,” in To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in honor of William H. Shea, D. Merling, ed. (Berrien Springs, MI: Institute of Archaeology, 1997), pp. 199-203. Aramaic.

Steiner, R., “Semitic Names for Utensils in the Demotic Word-List from Tebtunis,” JNES 59:3 (2000): 191-4. Aramaic.

Steiner, R.C., “Bitte-Yâ, daughter of Pharaoh (1 Chr 4:18) and Bint(i) ‘Anat, daughter of Ramses II,” Biblica 79:3 (1998): 394-408. Syriac and Aramaic.

Steiner, R.C., “The ‘Aramean’ of Deuteronomy 26:5: Peshat and Derash,” in Tehillah le-Moshe: Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg, M. Cogan, B.L. Eichler and J.H. Tigay, eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997), pp. 127-38 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Stern, S., “New Tombstones from Zoar (Moussaieff Collection),” Tarbiz 68:2 (1999): 177-186 [Hebrew].  Aramaic.

Steudel, A., “The Eternal Reign of the People of God—Collective Expectations in Qumran Texts (4Q246 and 1QM),” RQ 17 (1996): 65-68. Daniel 7.

Stevenson, J., “Ephraim the Syrian in Anglo-Saxon England,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Stock-Hesketh, J., “Circles and Mirrors: Understanding 1 Enoch 21-32,” JSP 21 (2000): 22-58. Aramaic.

Stone, M.E. and J.C. Greenfield, “The Third and Fourth Manuscripts of Aramaic Levi Document from Qumran (4QLevicaram and 4QLevidaram),” Muséon 109:3-4 (1996): 245-259.

Stone, M.E., and J.C. Greenfield, “The Fifth and Sixth Manuscripts of Aramaic Levi Document from Qumran (4QLevie and 4QLevif aram),” Le Muséon 110  (1997): 271-92.  Aramaic.

Strelan, R., “The Fallen Watchers and the Disciples in Mark,” JSP 20 (1999): 73-92. Aramaic.

Strothmann, Werner, “Versio Harklensis—Codex D05 Cantabrigiensis,” OC 80 (1996): 11-16.

Stuckenbruck, L.T., “The Sequencing of Fragments Belonging to the Qumran Book of Giants: an Inquiry into the Structure and Purpose of an Early Jewish Composition,” JSP 16 (1997): 3-24. I Enoch.

Stuckenbruck, L.T., “The Throne Theophany of the Book of Giants: Some New Light on the Background of Daniel 7,” in The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After, S.E. Porter and C.A. Evans, eds., JSPSupp 26, Roehampton Institute London Papers 3 (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997), pp. 211-20.

Suermann, Harald, “L’echange de lettres entre les Maronites et les Jacobites,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 271-278.

Swanson, M.N., “The ‘Jesus Prayer’ in Coptic Tradition,” Parole de l’Orient 25 (2000): 694-714. Syriac, pp. 711-3.

Swanson, M.N., “Two Vatican Manuscripts of the ‘Book of the Master and the Disciple’ (Eight Chapters) of Mark ibn al-Qunbar,” OCP 66:1 (2000): 185-93. Syriac.

Sykes, S., “Time and Space in Haggai-Zechariah 1-8: A Bakhtinian Analysis of a Prophetic Chronicle,” JSOT 76 (1997): 97-124. See footnote, p. 105.

Synek, E.M., “Die Apostolischen Konstitutionem,” Biblica 79:1 (1998): 27-56. Aramaic, p. 47.

Szpec, H., “An Observation on the Peshi.ta’s translation of dy in Job,” VT 47:4 (1997): 550-553.

Szpek, H., “On the Influence of the Septuagint on the Peshitta,” CBQ 60:2 (1998): 251-66. Syriac.

Taft, R.F., “Byzantine Communion Rites  1. The Early Ritual of Clergy Communion,” OCP 65 (1999): 307-45. Syriac.

Taft, R.F., “Quaestiones disputatae: The Skeuophylakion of Hagia Sophia and the Entrances of the Liturgy Revisited (Part 2: Liturgy),” OC 82  (1998): 53-87.  Syriac.

Taggar-Cohan, A., “Law and Family in the Book of Numbers: The Levites and the TIDENN¯TU Documents from Nuzi,” VT 48:1 (1998): 74-94.

Takahashi, H., "Simeon of Qal‘a Rumaita, Patriarch Philoxenus Nemrod and Bar cEbroyo," Hugoye 4:1 (2001). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Talmon, S., “A Masada Fragment of Samaritan Origin,” IEJ 47:3-4 (1997): 220-32. Aramaic, pp. 225-226.

Talmon, S., “Masada 1045-1350 and 1375: Fragments of a Genesis Apocryphon,” IEJ 46:3-4 (1996): 248-255.

Talshir, David, et al., “The Birds in the Deir Alla Inscription,” Leshonenu 58:4 (1995): 339-345 (in Hebrew, with English Summary).

Tantlevskij, I.R., “Elements of Mysticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” QC 7 (1997): 193-213. Aramaic.

Tantlevskij, I.R., “Etymology of ‘Essenes’ in the Light of Qumran Messianic Expectation,” QC 8:3 (1999): 195-212. Aramaic.

Tarzi, J., "Edessa in the Era of Patriarch Michael the Syrian," Hugoye 3:2 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Tawil, H., “Late Hebrew Aramaic rps, Neo-Babylonian SIRPU/SIRAPU: A Lexicographical Note IV,” Beit Mikra 154-5 (1998): 339-44 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Tawil, H., “Late Hebrew Aramaic s[l, Akkadian NA’¯SU:  A Lexicographical Note V,” Beit Mikra 156 (1998): 94-6 (in Hebrew). Aramaic.

Taylor, D.G.K., “St. Ephraim’s Influence on the Greeks,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Taylor, D.G.K., “The Great Psalm Commentary of Daniel of .ala.,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 33-42. Syriac.

Taylor, J., “The Gate of the Temple called ‘The Beautiful’ (Acts 3:2, 10),” RB 105:4 (1999): 549-62. Aramaic.

Taylor, J., “The List of the Nations in Acts 2:9-11,” RB 106:3 (1999): 408-20.  Aramaic version of Darius’ inscription.

Taylor, J.E., “A Second Temple in Egypt: the Evidence for the Zadokite Temple of Onias,” JSJ 29:3 (1998): 297-321. Aramaic, Josephus’ Jewish Wars.

Taylor, J.E., “Golgotha: A Reconsideration of the Evidence for the Sites of Jesus’ Crucifixion and Burial,” NTS 44:2 (1998): 180-203. Aramaic, pp. 182-183.

Tengstron, S., “Tre etapper i Danielsbokens litterära tillblivelse (Three Stages in the Literary Origination of the Book of Daniel),” Svensk Exegetisk ˚rsbok 63 (1998): 69-92 (in Swedish). Aramaic.

Ter Haar Romeny, B., “‘Quis Sit Ôo Suro~’ Revisited,” in Origen’s Hexapla and Fragments: Papers presented at the Rich Seminar on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 25th July-3rd August 1994, A. Salvesen, ed., TSAJ 58 (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr [Siebeck], 1998), pp. 360-98. Syriac. 

Ter Haar Romeny, R.B., “The Peshitta and its Rivals,” HARP 11-12 (1998-9): 21-32. Syriac.

Testen, D., “Archaic Evidence for the Formation of the Verbal Noun of the Semitic GT-Stem,” JSS 44:1 (1999): 1-16.  Syriac, Aramaic.

Testen, D., “Conjugating the ‘Prefixed Stative’ Verbs of Akkadian,” JNES 59:2 (2000): 81-92. Aramaic.

Testen, D., “The Derivational Role of the Semitic N-Stem,” ZA 88:1 (1998): 125-45. See pp. 136-7, Syriac and Aramaic.

Teule, Herman, “L’échelle du Paradis de Jean Climaque la tradition syriaque: Premières investigations,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 279-294.

Thatcher, T., “Literacy, Textual Communities and Josephus’ Jewish War,” JSJ 29:2 (1998): 123-42. Aramaic.

Th¯bit, Z.B., “A Jew with Two Sidelocks,” JNES 56:4 (1997): 259-73. Syriac, p. 269.

Thekkeparampil, J., “Introducing Fr. Francois Griffin, S.J.,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 81-82.

Thielman, F., “The Place of the Apocalypse in the Canon of St. Gregory Nazinzen,” TynB 49:1 (1998): 155-7. Syriac, brief references.

Thompson, Robert W., “The Syriac and Armenian versions of the Hexaemeron by Basil of Caesarea,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 1991 (Louvain: Peeters, 1993), pp. 113-117.

Thompson, S., “The End of Satan,” AUSS 37:2 (1999): 256-68. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Tigchelaar, E.J.C., “Eden and Paradise: The Garden Motif in Some Early Jewish Texts (1 Enoch and Other Texts Found at Qumran),” in Paradise Interpreted: Representations of Biblical Paradise in Judaism and Christianity, G.P. Luttikhuizen, ed., Themes in Biblical Narrative: Jewish and Christian Traditions 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1999), pp. 37-62. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Tiller, P.A., “The ‘Eternal Planting’ in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” DSD 4 (1997): 312-35. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Tillesse, Caetano Minette de, “Teologia Narrativa da Biblia. Segundo Volume: Teologia negativa: O Exilio. Epocas persa e helenistica,” Revista Biblica Brasiliera 14:1-3 (1997).

T˚ngberg, A., “Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Proverbs 8:22-31,” in Built on Solid Rock: Studies in Honor of Professor Ebbe Egede Knudsen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday April 11, 1997, E. Wardini, ed., The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture Oslo; Series B: Skrifter 1908 (Oslo: Novus, 1997), pp. 296-305.

Toll, C., “The Meaning of the Aramaic Expression ‘Son of Man.’ An Addition to J-C Loba Mkole’s ‘Synthèse d’Opinions Philologiques,’” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 225-226.

Toloni, G., “La presunta strage di sacerdoti di Re 23:46-5 ala Verifica delle versione antiche,” Annali 57:1 (1997): 80-100.  Aramaic.

Toloni, Giancarlo, “La traduzione di y did yah [2Sam 12:25] in alcune versione antiche,” Aevum 1 (1996): 21-36. Aramaic and Syriac.

Toorn, K. van der, “In the Lions’ Den:  The Babylonian Background of a Biblical Motif,”  CBQ 60 (1998): 626-40. Aramaic, Daniel.

Toorn, K. van der, “Worshipping Stones: on the Deification of Cult Symbols,” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 1-14.

Tournay, R.J., “Ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation,” Nouvelle Revue Théologique 120:3 (1998): 440-3. Aramaic.

Tournay, R.J., “Polémique antisamaritaine et le feu du TOFET,” RB 104:3 (1997): 354-367. I Enoch

Tournay, R.J., O. P., “Les Relectures du Psaume 110 (109) et l’Allusion à Gédéon,” RB 105:3 (1998): 321-31. Aramaic.

Tov, E., “A Qumran Origin for the Masada Non-biblical Texts?” DSD 7:1 (2000): 56-73. Aramaic. See p. 62 and fns on pp. 58, 59.

Tov, E., “Rewritten Bible Compositions and Biblical Manuscripts, with Special Attention to the Samaritan Pentateuch,” DSD 5:3 (1998): 334-54. Aramaic.

Tov, E., “The Dimensions of the Qumran Scrolls,” DSD 5:1 (1998): 69-91. Aramaic.

Trofimoff, Hervé, “L’option de séance el l’in diem addictio legales dans le droit [araméen...] syro-romain arabe de la vente,” Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 40 (1993): 331-405.

Trokay, M., “Interconnections in Glyptic Art During the Neo-Assyrian Period,” Abr Nahrain 33 (1995): 96-112. Aramaic.

Tromp, Johannes, “Two References to a Levi Document in an Epistle of Ammonas,” NT 39:3 (1997): 235-247.

Tronier, H., “Om engle og den sunde fornuft—Angelus interpres og Logos [Concerning Angels and Common Sense—Angelus Interpres and the Logos,” in Fra Dybet.  Festskrift til John Strange i anledning af 60 ˚rs fødselsdagen den 20 juli 1994 [From the Depths.  Festschrift for John Strange on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday on July 20, 1994], N.P. Lemche, and M. Müller, eds., FBE 5 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1994), pp. 253-73. Aramaic, 1 Enoch.

Tropper, J., “‘Im siebten jahr wurde Mot wütend auf Baal.’  Zur Interpretation von KTU 1.6.V:8-10,” SEL 16 (1999): 35-7. Syriac, fn p. 37.

Tropper, J., “Althebräisches und Semitisches Aspektsystem,” ZAH 11:2 (1998): 153-90. Aramaic, see pp. 161-4.

Tropper, J., “Lexikographische untersuchungen zum biblisch-Aramäischen,” JNSL 23:2 (1997): 105-28. Aramaic.

Tropper, Josef, “Eine altaramäische Stelaninschrift aus Dan,” Ugarit-Forschungen 25 (1993): 395-406.

Troupeau, Gérard, “La premiére traduction française de la messe maronite,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 109-120. Syriac.

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Tubach, J., “Syr. .aud¯ = Diadem Oder Tiara?” SYRIA 72 (1995): 381-5. Syriac, p. 382.

Uddin, M., “Paul, the Devil and ‘Unbelief’ in Israel,” TynB 50:2 (1999): 265-81. Aramaic, Syriac. 1 Enoch, Testament of Job, Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch.

Uelinger, C., “Westsemitisch beschriftete Stempelsiegel,” Biblica 79:1 (1998): 103-19. Aramaic.

Ulfgard, H., “Uppenbarelseboken och ‘Sabbatsoffers˚ngerna’ fr˚n Qumran och Masada [The Book of Revelation and ‘Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice’ from Qumran and Masada],” in Tro og Historie.  Festshrift for Niels Hyldahl on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth Birthday on December 30, 1995, L. Fatum, and M. Müller., eds., FBE 7 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1996), pp. 285-300. Aramaic, 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch.

Ullendorf, E., “A Swiss Polyglot,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 217-28. Aramaic, Syriac.

Van Aarde, A.G., “Matthew 27:45-33 and the Turning of the Tide in Israel’s History,” BTB 28:1 (1997): 16-26.

Van de Water, R., “Reconsidering the Beast from the Sea (Rev. 13:1),” NTS 46:2 (2000): 245-61. Aramaic, Daniel 7.

Van der Kooij, A., “Peshitta Genesis 6: ‘Sons of God’—Angels or Judges?” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 43-51.

Van der Kooij, A., “Peshitta Genesis 6: ‘Sons of God’—Angels or Judges,” JNSL 23:1 (1997): 43-51.

Van Deventer, H.J.M., “Would the actually ‘powerful’ please stand?  The role of the queen (mother) in Daniel 5,” Scriptura 70 (1999): 241-51. Aramaic, Daniel.

Van Puersen, W.T., “Periphrastic Tenses in Ben Sira,” in The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Leiden University 11-14 December 1995, T. Muraoka and J.F. Elwolde, eds., STDJ 26 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997), pp. 158-73. Aramaic.

Van Rompay, L., “Some preliminary remarks on the origins of classical Syriac as a standard language; the Syriac version of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Ecclesiastical History,” in Semitic and Chushite Studies, G. Goldenberg and S. Raz, eds. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994), pp. 70-89. Syriac.

Van Rompay, L., and A.B. Schmidt, "A New Syriac Inscription in Deir al-Surian (Egypt)," Hugoye 4:1 (2001). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Van Rompay, Lucas, “La littérature exégétique syriaque et le rapprochement des traditions syrienne-orientale et syrienne-occidentale,” Parole de l’Orient 20 (1995): 221-236.

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VanderKam, J.C., “Authoritative Literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” DSD 5:3 (1998): 382-402. Aramaic.

VanderKam, J.C., “Mantic Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” DSD 4 (1997): 336-53. Aramaic. 1 Enoch, 1QapGen, 4Q561, 4Q534, Aramaic Levi.

Varghese, B., “A Brief History of the Syriac Study Centers in Kerala,” Harp 10:1-2 (1997): 65-67. Dan. 7, I Enoch.

Vasholz, R.I., “A Note on Ezra 10:34,” Presbyterion 25 (1999): 54. Aramaic.

Vattioni, Francesco, “Saggion di bibliografia semitica 1994-1995,” AION 55:4 (1995): 463-486. Aramaic, Syriac, Nabatean, Palmyrean.

Vazheeparampil, P., “The Anaphoral Celebration in the Letter of Catholicos Iso cYahb I,” CO 18:2 (1997): 51-61.

Vazheeparampil, P., “The Anaphoral Celebration in the Letter of Catholicos Iso cYahb I,” CO 18:2 (1997): 51-61.

Veltri, G., “Zur Überlieferung medizinisch—magischer Traditionen: das mhtra—Motiv in den Papyri Magicae und der Kairoer Geniza,” Henoch 18:2-Jan (1996): 157-175.

Verf, O., “‘David’ found at Dan,” BAR 20:2 (1994): 26-39.

Verhelst, S., “La déposition des oblats sur l’autel en Syrie-Palestine.  Contribution á l’histoire de la prothesis,” OC 82  (1998): 184-203.  Syriac.

Verhelst, S., “Pesiqta de-Rav Kahana: Chaiptre 1 et la liturgie chrétienne,” Liber Annuus 47 (1997): 129-38. 1 Enoch.

Vermes, G., “Qumran Research: Retrospect and Prospect,” JJS 49:1 (1998): 119-24. Aramaic.

Vigano, L., “Rituals at Ebla II, ì-gi sag: A Purification Ritual or Anointing of the Head?” JNES 59:1 (2000): 13-22. Aramaic.

Viviano, B.T., “The Least in the Kingdom: Matthew 11:11, Its Parallel in Luke 7:28 (Q), and Daniel 4:14,” CBQ 62:1 (2000): 41-54. Aramaic, Daniel.

Viviano, B.T., “The Trinity in the Old Testament,” TZ 54:3 (1998): 193-209. Aramaic.

Voicu, S.J., “Verso il testo primitivo dei paidika tou' kuriou' ’Ihsou' ‘Racconti dell’infanzia del Signore Gesu,’” Apocrypha 9 (1998): 7-85. Syriac on pp. 35-7, 61.

Voigt, R., “Anmerkungen zu einer neuen Grammatik des Syrischen,” OLZ 94:2 (1999): 145-62.  Syriac.

Voigt, R., “Das Vokalsystem des Syrischen nach Barhebraeus,” OC 81 (1997): 36-72. Syriac.

Voigt, R., “Der Artikel im Semitischen,” JSS 43:2 (1998): 221-58.  Aramaic, pp. 236-58.

Voigt, R., “Fu B (und ‘Hand’) im Äthiopischen, Syroarabischen und Hebräischen,” ZAH 11:2 (1998): 191-99. See p. 192. Syriac and Mandean.

Vollenweider, S., “Der ‘Raub’ der Gottgleichheit: ein Religionsgeschichtlicher vorschlag zu Phil 2:6 (-11),” NTS 45:3 (1999): 413-33.  Aramaic, p. 420.

Wagenaar, J.A., “‘Give in the hand of Your Maidservant the Property....’  Some Remarks to the Second Ostracon from the Collection of Sh. Moussaïeff,” Zeitschrift für altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999): 15-27. Aramaic.

Wagner, R.W., “‘From the Heavens to the Heart’ The Dynamics of Psalm 19 as Prayer,” CBQ 61:2 (1999): 245-61.  Aramaic, p. 255.

Wahl, H.M., “Das Motiv des ‘Aufstiegs’ in der Hofgeschichte,” ZAW 112:1 (2000): 59-74. Aramaic, Daniel, Tobit.

Wahl, H.M., “Die Sprach des hebräischen Esterbuches.  Mit Anmerkungen zu seinem historischen und traditionsgeschichtlichen Referenzrahmen,” ZAH 12:1 (1999): 21-47.  Aramaic.

Wajsberg, E., “The Aramaic Dialects of the Early Amoraim,” Leshonenu 60 (1997): 95-156 (in Hebrew).

Wakefield, G., “John Wesley and Ephraem Syrus,” Hugoye 1:2 (1998). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 07/00].

Waltisberg, M., “Zum Alter der Sprache des Deboraliedes Ri 5,” ZAH 12:2 (1999): 218-32. Aramaic, Syriac.

Watson, W.G.E., “Final -m in Ugaritic again,” AO 12 (1994): 95-103. Aramaic.

Watt, John, “Grammar, rhetoric and the enkyklios paideia in Syriac,” ZDMG 143 (1993): 45-71.

Watters, J.K., “Contrastive Discourse Pragmatics and Translation,” BT 51:1 (2000): 124-34. Translation. Training for Bible Translators.

Weber, K., “The Image of Sheep and Goats in Matthew 25:31-46,” CBQ 59:4 (1997): 657-78. Syriac, p. 672.

Wechsler, M.G., “The Purim-Passover Connection: A Reflection of Jewish Exegetical Tradition in the Peshitta Book of Esther,” JBL 1117:2 (1998): 321-327.

Wechsler, M.G., “The Purim-Passover Connection: a Reflection of Jewish Exegetical Tradition in the Peshitta Book of Esther,” JBL 117:2 (1998): 321-7. Syriac.

Weinberg, J., “The International Elite of the Achaemenid Empire,” ZAW 111:4 (1999): 583-608. Aramaic in footnote on p. 588;  Daniel on pp. 602-8.

Weisman, Z., “Elements of Political Satire in Koheleth 4:13-16; 9:13-16,” ZAW 111:4 (1999): 547-60. Aramaic on p. 556.

Weiss, Z., “The Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic,” BAR 26:5 (2000): 48-61, 70. Aramaic.

Weitzman, M., “The Reliability of Retroversions of the Three from the Syrohexapla: A Pilot Study in Hosea,” in Origen’s Hexapla and Fragments: Papers presented at the Rich Seminar on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 25th July-3rd August 1994, A. Salvesen, ed., TSAJ 58 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1998), pp. 317-59. Syriac.

Weitzman, M., “Two Curious Passages in the Peshitta of Wisdom,” in The 9th Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Cambridge, 1995, SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies 45 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997), pp. 137-151. Syriac.

Weitzman, S., “Why Did the Qumran Community Write in Hebrew?” JAOS 119:1 (1999): 35-45.  Aramaic.

Weltecke, D., "Originality and Function of Formal Structures in the Chronicle of Michael the Great," Hugoye 3:2 (2000). Syriac. This journal is located on the Internet at: [Cited 02/01].

Werman, C., “Levi and Levites in the Second Temple Period,” DSD 4:2 (1997): 211-225.

Wesselius, J.-W., “Discontinuity, Congruence and the Making of the Hebrew Bible,” SJOT 13:1 (1999): 24-77.  Aramaic.

Wesselius, J.-W., “The First Royal Inscription from Ancient Israel:  The Tel Dan Inscription Reconsidered,” SJOT 13:2 (1999): 164-86. Aramaic.

Wexler, P., “Jewish Linguistic Geography: Some Lessons for the Historian,” Shofar 17:1 (1998): 90-96. Aramaic.

Wheeler, B., “Moses or Alexander? Qur’¯n 18:60-65 in Early Islamic Exegesis,” JNES 57:3 (1998): 191-215. Syriac.

Wheeler, B.M., “The Jewish Origin of Qur’¯n 1:65-82?  Reexamining Wensinck’s Theory,” JAOS 118:2 (1998): 153-71. Aramaic.

Wiesel, E., “Jethro,” BR (July, 1998): 20-1. Aramaic in fn p. 21.

Wilcox, Max, “The Aramaic Background of the New Testament,” in M.J. McNamara and D.R.G. Beattie, eds., The Aramaic Bible, JSOT Supp 166 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1994), pp. 362-378

Will, E., “À Propos de quelques Inscriptions Palmyréniennes: le cas de Septimus Vorôd,” SYRIA 73 (1996): 109-15. Palmyrean.

Willendorff, E., “A Swiss Polyglot,” JSS 42:2 (1997): 217-228.

Willi, T., “Basel und die kontroverse um die Veritas Hebraica, TZ 53:1-2 (1997): 165-176. See footnote on p. 171.

Williams, D., “The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years,” Shofar 17:4 (1999): 94-101.  Aramaic. Review article, see  Flint in Review Section.

Williams, P.J., “‘According to All’ in the Masoretic Text and the Peshitta,” ZAH 12:1 (1999): 107-9.  Syriac.

Williams, P.J., “Studies in the Syntax of the Peshitta of I Kings,” TynB 49:1 (1998): 183-6. Syriac. Summary of PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1997; supervisor: G.A. Khan.

Wilson, B.E., “The Two Notebook Hypothesis: An Explanation of Seven Synoptic Patterns,” ET 108:9 (1997): 265-268. Aramaic.

Wineman, A., “Wedding Feasts, Exiled Princes and Hasidic Parable-Traditions,” HS 40 (1999): 192-216. Syriac on p. 201.

Winkler, Gabriele, “Weitere Beobachtungen zur früher Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus). Über die Bedeutung der Apokryphen für die Erforschung der Entwicklung der Riten,” OC 80 (1996): 177-200.

Wise, M.O., “To Know the Times and the Seasons: a Study of the Aramaic Chronograph 4Q559,” JSP 15  (1997): 3-51.  Aramaic.

Wise, M.O., “To Know the Times and the Seasons: A Study of the Aramaic Chronograph 4Q,” JSP 15 (1997): 3-51.

Woods, D., “Thessalonica’s Patron: Saint Demetrius or Eunetrius?” HTR 93:3 (2000): 221-34. Syriac, Breviary.

Woude, A.S. van der, “Fifty Years of Qumran Research.” In The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years: a Comprehensive Assessment, edited by P.W. Flint, and J.C. VanderKam (Leiden: Brill, 1998), pp. 1-45.  Aramaic, 1QapGen.

Wright, J.E., “The Social Setting of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch,” JSP 16 (1997): 81-96.

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